"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."

George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty-Four

available in print and kindle

Volume One

The Dying God

It all begins in Babylon in the sixth century BC, with the development of the Kabbalah, which resulted in the Ancient Mysteries, Greek philosophy, Hermeticism and Gnosticism, forming the bedrock of the occult tradition, that penetrated the Western world during the Crusades, culminating in the Rosicrucians and the Renaissance.

Volume Two

The Grand Lodge

The Rosicrucians were responsible for the advent of Shabbetai Zevi, who took the Jewish world by storm when he declared himself “messiah” in 1666. Zevi’s followers went underground, and emerged in Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the Illuminati, when they exercised a profound influence on the Age of Enlightement.

Volume Three


Synarchism, which advanced the rule of secret societies, pushed legends of a world-wide Jewish conspiracy to advance a fascist agenda, which first culminated in the Nazis, many of whom went underground and continued to influence the rise of the right in the United States.


Volume Four

Mind Control

Le Cercle headed the use of right-wing terrorists aligned with the Fascist International, to undermine support for communism. The enduring hidden influence of occultism in the West emerged as the counter-culture of the Sixties, pitting the New Left against the New Right.

Volume Five


The New Age

The American far right was brought to power with Ronald Reagan, through an alignment with the Christian Right, feeding into the neoconservatives ambitions of a Clash of Civilizations, a Hegelian Dialectic being played by Alexander Dugin, advancing the return of Russia as the Third Rome.

Volume Six

The Third Temple

The American Far Right used conservative media like Fox News to exacerbate a cultural divide known as Culture Wars by emphasizing “political correctness,” opening the way for Russia’s use of active measures to install Donald Trump as president.


Now available
Zionism: History of a Jewish Heresy

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