35. League of Nations
Daddy Warbucks
It was Jewish banker Paul Warburg (1868 – 1932) who said, confirming the fears of a New World Order Jewish conspiracy put forward in the Protocols of Zion, “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”[1] As Markus Osterrieder revealed, through the involvement of its founder W.T. Stead, and his collaboration in the occult network around Blavatsky and Papus responsible for the forgery of the Protocols, the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy they claimed to expose might have actually been a reference to the plotting of the Round Table.[2] Were the Protocols a hoax, or could it be as Henry Ford believed, as he was quoted in the New York World on February 1921, as stating: “The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on.” However, Ford’s collaborator was Boris Brasol, suspected of being a Jew himself, and working closely with the agents of Sir William Wiseman, head of British Intelligence, who was linked to the Zionists at Kuhn Loeb. Could there be a still more dastardly purpose behind the dissemination of the Protocols—a kind of Chutzpah to create an exaggerated impression of Jewish influence? Their close collaboration with the Rothschilds would have evidently placed substantial financial resource and crucial political influence at their disposal.
Perhaps the answer to understand the source and purpose of the Protocols of Zion is provided in Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, a pupil of Aldous Huxley and a friend of David Astor, the brother of John Jacob Astor, who in 1923 purchased The Times, which had endorsed The Protocols as genuine in 1919, but retracted the following year, when Philip Graves, their Istanbul correspondent, based on a clue provided to him by Allen Dulles, future head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), exposed The Protocols as a forgery. David’s mother Nancy, who shared a mutual friend in T.E. Lawrence of Arabia with Graves, was the wife of Waldorf Astor, were both members of the Round Table, also known as the Cliveden Set. Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949 by Secker & Warburg, which served as a front for the Information Research Department (IRD), a department of the British Foreign Office, which was overseen by MI6.[3] Secker & Warburg was also involved in the sale of the movie rights to Animal Farm to the CIA.[4]
The protagonist of Nineteen Eighty-Four is Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party, who works at the Ministry of Truth, where he rewrites historical records by revising past editions of The Times, and sending the original documents for incineration down “memory holes.” Winston suspects that his superior O’Brien, an Inner Party official, is part of an underground terrorist movement known as the Brotherhood, formed Emmanuel Goldstein to overthrow Oceana’s dictator, Big Brother. O’Brien introduces himself to Winston as a member of the Brotherhood and sends Winston a copy of The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Goldstein, which purportedly revealed the conspiracy by which the state managed political illusions to maintain power. However, O’Brien finally reveals himself to be a member of the Thought Police, and after being tortured to reeducate him, tells Winston that he will never know whether the Brotherhood actually exists and that Goldstein’s book was written collaboratively by him and other Party members. Winston had recalled that:
There were… whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which Goldstein was the author, and which circulated clandestinely here and there. It was a book without a title. People referred to it, if at all, simply as The Book.
Otto Warburg (1859 – 1938), a cousin of the German-based Warburgs, was elected head of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1911. As one of the most prominent bankers of his time, Paul’s brother Max Warburg (1867 – 1946) attended the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 at Versailles, held at the conclusion of World War I, as part of the German delegation. Drawing inspiration from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, the Congress of Vienna of 1825, the Hague Peace Conference of 1899 and 1907, and the wartime collaboration between the Allies, the Paris Peace Conference established the League of Nations, a first step towards World Government.[5] Simultaneously, the Warburgs’ behind-the-scenes efforts were in collaboration with a network working for British intelligence, linked with Kuhn Loeb bank, and occultist Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn, who were responsible for rise of anti-Semitism through the dissemination of the Protocols of Zion.
The Warburgs, a Sabbatean family, had reached their financial influence during the years of the nineteenth century, with the growth of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, with whom they stood in close personal union and family relationship.[6] Abraham Kuhn (1819 – 1892) migrated to New York about 1840, with his brothers Solomon and Max. In 1849, he married Regina Loeb, a sister of his future partner, Solomon Loeb (1828 – 1903), a Forty-Eighter, who immigrated from Germany to the United States in that same year, and settled in Cincinnati. Loeb moved to New York City in 1865 and with Kuhn, started the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Co, founded in 1867. In Frankfurt, Kuhn met Jacob Schiff, and sent him to work for Kuhn, Loeb in New York. Shortly after he became a partner, Schiff married Loeb’s daughter Teresa.
A practitioner of Reform Judaism, Schiff supported the cause of Zionism, despite not agreeing fully with the ideas of Theodor Herzl. Schiff grew to be one of America’s top Jewish philanthropists and leaders, donating to nearly every major Jewish cause, including the Sabbatean-influenced Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTSA), which was headed by Solomon Schechter, a Frankist and founder of the American Conservative Movement. Schiff also supported relief efforts for the victims of pogroms in Russia, and helped establish and develop Hebrew Union College, the Jewish Division in the New York Public Library, and the American Jewish Committee (AJC), which was founded in 1906.[7] The AJC is one of the oldest Jewish advocacy organizations and, according to The New York Times, is “widely regarded as the dean of American Jewish organizations.”[8] In 1914, when Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), he recruited for its board such Sabbatean Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, and Rabbi Stephen Wise.[9]
Paul Warburg, the inspiration behind “Daddy Warbucks” in the Annie cartoons, married Solomon Loeb’s daughter Nina and became a partner in Kuhn Loeb in 1902. Paul’s brother Felix Warburg (1871 – 1937), a partner in Kuhn Loeb, married Schiff’s daughter Frieda, the of Jacob. Intermarriage among the German-Jewish elite was common. Consequently, the partners of Kuhn, Loeb were closely related by blood and marriage to the partners of J&W Seligman, Speyer & Co., Goldman, Sachs & Co., Lehman Brothers and other prominent German-Jewish firms. Schiff eventually became the leader of Kuhn Loeb and grew the firm into the second most prestigious investment bank in the United States behind J.P. Morgan & Co.
Kuhn Loeb came to be led by Felix and the German-born American banker Otto Kahn (1867 – 1934), who became a leader of Kuhn Loeb, was a close friend of Aleister Crowley.[10] Although Crowley was associated with German occult fascism, he and his associates nevertheless held close personal ties with the activities of the leading promoters of Zionism. These included Wall Street banker and Lotus Club member Samuel Untermyer (1858 – 1940), who was also reportedly a member of the Golden Dawn of New York, and a British newspaper called him a “satanist.”[11] Untermeyer also identified as a Zionist and served as president of the Keren Hayesod, the agency whose early leaders included Chaim Weizmann, Albert Einstein and Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and through which the movement was then and still is conducted in America.[12]
Bolshevik Revolution
The activities of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, Crowley’s network of occultist spies, and the Round Table, centered around advancing the cause of Zionism, while also simultaneously pursuing the conflicting objectives of fomenting the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and promoting the cause of global capitalism. The further purpose of World War I was to create the preconditions for the Russian revolution of 1918, which, according to State Department Decimal File (861.00/5339), in a document entitled Bolshevism and Judaism, dated November 13, 1918, was financed and orchestrated by Jacob Schiff through Kuhn, Loeb. & Co. With the creation of the Soviet Union, they purported to implement a form of communism as outlined by Karl Marx, eventually elevated as a threat to the Western powers.
According to State Department Decimal File (861.00/5339), in a document entitled Bolshevism and Judaism, dated November 13, 1918, the Russian Revolution was financed and orchestrated by Jacob Schiff through Kuhn, Loeb & Company of New York. As reported by Richard Spence in Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult, soon after the Russian Revolution, Otto Kahn’s associate, William Wiseman, 10th Baronet (1885 – 1962), the head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6), and future employee of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.—“decided to ‘guide the storm’ in Russia, using money, secret propaganda and hand-picked agents.”[13] As found in the Sir William Wiseman Papers, Wiseman described one part of his plan as “endeavor[ing] to do in Russia what we have done successfully elsewhere; namely to place Germans who are working for us among the real German agents…,” and use agents who “have special facilities for getting into the confidence of German agents.” Among Wiseman’s concerns were that “the Germans have managed to secure control of the most important secret societies in Russia.” “It is necessary that this German influence should be exposed,” he noted, “and counter-Societies organized, if necessary.”[14]
Working for Wiseman were “Ace of Spies” Sidney Reilly (c. 1873 – 1925), author Somerset Maugham (1874 – 1965) and, according to Spence, likely Aleister Crowley.[15] Reilly hinted of his connections to international business and finance as the “Occult Octopus.”[16] Reilly’s friend, former diplomat and journalist Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, was a close acquaintance of Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond novels, for many years and recounted to Fleming many of Reilly's espionage exploits.[17] In 1917, Somerset Maugham undertook a mission to Russia for Sir William Wiseman. Dispatches from Russia, including those of Maugham, described “Jewish socialists” as the main tools of German intrigue in Russia, financed by Jewish financiers such as Max Warburg.[18]
In 1913, less than a year before World War I officially began, a British intelligence agent Casimir Pilenas had been sent to the to New York city to work under Wiseman. Pilenas, who was a spotter for Scotland Yard, was also recruited as an informant for the Russian Okhrana by Pyotr Rachkovsky.[19] Pilenas worked closely with another Russian double-agent, Boris Brasol (1885 – 1963), a member of the Black Hundred, and founder of the Union of Czarist Army and Navy Officers, who was chiefly responsible for the dissemination of the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Despite his purported anti-Semitism, Pilenas claimed that “It has come to light that Brasol is of Hungarian Jewish descent, which fact I expect will be described fully in the press.”[20] According to Richard Spence, “Over a span of at least four decades, Boris Brasol would work like a diligent spider weaving a far-flung web of hatemongering, intelligence peddling, and outright espionage, a kind of mirror image or, perhaps, unconscious parody of the worldwide conspiracy he claimed to combat.”[21]
At the end of 1917, Pilenas came under the employ of the US Army’s Military Intelligence Division, as a result of a positive recommendation from Sir William Wiseman. On March 25, 1917, three days after Pilenas informed Wiseman of Trotsky’s plans, Trotsky appeared at the British Consulate—which was under Wiseman’s direct supervision—and received authorization to sail home for Russia to join the Revolution.[22] Leon Trotsky (1879 – 1940) was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein to a Ukrainian Jewish family. Trotsky, who did not receive a religious education, and probably never went to the synagogue, was partly educated in a Russian-German gymnasium in Odessa, inspired by the Haskalah.[23] Trotsky later acknowledged the helpfulness of British officials who placed no obstacle on his travels.[24] In that same month, Wiseman himself cabled to London that Trotsky was about to sail for Russia backed by “Jewish funds… behind which are possibly German.”[25]
According to Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern in Lenin’s Jewish Question, Lenin’s great-grandfather was also Jewish, though the truth of his ancestry was suppressed by the Soviets until the 1980s.[26] The French Freemason Rozie of the Jean Georges lodge in Paris hailed his Masonic brothers Lenin and Trotsky.[27] Lenin was a freemason of the 31º degree and a member of the French lodge Art et Travail.[28] Lenin was a member of the most notorious lodge of the Grand Orient, the Neuf Sœurs, in 1914.[29] Lenin, Grigori Zinoviev, a lifelong collaborator of Trotsky (Grand Orient), Karl Radek (Grand Orient) and Yakov Sverdlov were also members of B’nai B’rith.[30] Explaining the reason for his interest in Freemasonry, Trotsky wrote, “In the eighteenth century Freemasonry became expressive of a militant policy of enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati, who were the forerunners of the revolution; on its left it culminated in the Carbonari… I discontinued my work on freemasonry to take up the study of Marxian economics… The work on freemasonry acted as a sort of test for these hypotheses… I think this influenced the whole course of my intellectual development.”[31]
Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (SOSJ)
Brasol also worked closely with Reilly, and both were members of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (SOSJ), part of the Russian Tradition of the Knights Hospitaller, which evolved from the Knights of Malta, founded by Paul I of Russia, the son of Catherine the Great. The SOSJ was legitimately continued outside of Russia by Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia (1876 – 1938), son of the Russian SOSJ Grand Prior, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia (1847 – 1909), a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.[32] Grand Duke Kirill assisted Richard Teller Crane of Chicago with plans to organize the American White Cross in New York City. Richard Teller Crane I (1832 – 1912) was the founder of R.T. Crane & Bro., a Chicago-based manufacturer, later Crane Co.. He was also a member of the famous Jekyll Island Club (aka The Millionaires Club) on Jekyll Island, Georgia, whose members came from many of the world’s wealthiest families, most notably the Morgans, Rockefellers, and Vanderbilts.
The most prominent families in the United States joined the American Grand Priory of the SOSJ, which was thereby transformed into the first American civilian foreign intelligence network. An early and prominent member of the American White Cross was Wall Street lawyer William Nelson Cromwell (1854 – 1948). The law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell, founded in 1879 by Cromwell and Algernon Sydney, which and represented the Kuhn Loeb Company, gained renown for its business and commercial law practices and its impact on international affairs.[33] The firm advised John Pierpont Morgan during the creation of Edison General Electric (1882) and later guided key players in the formation of U.S. Steel (1901).[34] Cromwell was responsible for the success of, among many other projects, McCormick Harvester, Carnegie’s U.S. Steel Corporation and the Panama Canal. Cromwell became Grand Prior of the American SOSJ in 1912.
The Inquiry
According to SOSJ’s own history, “The American Grand Priory was peopled with the scions of Wall Street and the ‘Eastern Establishment.’ These men and women, many of them active or reserve officers in the military, worked with the fledgling western military intelligence communities and made the Grand Priory the first civilian foreign intelligence organization in the United States.”[35] As a result of the “success” of SOSJ international ventures, President Wilson and Col. House had created “The Inquiry” at the American Grand Priory headquarters on upper Broadway in New York City in 1917, which became the internationalist advisory Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921.[36]
President Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924) had his chief advisor, Round Tabler “Colonel” Edward Mandell House (1858 – 1938), assemble “The Inquiry,” a team of academic experts including Walter Lippman (1889 – 1974), to devise efficient postwar solutions to all the world’s problems. “The Inquiry” held as Pratt House made plans for a peace settlement which eventually evolved into Wilson’s famous “fourteen points,” which he first presented to Congress in 1918. They were globalist in nature, calling for the removal of “all economic barriers” between nations, “equality of trade conditions,” and the formation of “a general association of nations.” The subsequent Paris conference, in January 1919, which culminated in the Treaty of Versailles, House’s vision was implemented as the League of Nations, and the first important step towards world government.
As revealed in Colin Simpson’s The Lusitania, since Wilson had promised to keep America out of World War I, to provide the necessary pretext to justify America’s entry into the war, he, Round Table member Col. Edward Mandel House, J.P. Morgan and Winston Churchill conspired to perpetrate a false-flag operation, whereby a passenger ship named the Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat, killing 1,198 innocent people. The Germans knew the ship was also carrying munitions, and therefore regarded the sinking of the ship as a military act, but the British insisted it was merely carrying civilians and justified military retaliation. According to Spence, in Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult, the sinking of the Lusitania, which provided the pretext for America’s entry into World War II, was orchestrated with Crowley’s important assistance, working with Sir William Wiseman, 10th Baronet (1885 – 1962), the head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6) in Washington, DC.
Wilson and House both worked closely with Sir William Wiseman. House was Wilson’s chief advisor on European politics and diplomacy during World War I and at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. Rabbi Stephen Wise acted as an important intermediary to Wilson and House, when, with Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, he helped formulate the text of the Balfour Declaration.[37] House conferred with Paul Warburg and with Samuel Untermyer.[38] Rabbi Wise referred to House in his autobiography, Challenging Years, as “the unofficial Secretary of State.” House felt that the war was an epic battle between democracy and autocracy, and argued the United States ought to help Britain and France win a limited Allied victory. The sinking of the Lusitania finally provided the pretext.
Black Propaganda
In his Confessions, Crowley boasted of having “proved that the Lusitania was a man-of-war” in a black propaganda piece for the pro-German The Fatherland published after the sinking.[39]Although Wiseman denied that Crowley worked for British intelligence, a US Military Intelligence report identified him as an “employee of the British Government” and showed that the Justice Department was aware of his status by 1918, through the “British Counsel [sic], New York City,” which had “full cognizance” of Crowley’s activities, and that “the British Government was fully aware of the fact that Crowley was connected with… German propaganda and had received money for writing anti-British articles.”[40]
Under a cover of being a German propaganda agent and a supporter of Irish independence, Crowley’s mission was to gather intelligence about the German intelligence network and the Irish independent activists, and produce exaggerated propaganda aiming at compromising the German and Irish ideals. As his supposed cover, Crowley wrote for German fascist magazines The Fatherland and The International. Crowley, whose black propaganda, produced under the authority Admiral Hall, chief of British Naval Intelligence, had actively encouraged German aggressiveness. In a written defense of his actions, published in 1929, Crowley insisted that as soon as America entered the war in 1917, the U.S. Department of Justice had hired him as an agent-in-place at his Fatherland and International editorial offices.[41]
The International and The Fatherland were founded by George Sylvester Viereck (1884 – 1962). Viereck was born in Germany in 1884, to a German father and a German-American mother. His father Louis Viereck joined the Socialist Workers’ Party. Both Marx and Engels claimed that Louis was an illegitimate child of Kaiser Wilhelm I and German actress Edwina Viereck, making George a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm II.[42] Wilhelm I was the son of Frederick William III, and grandson of Frederick William II, who was a member of the Golden and Rosy Cross. Another relative of the Hohenzollern family assumed legal paternity of the young Louis. In 1896, Louis Viereck emigrated to the United States, and his U.S.-born wife Laura and their twelve-year-old son George followed in 1897.
In 1914, Viereck asked Samuel Untermyer to finance The Fatherland. Untermyer, who identified himself as a German-American, represented a number of German-American brewing companies.[43] Viereck also corresponded with Felix Warburg. Before 1917, Felix also established himself within the German-American community. He became a member of the Chamber of German-American Commerce, the German Society of New York, and the Germanistic Society. Following American entry into the war in April 1917, Felix and Paul Warburg joined many other German-Americans in fully supporting the U.S. war effort. As a member of the Federal Reserve Board, Paul actively promoted Liberty Bonds. In 1918, however, both his opponents in Congress and populist newspapers tried to block his re-nomination by playing up his German ethnicity. When Paul reluctantly resigned from the Federal Reserve Board, Viereck publicized the case as the latest example of anti-German hysteria.[44]
Within a weeks of the war being declared between England and Germany, armed with Kaiser Wilhelm II’s blessing, Paul’s brother Max Warburg, head of the MM Warburg Bank of Hamburg, and Bernhard Dernburg (1865 – 1937), a prominent German banker, brought $175 million in treasury certificates to the US market. Jacob Schiff was open to assist but realized adequate funds required the cooperation from J.P. Morgan & Co.. However, pro-Allied Morgan declined. Disappointed with their banking mission, Max returned to Germany, but Dernburg remained in New York to supervise the German Information Bureau on Broadway and to front the Germans’ secretive “Propaganda Kabinett.”[45]
As recounted by Jacob Schiff’s biographer, Naomi W. Cohen, Viereck, the highly-respected German-Jewish-American academic, Harvard Professor Hugo Münsterberg (1863 – 1916), and Semitics scholar Morris Jastrow (1861 – 1921), turned to Schiff with ideas on how to arouse American sympathy. Münsterberg had been a student of William James joined the Theosophical Society and was a keen student of Helena P. Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Silence, from which he quoted repeatedly in his Gifford Lectures. James served as President of the American Society of Psychical Research (ASPR), the American Association of Psychologists and the American Philosophical Association.[46]
Dernburg, who in close cooperation with Berlin’s Ambassador Count Johann von Bernstorff, along with Dr. Isaac Straus, were in close contact with Schiff even while they were engaged in open propaganda efforts. Straus worked on the anti-Russian Jewish immigrant masses through a new periodical, the American Jewish Chronicle. Schiff secretly guarded these activities even from his friends. He was well aware of the purpose of the German mission in America, but he claimed, with respect to Straus, that he broke off connections when he learned that he was a German secret agent out to propagandize among the Jews. Overall, Schiff’s correspondence shows him to have been sympathetic toward to their efforts. In 1914, Schiff wrote a friend in Munich that American public opinion “is not as much in favor of Germany as we all would wish, but with a group of friends we are doing our best to spread the truth.”[47]
Dernburg, in close cooperation with von Bernstorff, assumed control of the German Information Bureau on Broadway. The Bureau fronted for a secretive Propaganda Kabinett that counted Viereck, Hugo Münsterberg, as well as horror fiction writer and dedicated student of Nietzsche, Hanns Heinz Ewers (1871 – 1943), among its members and resources, who were all intimately acquainted with Crowley.[48] Correspondence between Ewers and Otto Kahn showed Kahn to have been one of Ewers’ longtime backers.[49] This was despite the fact that Ewers was also an associate of Ariosophists Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels.[50] Students of the occult are also attracted to his works, due to his longtime friendship and correspondence with Aleister Crowley. Ewers was a dedicated student of Nietzsche and a follower of the eugenics movement.[51]
From the 1910s and onwards, Ewers held wildly popular lectures with the title Die Religion des Satan (“The Religion of Satan”). Their content was based almost verbatim on decadent novelist Stanisław Przybyszewski (1868 – 1927)’s 1897 German book Die Synagoge des Satan (“The Synagogue of Satan”), a title taken from Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, referring to a group persecuting the church “who say they are Jews and are not.” Though born in Poland, Przybyszewski was much admired by Ukrainian Jewish circles.[52] He left for Berlin, where he became fascinated by Nietzsche, began referring to himself as a Satanist and immersed himself into the bohemian life of the city. Przybyszewski, who was much admired by Ukrainian Jewish circles, met Marta, the daughter of a Jewish merchant, who became his mistress.[53] He left her to marry Dagny Juel, a former model for Edvard Munch, painter of The Scream. Przybyszewski became fascinated by the philosophy of Nietzsche, and began referring to himself as a Satanist. The God of the Bible, he says, wants to oppress human beings and limit their free will. By contract, Satan embodies lawlessness, and brought forth science, philosophy and art. He proposes “proud sinning in the name of Satan-instinct, Satan-nature, Satan-curiosity, and Satan-passion.”[54]
In 1913, Ewers wrote the screenplay for The Student of Prague, silent horror considered to be the first German art film.[55] Being loosely based on a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, and Faust, the film is about a man who sells his soul to the devil. Ewers is now known mainly for his works of horror, particularly his trilogy of novels about the adventures of Frank Braun, a character modelled on himself. Ewers’ first book, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, concerns Braun’s attempts to manipulate a small cult of Evangelical Christians in a small Italian mountain village for his own financial gain, and the horrific results which ensue. Braun returned in 1911 in Alraune, in which he collaborates in creating a female homunculus or android by impregnating a prostitute in a lab with the semen from an executed murderer. Ewer’s story, along with Achim von Arnim’s mandrake and golem tale Isabella of Egypt, formed the basis of the script for Alraune und der Golem (“Alraune and the Golem”), a German silent horror film drama that the Swedish director Nils Chrisander directed in 1919. The cinematographer Guido Seeber (1879 – 1940) had already been involved in the filming of Der Student von Prag (1913) about a man who sells his reflection to the satanic sorcerer Scapinelli, and Der Golem (1915), about a Jewish junk dealer who uses a magic formula from Rabbi Loew to bring to life a statue of a golem discovered by construction workers digging in Prague’s old Jewish ghetto. In the 1921 Vampyr, Braun where he is transformed into such as a blood-drinking creature.
Untermyer also met with Heinrich Albert, Privy Councilor of the German Government, who served as Handelsattaché (commercial attaché) at the German embassy at Washington DC, later in charge of administering the property of enemy aliens in Germany.[56] Albert established himself in the New York offices of the Hamburg America Line, a transatlantic shipping enterprise based in Hamburg, Germany. Albert used the two military attachés of the German embassy in Washington, Franz von Papen (1879 – 1969), future chancellor of Germany under Hitler, and the naval attaché Karl Boy-Ed (1872 – 1930). By the beginning of World War I, Boy-Ed and von Papen had built up a secret service espionage and sabotage network, operating in the US, Canada and Mexico, under cover of their diplomatic positions. Their network also included the former German diplomat and general representative of the Hamburg-America Line Carl Gottlieb Bünz (1843 – 1918), the consul Franz Bopp (1862 – 1929), and the employee of the German embassy Franz von Rintelen (1878 – 1949), the news officer Horst von der Goltz (b. 1884), the assistant of the military attaché Wolf Walter von Igel (1888 – 1970), the representative of the Krupp company in the US Hans Tauscher (1867 – 1941). They organized arms and material purchases through camouflaged companies and the establishment of regional news offices, collected information important to the war, committed passport and visa violations, violated US customs and foreign exchange laws with the aim of harming Britain’s German enemy.[57]
According to Crowley’s “Affidavit” prepared specifically to explain past activities to the US Department of Justice and uninformed Allied authorities in 1917, it was Otto Kahn who personally advised him how to approach British intelligence in New York. Crowley and Kahn also continued their association after the war. In 1923, when journalist Frank Harris and Crowley attempted purchase of the Paris Telegram newspaper, “my friend Otto Kahn” was willing to advance the funds for the deal. And, when Crowley was attacked by the British tabloids, his devotee Norman Mudd wrote to Kahn in 1924 asking for written confirmation of Crowley’s defense of his activities for the Americans, Kahn complied.[58]
Viereck was also interested in the occult, and published a vampire novel, The House of the Vampire (1907), which is one of the first psychic vampire stories where a vampire feeds off more than just blood. Among his numerous contacts and personal acquaintances, Viereck was also a close friend of Sigmund Freud and the famous Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, who was a member of the Fabian Society. Sexologists Magnus Hirschfeld, Albert Moll and Harry Benjamin were also friends with Viereck.[59] Viereck was particularly successful at interviews, some of which were with personal friends such as Kaiser Wilhelm II and George Bernard Shaw.[60] During the mid-1920s, Viereck also interviewed Oswald Spengler, Benito Mussolini, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein. Viereck, who published a popular book of his own about Freudian psychoanalysis in the 1920s, became close friends with Nikola Tesla, with whom he discussed his psychological breakdown.[61]
Still fascinated by the erotic, Viereck joined poet Paul Eldridge in a trilogy exotic fantasy novels that used the theme of The Wandering Jew. The book became a bestseller, and went on to twelve American editions and many translations. Thomas Mann thought the book was “audacious and magnificent.”[62] The Chicago Tribune lauded it for approaching “the beauty of the Greeks.” When it was censored in Ireland, the Golden Dawn member W.B. Yeats came to Viereck’s defense. An article in The World in 1930 celebrated “The Return of George S. Viereck,” proclaiming that “its enfranchisement in aesthetic freedom, American poetry has George Sylvester Viereck to thank more than anyone else, with the possible exception of Ezra Pound.”[63]
Aleister Crowley and fellow British agent George Sylvester Viereck shared a friendship with Kaiser Wilhelm II and his top general, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff (1865 – 1937), who was involved in the Aufbau, an organization of White Russian emigrees in Germany who would introduce the Nazis to the anti-Semitic outlook of the Protocols of Zion. Ludendorff, along with Boris Brasol and Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi’s chief ideologue, shared membership in Aufbau: Wirtschafts-politische Vereinigung für den Osten (“Reconstruction: Economic-Political Organization for the East”). As explained by Ian Kellogg in The Russian Roots of Nazism, in the period leading up to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the far right in the German and Russian Empires had failed politically. Many of the supporters of the Romanov monarchy, known as White Russians, many of them members of Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (SOSJ), fled and found their way to Germany. Consolidating themselves within a conspiratorial organization known as the Aufbau, in collaboration with Soviet and British double-agents associated with Round Tabler Sir William Wiseman—they teamed with the Nazis for the overthrow of the governments of Russia and Germany, deemed to be under the threat of the rise of communism, which they believed was part of a Jewish conspiracy outlined in the Protocols of Zion, and which had been responsible for the toppling of the Russian aristocracy and the rise of the Bolsheviks.
The Aufbau drew on the apocalyptic ideas of Russian slavophile authors, like Fyodor Dostoevsky and Vladimir Solovyov. Dostoevsky, explains Michael Kellogg, “crystallized conservative revolutionary ideology in Imperial Russia much like Wagner shaped völkisch views in Germany.”[64] Paradoxically, it is generally believed that Solovyov, who was influenced by the Rosicrucian tradition of Russia, was the first Russian philosopher to show a serious interest in Jewish Kabbalah.[65] Building upon the anti-Semitic ideas of Dostoevsky, the fundamental views of Aufbau maintained that an insidious Jewish world conspiracy of Freemasons and Jews manifested itself as the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet Union.[66]
Brasol, Reilly and Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich (1866 – 1926) were connected through the so-called Anti-Bolshevik League with other rightist White Russians and their fascist supporters in a global network stretching across Europe and the Americas with branches as far away as Japan.[67] While many of Reilly’s business and espionage associates were also Jewish, he openly denounced Jewish dominance in American banking and commerce, the pro-Bolshevik sympathies of many Jewish immigrants, and the American immigration laws that allowed entry to such people. As summarized by Richard Spence, “Jew or no Jew, the history of the SOSJ claims Reilly as another member of the order, and makes the Anti-Bolshevik League one more gambit of the order’s secretive intelligence-propaganda activities, activity that also included dissemination of the Protocols.”[68]
In March 1918, Brasol secured employment in the New York office of the War Trade Board’s Intelligence Bureau as a “special investigator” in charge of “investigations of importance and of the most confidential nature,” that made use of his “knowledge of European political and territorial problems” and the “chaotic conditions in Siberia and Russia.”[69] Brasol resigned from the bureau in April 1919, and immediately took up a new post with the Army’s Military Intelligence Division (MID) as a special assistant to its chief, Gen. Marlborough Churchill a distant relative of Winston Churchill. Churchill was very concerned with the “Bolshevik Menace” and receptive of Brasol’s suggestion that a Jewish conspiracy was behind it. In December 1919, Brasol submitted a report that described an “international German Jewish gang,” allegedly working out of Stockholm, that aimed at “world socialist revolution.”[70] It consisted of twelve leaders, a “Jewish dozen,” which included Trotsky, Jacob Schiff, and Max Warburg.[71]
Stabbed in the Back
In The Incredible Scofield and His Book, Joseph M. Canfield suspects that Cyrus Scofield was associated with one of the Lotos Club’s committee members, Samuel Untermyer.[72] According to Prof. David W. Lutz, in Unjust War Theory: Christian Zionism and the Road to Jerusalem:
Untermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas city lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism. Untermeyer and other wealthy and influential Zionists whom he introduced to Scofield promoted and funded the latter’s career, including travel in Europe.[73]
Untermyer then blackmailed American President Woodrow Wilson, with the knowledge of his affair with Mary Peck, the wife of a professor colleague, in return for appointing Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court.[74] Finally, relying on the legal opinion of Brandeis now in his new role, Wilson was able to declare war against Germany on April 7, 1917. Having succeeded in rallying the Americans into sacrificing their lives to “liberate” Europe, the war was finally brought to an end in 1918. Additional plans involved the creation of the League of Nations, a first step towards World Government, and the destabilization of Germany, cultivating the grievances that would set the stage for the rise of Hitler.
During World War I, Viereck had been in touch with leaders on both sides of the conflict, including Ludendorff—then Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II and top military official—while simultaneously remaining in touch with their counterparts among the allies, like Sir William Wiseman, the head of British Intelligence in the US, President Woodrow Wilson and his advisor “Colonel” Edward Mandell House, as well as the rest of the “Big Four” which included French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, and Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, who wrote the terms of the new peace that resulted from Germany’s defeat at the end of World War II in 1918.
Wilson’s Fourteen Points—written by “The Inquiry” assembled by Round Tabler “Colonel” Edward House, a friend of George Sylvester Viereck—were well received in the United States and Allied nations and even by Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, as a landmark of enlightenment in international relations.[75] Wilson subsequently used the Fourteen Points as the basis for the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, which ruined the German economy, leading to depression and eventually providing the Round Table the pretext to bolster the rise of their agent Hitler and the Nazis.
Ludendorff had wanted Russia badly out of the war, especially so he could move his armies to the Western front to fight the British, French, and Americans, the latter of whom, days earlier, had officially entered the conflict. And so, in 1917, Ludendorff, with the Kaiser’s financing and blessing, arranged to facilitate Lenin and his cohort’s famous return in a sealed train to St. Petersburg, to spark the Russian Revolution. The Kaiser even financed it.[76] The people who travelled with him included Gregory Zinoviev, Karl Radek, Inessa Armand, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Georgi Safarov, Zinaida Lilina and Moisey Kharitonov. Ludendorff later admitted his involvement in his autobiography, My War Memories, 1914-1918 (1920), that he told senior officials: “Our government, in sending Lenin to Russia, took upon itself a tremendous responsibility. From a military point of view his journey was justified, for it was imperative that Russia should fall.”[77]
As the war was coming to an end, the military Supreme Command (OHL), nominally headed by Paul von Hindenburg, was effectively controlled by his subordinate Erich Ludendorff, was virtual dictator of Germany for two years of the war.[78] When it became clear that the war was lost in late summer and fall of 1918, Ludendorff recommended the acceptance of the main demand of President Wilson to democratized the Imperial Government, effecting a transfer of power to those parties that held the majority in the Reichstag, such as the SPD, Centre Party and Progress Party. This enabled him to protect the reputation of the Imperial Army and place the responsibility for the capitulation and its consequences on the democratic parties and the Reichstag. Thus, the so-called Dolchstoßlegende (“stab-in-the-back legend”) was born.
Ludendorff’s wanted to set up the republican politicians, many of whom were Socialists, to be brought into the government and become the parties to negotiate the Armistice with the Allies, normally negotiated between the military commanders, and thereby making them scapegoats to take the blame for losing the war, instead of himself and Hindenburg.[79] The attitude of the military was “[T]he parties of the left have to take on the odium of this peace. The storm of anger will then turn against them,” after which the military could step in again to ensure that things would once again be run “in the old way.”[80] Ludendorff said to his staff on 1 October:
I have… asked His Majesty to include in the government those circles who are largely responsible for things having developed as they have. We will now see these gentlemen move into the ministries. Let them be the ones to sign the peace treaty that must now be negotiated. Let them eat the soup that they have cooked for us![81]
On September 29, the Supreme Army Command, at army headquarters in Spa, Belgium, informed Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Imperial Chancellor Count Georg von Hertling that the military situation was hopeless. Ludendorff said that he could not guarantee to hold the front for another twenty-four hours and demanded a request to the Entente powers for an immediate ceasefire. Hertling objected to handing over the reins to the Reichstag, thus Wilhelm II appointed Prince Maximilian of Baden (1867 – 1929) as the new Imperial Chancellor on 3 October. Prince Maximilian was the nephew of Frederick I, Grand Duke of Baden, who in 1896 had met Theodor Herzl via their mutual acquaintance William Hechler, and helped Herzl in obtaining an audience with his nephew Wilhelm II, German Emperor. On October 5, 1818, Prince Maximilian contacted Wilson, indicating that Germany was willing to accept his Fourteen Points.
Further blame was laid at the feet of the politicians, later derived as the “November Criminals,” after they signed the Treaty of Versailles at the subsequent Paris Peace Conference of 1919, which led to territorial losses and a crippling schedule of reparation payments. The conference was attended by Wilson, Colonel House, bankers Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch, and others, House’s vision was implemented as the League of Nations in 1920, the precursor to the United Nations. Paul Warburg led the American, which included Walter Lippmann and the brothers John Foster and Allen Dulles, future head of the CIA. Paul’s brother Max, of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands, headed the German delegation. Judge Louis Brandeis also brought his influence to bear on the Wilson administration in the negotiations leading up to the Balfour Declaration and the Paris Peace Conference.
In his book Geneva Versus Peace (1937), the Comte de St. Aulaire, who was the French ambassador to London from 1920-24, recalled a dinner conversation with Otto Kahn who detailed the nature of the dialectical strategy to bring about the League of Nations:
…our essential dynamism makes use of the forces of destruction and forces of creation, but uses the first to nourish the second… Our organization for revolution is evidenced by destructive Bolshevism and for construction by the League of Nations which is also our work. Bolshevism is the accelerator and the League is the brake on the mechanism of which we supply both the motive force and the guiding power. What is the end? It is already determined by our mission. It is formed of elements scattered throughout the whole world, but cast in the flame of our faith in ourselves. We are a League of Nations which contains the elements of all others… Israel is the microcosm and the germ of the City of the future.[82]
However, the US Senate ultimately rejected League of Nations. Deciding that America would not join any scheme for world government without a change in public opinion, Col. House, members of the Inquiry and the Round Table formed the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) in 1920, for the purpose of coordinating British and American efforts. They also formed an American branch, known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in following year by Col. House and Walter Lippmann with the financial assistance of John D. Rockefeller Jr.. The early CFR included members like J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff. Round Tabler Lionel Curtis became a strong supporter of international government in the form of the League of Nations and attended the Paris Peace Conference. In 1919, he was the main figure behind the establishment of RIIA in London, and he also helped the helped the formation CFR.
Sultan Mahomed Shah, Aga Khan III, the leader of the Ismaili Muslims, and descendant of the Assassins, who are important in Masonic tradition for their relationship with the Knights Templar, was nominated to represent India to the League of Nations in 1932 and served as its President from 1937–38. His sone Prince Aly Khan (1911 – 1960) was the father of Prince Karim Aga Khan, the current Aga Khan IV.
[1] Statement made before the United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg.
[2] Osterrieder. “Synarchie und Weltherrschaft.”
[3] Stonor Saunders. Who Paid the Piper.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Leo Gross. “The Peace of Westphalia, 1648-1948.” The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 42, No. 1 (January, 1948), p. 20.
[6] Barry Chamish. “Deutsch Devils” (December 31, 2003).
[7] Murray Friedman. The neoconservative revolution: Jewish intellectuals and the shaping of public policy (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
[8] Ari Goldman. “Jewish Group Faces Reorganization.” New York Times (February 13, 1990).
[9] Howard Sachar. “Working to Extend America’s Freedoms: Jewish involvement in the Civil Rights movement.” Excerpt from A History of Jews in America, (Vintage Books). MyJewishLearning.com.
[10] Tobias Churton. Aleister Crowley in America: Art, Espionage, and Sex Magick in the New World (Simon and Schuster, 2017).
[11] Levenda. Unholy Alliance, p. 255.
[12] Hugh Chisholm, ed. “Untermyer, Samuel.” Encyclopædia Britannica. (12th ed.) Vol. 32 (London & New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company, 1922), pp. 901–02.
[13] Richard B. Spence. Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (Feral House, 2008).
[14] Yale University, Sterling Library, Special Collections, Sir William Wiseman Papers (WWP) 10/261, “Intelligence and Propaganda Work in Russia, July to December 1917”; cited in Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[15] Ibid.
[16] Gill Bennett. Churchill’s Man of Mystery: Desmond Morton and the World of Intelligence (London: Routledge, 2007), p. 61.
[17] Andrew Cook. On His Majesty’s Secret Service, Sydney Reilly Codename ST1 (Stroud, Gloucestershire: Tempus Publishing, 2004), p. 12.
[18] Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[19] Rita T. Kronenbitter. “Paris Okhrana 1885-1905.” Center for the Study of Intelligence. Studies Archive Indexes. Vol. 10, No. 3. Retrieved from https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol10no3/html/v10i3a06p_0001.htm
[20] Pilenas to Nathan Isaacs, Nathan Isaacs Papers, Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio, Box 2, File 12, July 7, 1931; cited in Spence. “The Tsar's other lieutenant.”
[21] Spence. “The Tsar’s other lieutenant.”
[22] Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[23] Isaac Deutscher. The Prophet Armed. Trotsky, 1879-1921 (New York, 1965), p. 13.
[24] Richard B. Spence. Wall Street and the Russian Revolution: 1905-1925 (Waterville, OR: TrineDay, 2017).
[25] Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[26] Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern. Lenin’s Jewish Question (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2010), pp. 66–67.
[27] La Libre Parole (February 6, 1918).
[28] Oleg Platonov. Russia’s Crown of Thorns: The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-1996 (Moscow, 2000), Volume 2, p. 417.
[29] Soviet Analyst (June, 2002). p. 12
[30] Viktor Ostretsov. Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History (Moscow, 1999), pp. 582- 583.
[31] Leon Trotsky. My Life: The Rise and Fall of a Dictator, pp. 124-127.
[32] “Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem.” Knights of Saint John (accessed January 26, 2017). Retrieved from http://www.theknightsofsaintjohn.com/History-After-Malta.htm
[33] Neu. Colonel House, p. 104.
[34] “Giant Steel Trust Launched at Last: Will be Known as the United States Steel Corporation.” The New York Times (February 26, 1901).
[35] “History since 1798.” Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. Retrieved from
[36] “History since 1798.” Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. Retrieved from
[37] A Finding Aid to the Stephen S. Wise Collection. 1893-1969. Manuscript Collection No. 49. AmericanJewishArchives.org. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, Retrieved from http://americanjewisharchives.org/collections/ms0049/
[38] Charles E. Neu. Colonel House: A Biography of Woodrow Wilson’s Silent Partner (Oxford University Press, 2015), p. 104.
[39] Simpson Colin. The Lusitania (Ballantine Books, 1974).
[40] USNA, MID 10012-112/1, “General Summary,” 23 Sept. 1918, 4; cited in Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[41] Levenda. Unholy Alliance, p. 132.
[42] Engels to Thomas Allsop. London, 14 December 1879, in Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Collected Works, Volume 45, p. 428.
[43] Richard Hawkins. “American Boomers and the Flotation of Shares in the City of London in the Late Nineteenth Century,” Business History 49, no. 6 (November 2007), p. 804; “Untermyer Points the War’s Lessons,” New York Times (23 August 1914), p. 9; cited in Gregory Kupsky. “Germanness and Jewishness: Samuel Untermyer, Felix Warburg, and National Socialism, 1914–1938.” American Jewish Archives Journal (Volume LXIII, Number 2).
[44] Ibid.
[45] Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[46] “James, William.” Theosophy World. Retrieved from https://theosophy.world/encyclopedia/james-william
[47] Naomi W. Cohen. Jacob Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership (Brandeis University Press, 1999), p. 193.
[48] Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[49] Ibid.
[50] Stephen E. Flowers. “Introduction.” Hanns Heinz Ewers. Strange Tales (Lodestar Books, Mar. 3, 2011).
[51] Bob Herzberg. The Third Reich on Screen, 1929-2015 (McFarland, 2016), p. 27.
[52] Dr. Zeev Pinot-Finkelstein. “Characters and Personalities.” The Encyclopaedia of the Jewish Diaspora, Poland Series: Lwów Volume (Lviv, Ukraine). (Tel Aviv: 1956). Retrieved from https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/lviv/lvi525.html
[53] Claire Ortiz Hill. A Baedeker of Decadence: Charting a Literary Fashion, 1884–1927 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992), p. 1118.
[54] Per Faxneld. Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-century Culture (Oxford University Press, 2017), p. 319.
[55] Heide Schlüpmann. “The first German art film: Rye’s The Student of Prague (1913),” German Film & Literature, ed. Eric Rentschler, (Methuen Inc., NY, NY, 1986), p. 9.
[56] Gregory Kupsky. “Germanness and Jewishness: Samuel Untermyer, Felix Warburg, and National Socialism, 1914–1938.” American Jewish Archives Journal (Volume LXIII, Number 2).
[57] Johannes Reiling. Deutschland, safe for democracy? (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1997).
[58] Churton. Aleister Crowley in America.
[59] Carlson. Under Cover, pp, 457-460.
[60] Justus D. Doenecke. “Viereck, George Sylvester.” American National Biography Online (February, 2000). Retrieved from http://www.anb.org/articles/06/06-00673.html
[61] W. Bernard Carlson. Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age (Princeton University Press, 2013) p. 365.
[62] Tom Reiss. The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous Life (Random House Publishing Group, 2005), p. 288.
[63] Ibid.
[64] Kellogg. The Russian Roots of Nazism, p. 31.
[65] Paul Allen. Vladimir Soloviev: Russian Mystic (Steiner Books, 2008).
[66] Ibid., p. 218.
[67] Hugo Turner. “Beyond the Iran-Contra Affair Part 3: The World Anti-Communist League.” Anti-Imperialist U (July 19, 2016).
[68] Spence. “The Tsar’s Other Lieutenant,” Part II, p. 691.
[69] George Bodman, recommendation letter, FBI, File 100-15704, April 28, 1919; as cited in Richard Spence. “The Tsar’s Other Lieutenant,” Part 1, p. 209.
[70] MID, File 10110-920, Report #8, December 9, 1919; as cited in Richard Spence. “The Tsar’s Other Lieutenant,” Part 1, p. 209.
[71] Spence. “The Tsar’s Other Lieutenant,” Part I, p. 209.
[72] Cited in Maidhc Ó Cathail. “Zionism’s un-Christian Bible.” Dissident Voice (November 24th, 2009).
[73] Ibid.
[74] Sam A. Cohen. Future of the Middle East - United Pan-Arab States (Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2014) p. 357.
[75] “Wilson’s Fourteen Points, 1918 - 1914–1920 - Milestones.” Office of the Historian. Retrieved from https://history.state.gov/milestones/1914-1920/fourteen-points
[76] Louis Fischer. The Life of Lenin (NY: Harper & Row, 1964), p. 111.]
[77] General Erich Ludendorff. My War Memories, 1914-1918 (1920), p. 407.
[78] Sebastian Haffner. Die deutsche Revolution 1918/1919 (Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verla, 2004).
[79] Ian Kershaw. To Hell and Back: Europe 1914–1949 (New York: Penguin Books, 2016), p. 61.
[80] Ibid., p. 86.
[81] “Erich Ludendorff Admits Defeat: Diary Entry by Albrecht von Thaer (October 1, 1918).” German History in Documents and Images. Retrieved from https://ghdi.ghi-dc.org/sub_document.cfm?document_id=814&language=english
[82] Comte de St. Aulaire. Geneva Versus Peace (New York: Shee & Ward, 1937), pp. 80, 83-84.
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