
  • With Tony Gosling on Alexander Dugin; Ukrainian Nazis; Nick Land; Process Church; O9A & Pinay Cercle

    With Tony Gosling, and we discuss the place of Alexander Dugin in the modern occult matrix, which takes us to the heart of synarchism and recent neo-Nazi fascim, which has adopted an ideology of “accelerationism” inspired by the Process Church, Charles Manson, the Order of the Nine Angles (O9A) and a person who is less well-know but key, Nick Land, who has influenced the “Dark Enlightenment” popular in Silicon Valley, with the likes of Peter Thiel.

  • ÛBRIS – David Livingstone et Pierre Hillard (French)

    Gregor Ovitch from interviews me and Pierre Hillard, and well-known conspiracy researcher in France, for this eight-hour tour of our combined findings.

  • William Ramsey Investigates: Terrorism and the Illuminati

    William Ramsay asked me to discuss my 2007 book Terrorism and the Illuminati, and we cover the origin of the Kabbalah in Babylon and the evolution of the bloodlines that rule the world today.

  • The Other Side of the News (04/01/2022)

    We begin our discussion about the events in Uktraine and I attempt to provide more context by discussing the significance of Pope Francis’ recent consecration of Russia, by exploring the origins of Secrets of Fatima, the Sabbateans, Rosicrucians, synarchists, and the Masonic infiltration of the Catholic Church culminating with Vatican II.

  • Tony Gosling: Networks Behind Ukraine's Nazis

    Tony and I discuss some of the details behind my article recent article on Ukraine, Fascism and Putin’s Postmodern Democracy.

  • Dystopian Deep Dives

    We discuss the Occult underpinnings of Fascism and its ties to the "New Age."

  • Tony Gosling: David Icke, Fascism and Conspirituality

    Iinterview with Tony Gosling discussing my article:

  • Ummah Times: Influence of occultism in segments of early and modern Islamic history

    We cover sections of his seminal work "Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age." Our discussion focuses on influence of occultism in segments of early and modern Islamic history.

  • William Ramsey Investigates

    We discuss esoteric Nazism from my book Ordo Ab Chao.

  • Ummah Times: Occult, Wahhabism, Muslim Brotherhood & Caliphate

    First interview with Ummah Times, discussing findings from my book Black Terror, White Soldiers, and Ordo ab Chao, exposing the deviations of Salafism and Sufism.

  • William Ramsey Investigates

    Here's an interview I did where I explain the significance of the coming Great Conjunction and other topics from my latest book, Ordo ab Chao.

  • Interview with Aziza Dawud

    Interview with sister Aziza Dawud:

    Apple Podcasts

  • Interview with Shiekh Omar Baloch

    After 30 years, my first interview with a Muslim.

  • Gnostic Warrior: Chaos Magickians in Satan's Kingdom

    Interview I did with Moe Bedard of Gnostic Warrior before I found out he’s a Mason and later also interviewed Alexander Dugin.

  • The Liminalist # 109: The Dupes of the Superman

    Part one of a two-part conversation with researcher David Livingstone, on occultism, discordianism, & transhumanism, how science was shaped by occultism.

  • The Liminalist 109.5: The Unknown Treasure

    Part two of conversation on religion and dogma, the imposition of human rights, pluralistic empires, control vs. suppression, sensitivity to the body’s intelligence, boundaries & consensus, the vice of kings, the fundamentals of fascism, transgender & transhumanism, the message, the unknown treasure, Lurianic Kabbalah, the myth of progress

  • Sean Stone: Illuminati, Islam & Terrorism

    Illuminati, Islam and terror connections, + the government of Saudi Arabia and subversive spirituality pulling the strings around the globe are discussed with author David Livingstone. Secular democracy and Islamic theocracy, mysticism, sufism, and the second coming of Christ are all explored in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.

  • CryptoBeast (16/10/2018)

    We discuss my forthcoming book Ordo Ab Chao and my research into the connections between the Fascist International, Zionism, the KKK, Discordianism, Alex Jones, Trump, Russia, and more.

  • Gnostic Warrior: Rule By Ordo Ab Chao

    We talk about the Freemasons, Occult, Donald Trump, the Christian Right, White Russians, and the Apocalyptic End Times we may be in now.

  • Freeman Fly: Share The Faith

    Discussing Shabbatai Zevi, from Rosicrucians to Transhumanism.

  • French Connection

    Interview with Daryl Bradford Smith of the French Connection in 2011 about Terrorism & the Illuminati.

  • Freeman Fly: The Chao Before The Ordo

    Interview with Freeman Fly from 2019 about Ordo ab Chao.

  • Red Ice: Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age (11/09/2013)

    We discuss how the Muslim brotherhood is a tool used for American policy, ultimately helping to bring in a new world order. In the first hour, I talk about the disconnections in the Islamic world as the true religion is misinterpreted and buried intentionally. Then we discuss Muslim brotherhood propaganda with ties that lead to the Rockefellers. We also discuss the connections of the Protocols of Zion to the Memphis-Mizraim rite of Freemasonry and the creation of Sabbatai Zevi's messiahship by the Rosicrucians.

  • Red Ice: The Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaida & The Asiatic Brethren (22/01/2009)

    We begin by briefly talking about Obama and his alleged Muslim ties. Then, we discuss Hassan al-Banna, Mandeans, Sabians, Sufism, Kabbalism, Zohar, Hashshashin, Knights Templar, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, Asiatic Brethren, Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank and much more.