Genealogy of the House of Savoy
Genealogy of the House of Savoy
Early coat of arms of the Counts of Savoy
The House of Savoy is a royal dynasty that was established in 1003 in the historical Savoy region. Through gradual expansion, the family grew in power from ruling a small Alpine county north-west of Italy to absolute rule of the Kingdom of Sicily in 1713 to 1720, when they were handed the island of Sardinia, over which they would exercise direct rule from then onward. Through its junior branch of Savoy-Carignano, the House of Savoy led the unification of Italy in 1861 and ruled the Kingdom of Italy from 1861 until 1946; they also briefly ruled the Kingdom of Spain in the 19th century. The Savoyard kings of Italy were Victor Emmanuel II, Umberto I, Victor Emmanuel III, and Umberto II, all members of the Order of the Golden Fleece, who were involved in the Carbonari conspiracy connected to the Palladian Rite, to create the Kingdom of Italy. The Palladian Rite was headed by Guissepe Mazini, purported successor to Adam Weishaupt as head of the Illuminati, along with Albert Pike and Otto von Bismark. Victor Emmanuel II, as reported by Jacques-Cretineau Joly in 1859 from documents purportedly communicated to him by Pope Gregory XVII, belonged to an Italian secret society, the Alta Vendita, representing the highest lodge of the Carbonari and a reincarnation of the Illuminati. According to the Permanent Instructions of the Alta Vendita: “Ever since we have established ourselves as a body of action, and that order has commenced to reign in the bosom of the most distant lodge, as in that one nearest the centre of action, there is one thought which has profoundly occupied the men who aspire to universal regeneration. That is the thought of the enfranchisement of Italy, from which must one day come the enfranchisement of the entire world, the fraternal republic, and the harmony of humanity.”
Knight of the Swan
Gauillaume of Gellone
Agatha of Bulgaria
House of Lusignan
Order of the Garter
House of Luxembourg
House of Habsburg
House of Medici
Kingdom of Naples
House of Savoy
House of Este
Marquises and Dukes of Montferrat
House of Sforza
House of Visconti
House of Gonzaga
Order of the Dragon
Dukes of Saxony
House of Anhalt
Alchemical Wedding
Kingdom of Prussia
House of Hesse-Kassel
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
House of Romanov
Order of the Fleur de Lys
Priory of Sion
Humbert I, Count of Savoy + Ancilla of Lenzburg
Otto, Count of Savoy + Adelaide of Turin
Amadeus II of Savoy + Joan of Geneva
Humbert II of Savoy + Gisela of Burgundy (daughter of William I of Burgundy)
Amadeus III, Count of Savoy + Mahaut of Albon
Matilda of Savoy (devoted to the Cistercian Order) + Afonso I, King of Portugal
Humbert III, Count of Savoy + Beatrice of Viennois
Thomas I of Savoy (adopted black eagle as coat of arms) + Margaret of Geneva
Amadeus IV of Savoy + Marguerite of Burgundy (daughter of Hugh III, Duke of Burgundy)
Beatrice of Savoy + Manfred, King of Sicily (son of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, great-great-grandson of Bertha of Savoy, daughter of Otto, Count of Savoy)
Constance, Queen of Aragon + Peter III of Aragon (see Genealogy of the Order of Santiago)
James II of Aragon (founder of the ORDER OF MONTESA) + Blanche of Anjou
Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal + Denis I, King of Portugal (founder of the ORDER OF CHRIST)
Frederick III of Sicily (hired Templar Roger de Flor) + Eleanor of Anjou (sister of Charles I of Hungary, founder of the ORDER OF SAINT GEORGE)
Constance of Sicily, Queen of Cyprus + Henry II of Lusignan (transferred property of Templars to Hospitallers. In contact with Ramon Llull)
Peter II, Count of Savoy (Henry III of England made him Earl of Richmond and, in 1246, built the Savoy Palace in 1263) + Agnes of Faucigny
Philip I, Count of Savoy (charged his niece Eleanor of Provence and her son Edward I of England with the inheritance of Savoy)
Beatrice of Savoy + Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Provence
Margaret of Provence + Louis IX of France (see below)
Eleanor of Provence + Henry III of England (involved in blood libel case of Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln)
Edward I of England + Eleanor of Castile (d. of Ferdinand III of Castile)
Eleanor, Countess of Bar + Henry III, Count of Bar
Edward II of England + Isabella, Queen of England (see above)
Edward III of England (founder of the Order of the Garter) + Philippa of Hainault
Edward the Black Prince + Joan, 4th Countess of Kent
Richard II of England (succeeded by Henry IV of England)
Isabella of England + Enguerrand VII de Coucy, possible author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, see below)
John of Gaunt (Order of the Garter) + Blanche of Lancaster
Philippa of Lancaster + John I of Portugal
Edward I of Portugal + Eleanor of Aragon (see below)
Prince Henry the Navigator (Grand Master of the Order of Christ)
Isabella, Duchess of Burgundy + PHILIP THE GOOD (founder of the ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE)
Henry IV of England + Mary de Bohun
Henry V of England (Order of the Dragon) + Catherine of Valois
Henry VI of England + Margaret of Anjou (d. of René of Anjou, see above)
Sanchia of Provence + Richard of Cornwall (son of John, King of England)
Beatrice of Provence + Charles I of Anjou
Charles II of Naples (discovered remains of Mary Madgalene at Saint-Maximin) + Mary of Hungary
Charles Martel, Prince of Salermo
Charles I of Hungary (founder of the Order of Saint George) + Elizabeth of Poland
Louis I of Hungary + Margaret of Bohemia (Sigismund’s half-sister)
Louis I of Hungary + Elizabeth of Bosnia
Mary, Queen of Hungary + SIGISMUND, HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, founder of the ORDER OF THE DRAGON
Robert, King of Naples + Yolande of Aragon
Charles, Duke of Calabria +
Joanna I of Naples + Marie of Valois (daughter of Charles of Valois by his third wife Mahaut of Châtillon)
Blanche of Anjou + James II of Aragon (see above)
Alfonso IV of Aragon + Teresa d'Entença
Peter IV of Aragon + Eleanor of Sicily (see below)
John I of Aragon + Yolande of Bar (see below)
Eleanor of Anjou + Frederick III of Sicily (see above)
Constance of Sicily + Henry II of Lusignan (transferred properties of Templars to Knight Hospitaller)
Peter II of Sicily + Elisabeth of Carinthia
Eleanor + Peter IV of Aragon (see above)
Eleanor, Queen of Castile + John I of Castile
Ferdinand I of Aragon (founded Order of the Jar) + Eleanor of Alburquerque
Alfonso V of Aragon (Order of the Dragon) + Maria of Castile
Ferdinand I of Naples (Order of the Dragon) + Isabella of Clermont
Alfonso II of Naples + Ippolita Maria Sforza
Ferdinand II of Naples + Joanna of Naples
Isabella of Aragon + Gian Galeazzo Sforza, Duke of Milan (see below)
Eleanor of Naples + Ercole I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara (see the Genealogy of the House of Este)
Isabella d’Este + Francesco II Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua
Ferrante Gonzaga (Order of the Golden Fleece and 14th Grand Master of Priory of Sion).
Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua + Margaret Palaeologina
Louis Gonzaga, Duke of Nevers (Grand Master of the Priory of Sion) + (see above)
Beatrice + Ludovico Sforza (s. Francesco Sforza, founding member of Rene of Anjou’s Order of the Crescent. Double wedding orchestrated by Leonardo da Vinci)
Gian Galeazzo Sforza + Isabella of Naples (a masque entitled Il Paradiso, with words by Bernardo Bellincioni and sets and costumes by Leonardo da Vinci at their wedding. See below)
Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara + Lucrezia Borgia (daughter of Pope Alexander VI and Vannozza dei Cattaneia, double wedding orchestrated by Leonardo da Vinci)
Ercole d’Este II + Renée of France (d of Louis XII of France)
Frederick I of Naples
Beatrice of Naples + Vladislaus II of Hungary (no issue)
John II of Aragon + Blanche I of Navarre (see above)
Gaston IV, Count of Foix + Eleanor of Navarre
Gaston of Foix, Prince of Viana + Magdalena of Valois
Catherine, Queen of Navarre + John III, King of Navarre
Henry II of Navarre + Margaret of Angoulême (see below)
John of Foix, Viscount of Narbonne + Marie of Orléans
Germaine of Foix + Ferdinand II of Aragon
Marguerite de Foix + Francis II, Duke of Brittany
Anne of Brittany + Charles VIII of France and Louis XII of France (see below)
Catherine of Foix, Countess of Candale + Gaston de Foix, Count of Candale
Anne of Foix-Candale + Vladislaus II of Hungary (great-grandson of SIGISMUND, HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, founder of the ORDER OF THE DRAGON + Barbara of Cilli)
John II of Aragon + Juana Enríquez
Ferdinand II of Aragon + Isabella I of Castile
Joanna of Aragon + Ferdinand I of Naples
Eleanor of Aragon + Edward I of Portugal
Thomas II of Savoy + Joan, Countess of Flanders (daughter of Baldwin I, Latin Emperor, and Marie of Champagne, the daughter of Henry I of Champagne and Marie de France, sponsor of Grail author Chretien de Troyes. The Manessier's Continuation, also called the Third Continuation, one of the novels of the Story of the Grail was written for Joan, as well as the Life of St. Martha of Wauchier de Denain)
Thomas II of Savoy + Beatrice Fieschi (niece of Pope Innocent IV)
Amadeus V, Count of Savoy (began life in the service of Edward I of England as a household knight) + Sybille de Baugé
Aimone, Count of Savoy + Yolande Palaeologina of Montferrat (granddaughter of Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos and Irene of Montferrat, daughter William VII, Marquis of Montferrat and Beatrice of Castile, daughter of Alfonso X of Castile)
Amadeus VI, the “Green Count” of Savoy + Bonne of Bourbon
Amadeus VII, Count of Savoy + Bonne of Berry (see above)
Amadeus VIII (Antipope Felix V, elevated Duke of Savoy by Sigismund of Luxembourg, founder of the Order of the Dragon. Founded Order of Saint Maurice in 1534) + Mary of Burgundy (d. of Philip the Bold, brother of John, Duke of Berry, Marie of Valois, Charles V of France, and grandfather of Philip the Good, founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Bianca of Savoy + Galeazzo II Visconti
Gian Galeazzo Visconti + Isabella of France (sister of John, Duke of Berry, Philip the Bold, Marie of Valois and Charles V of France)
Valentina Visconti + Louis I, Duke of Orléans (son of Charles V of France)
Charles, Duke of Orléans (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Isabella of Valois (daughter of Charles VI of France)
John II of Alençon
Charles, Duke of Orléans (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Marie of Cleves (daughter of Adolph I, Duke of Cleves)
Louis XII of France + Anne of Brittany (see above)
Claude of France + FRANCIS I OF FRANCE (sponsor of Guillaume Postel and Leonardo Da Vinci)
Margaret of Valois + Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy (see below)
Henry II of France + Catherine de Medici (sponsor of NOSTRADAMUS and creator of the Black Mass)
Claude of France + Charles III, Duke of Lorraine
Henry II, Duke of Lorraine + Margherita Gonzaga
Nicole of Lorraine + Charles IV, Duke of Lorraine
Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (Order of the Golden Fleece)+ Eleonora Maria of Austria (see above)
Leopold, Duke of Lorraine + Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans (see below)
Christina of Lorraine (patron of Galileo)
Henry III of France (educated in Black Arts by his mother) + Louise of Lorraine
Renée of France + Ercole II d'Este (s. of Alfonso I d'Este + Lucrezia Borgia, double wedding orchestrated by Leonardo da Vinci)
Marie of Orléans, Viscountess of Narbonne + John of Foix
Germaine of Foix
Gian Galeazzo Visconti + Caterina Visconti
Filippo Maria Visconti + Agnese del Maino
Bianca Maria Visconti + Francesco I Sforza
Amadeus V, Count of Savoy + Marie of Brabant
Catherine of Savoy + Leopold I, Duke of Austria
Catherine of Austria + Enguerrand VI, Lord of Coucy
Enguerrand VII de Coucy + Isabella of England (d. of Edward III of England, founder of the Order of the Garter + Philippa of Hainault)
Marie I de Coucy + Henry of Bar (s. of Robert, Duke of Bar + Marie of Valois)
Jeanne de Bar + Louis de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol
Peter II of Luxembourg (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Marguerite of Savoy (see below)
Anna of Savoy + Andronikos III Palaiologos
John V Palaiologos + Helena Kantakouzene
Manuel II Palaiologos + Helena Dragaš
Theodore II Palaiologos, Despot of Morea, + Cleofa Malatesta
Helena Palaiologina + John II of Cyprus (of the Lusignan dynasty)
Charlotte, Queen of Cyprus
James II of Cyprus + Catherine Cornaro
James III of Cyprus (died in mysterious circumstances as an infant, leaving his mother as the last Queen of Cyprus. His death paved the way for Venice to gain control of Cyprus)
Adelaide of Maurienne + Louis VI of France
Louis VII, King of the Franks + Eleanor of Aquitaine
Alix of France + Theobald V, Count of Blois (involved in blood libel through affair with Jewess Pulcelina of Blois)
Marie de France (sponsored Chrétien de Troyes, author of the Grail legends) + Henry I of Champagne
Louis VII, King of the Franks + Adela of Champagne (daughter of Theobald IV of Champagne)
Philip II of France + Isabella of Hainault
Louis VIII + Blanche of Castile (d. of Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, Order of Santiago + Eleanor of England)
Louis IX of France (founded Order of the Ship and the Double Crescent) + Margaret of Provence
Philip III of France + Isabella of Aragon
Philip IV “le Bel” of France (ordered arrest of Templars) + Joan I of Navarre
Louis X of France + Margaret (see below)
Philip V of France + Joan II of Burgundy
Marie of Luxembourg
Charles IV of France
Isabella, Queen of England + Edward II of England (see below)
Charles, Count of Valois + Margaret, Countess of Anjou (d. of King Charles II of Naples)
Philip VI of France + Joan of Burgundy
John II of France + Bonne of Bohemia (granddaughter of Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, first emperor of the House of Luxembourg)
Isabella, Duchess of Bourbon
Charles, Count of Valois + Mahaut of Châtillon
Marie of Valois + Charles, Duke of Calabria
Joanna I of Naples
Isabella of Valois + Peter I, Duke of Bourbon
Joanna of Bourbon + King Charles V of France
Bonne of Bourbon + Amadeus VI of Savoy (see below)
Blanche of Valois + Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor
Margaret, Queen of Hungary + Louis I of Hungary (no issue)
Louis, Count of Évreux
Blanche, Duchess of Austria
Margaret, Queen of England (second wife of Edward I of England)
Agnes of France + Robert II, Duke of Burgundy
Margaret + Louis X of France
Mary + Edward I, Count of Bar (Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, see below)
Charles of Anjou
Agnes of France + Alexios II Komnenos and Andronikos I Komnenos
Robert I, Count of Dreux + Agnes de Baudemont
Robert II, Count of Dreux + Yolande de Coucy
Philippa of Dreux + Theobald I, Count of Bar
Margaret of Bar + Henry V, Count of Luxembourg (Son of Waleran III of Limburg and Ermesinde, Countess of Luxembourg, who trace their descent to the female serpent-spirit, Melusina. Emperor Frederick Barbarossa decided that she was the heir to the County of Luxembourg. Paid homage to Theobald IV of Champagne and ioined joined Edward I of England on the Ninth Crusade)
Henry VI, Count of Luxembourg + Beatrice d'Avesnes
Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor (first emperor of the House of Luxembourg) + Margaret of Brabant
John the Blind, King of Bohemia + Elizabeth of Bohemia
Bonne of Luxembourg + John II of France (son of Philip VI of France, whose first wife was BLANCHE OF NAVARRE, Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION)
Charles V of France + Mary of Burgundy
Charles VI of France + Isabeau of Bavaria
Isabella of Valois + Charles, Duke of Orléans
Catherine of Valois +
Charles VII of France + Marie of Anjou (see below)
Louis I, Duke of Orléans + Valentina Visconti
Louis I, Duke of Anjou + Marie of Blois
Louis II of Anjou (see below)
JOHN, DUKE OF BERRY (requested that Jean d’Arras write the Roman de Mélusine or the Chronique de Melusine part of Le Noble Hystoire de Lusignan) + Joanna of Armagnac
Bonne of Berry + Amadeus VII, Count of Savoy (see below)
Marie, Duchess of Auvergne + John I, Duke of Bourbon
Charles I, Duke of Bourbon + Agnes, Duchess of Bourbon
PHILIP THE BOLD + Margaret III, Countess of Flanders
John the Fearless + Margaret of Bavaria
PHILIP THE GOOD (founder of the ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE) + Isabella of Portugal (sister of Prince Henry the Navigator, Grand Master of the ORDER OF CHRIST)
Charles the Bold + Isabella of Bourbon (see above)
Mary, Duchess of Burgundy + Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Philip I of Castile + Joanna of Castile (daughter of Ferdinand, knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and Queen Isabella)
Eleanor + Manuel I of Portugal (Order of the Golden Fleece, Grand Master of the Order of Christ)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Isabella of Portugal (d. of Manuel I, King of Portugal, Grand Master of the Order of Christ)
Philip II of Spain (Grand Master of the orders of Santiago, Montesa and Calatrava, and a member of the Order of the Garter. Philip II’s second wife was Mary I of England, “Bloody Mary”)
Maria of Austria, Holy Roman Empress + Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (see below)
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Anna Jagellonica (see below)
Agnes, Duchess of Bourbon + Charles I, Duke of Bourbon
Marie de Bourbon + John II, Duke of Lorraine
Nicholas I, Duke of Lorraine (on his death the Duchy of Lorraine went to his aunt Yolande of Bar, daughter of René of Anjou)
Margaret of Bourbon + Philip II, Duke of Savoy (see below)
Isabella of Bourbon + Charles the Bold (see below)
Mary of Burgundy + AMADEUS VIII, DUKE OF SAVOY (Antipope Felix V, elevated Duke of Savoy by Sigismund of Luxembourg, founder of the Order of the Dragon, (Antipope Felix V, elevated Duke of Savoy by Sigismund of Luxembourg, founder of the Order of the Dragon, SEE BELOW)
Louis, Duke of Savoy + ANNE OF LUSIGNAN
Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy + Yolande of Valois, (d of king Charles VII of France)
Charles I, Duke of Savoy (first titular king of Cyprus, Jerusalem, and Armenia)
Yolande Louise of Savoy + (see below)
Louis of Cyprus + Charlotte, Queen of Cyprus
Philip II, Duke of Savoy (King of Jerusalem) + Margaret of Bourbon
Philibert II (King of Jerusalem, Order of the Golden Fleece) + Yolande Louise of Savoy
Louise + Charles, Count of Angoulême (Order of the Golden Fleece, grandson of Louis I, Duke of Orléans, a younger son of Charles V of France)
FRANCIS I OF FRANCE (Order of the Garter, Order of the Golden Fleece) + Claude, Duchess of Brittany (see below)
Margaret of Angoulême + Henry II of Navarre (see above)
Jeanne III of Navarre + Antoine of Navarre (see below)
Philip II, Duke of Savoy (King of Jerusalem) + Claudine de Brosse of Brittany
Charles III, Duke of Savoy (King of Jerusalem) + Beatrice of Portugal (d. Manuel I of Portugal, Grand Master of the Order of Christ) + Maria of Aragon)
Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy (King of Jerusalem, Order of the Golden Fleece, Order of the Garter. Consulted Nostradamus to help produce an heir. Merged Order of Saint Maurice with Order of Saint Lazarus) + Margaret of Valois (see above)
Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy + Catherina Micaela of Spain (see above)
Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy + Christine Marie of France (Built Palazzo Madama in Turin, according to the advice of alchemists. See below)
Isabella of Savoy + Alfonso III d'Este, Duke of Modena
Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena + Lucrezia Barberini
Alfonso IV, Duke of Modena + Laura Margherita Mazzarini (sister of Cardinal Mazarin)
Maria Beatrice d'Este + James II of England
James Francis Edward Stuart (“The Old Pretender”) + Maria Clementina Sobieska
CHARLES EDWARD STUART (Bonnie Prince Charlie, "the Young Pretender")
HENRY BENEDICT STUART (Cardinal Duke of York)
Rinaldo d'Este, Duke of Modena + Charlotte of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Francesco III d'Este, Duke of Modena + Charlotte Aglaé d'Orléans (see above)
Thomas Francis, Prince of Carignano + Marie, Princess of Carignan
Philip II, Duke of Savoy (King of Jerusalem) + Libera Portoneri
René of Savoy + Anne Lascaris
Madeleine of Savoy + Anne de Montmorency
Henri I de Montmorency + Louise de Budos
Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency + Henri II, Prince of Condé (see below)
Armand, Prince of Conti + Anne Marie Martinozzi (aunt of Mary of Modena)
Margaret of Savoy, Countess of Saint-Pol + Peter II of Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol and Soissons
Marie of Luxembourg + Francis de Bourbon, Count of Vendôme
Charles, Duke of Vendôme + Françoise d'Alençon (see below)
Charlotte of Savoy + Louis XI of France
Bona + Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan
Gian Galeazzo Sforza + Isabella of Naples (see above)
Bona Sforza + Sigismund I the Old (Order of the Golden Fleece) (see below)
Bianca Maria Sforza
Anthony, Duke of Brabant + Jeanne of Saint-Pol (see below)
Joan, Queen of Navarre + Charles II of Navarre
Charles III of Navarre + Eleanor of Castile
Blanche I of Navarre + John II of Aragon (see below)
MARIE OF VALOIS, Duchess of Bar + Robert I, Duke of Bar (see below)
Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor + Elizabeth of Pomerania
Elizabeth of Luxembourg + Albert II of Germany
Elizabeth of Austria + Casimir IV, King of Poland
Vladislaus II of Hungary + Anne of Foix-Candal
Anna of Bohemia and Hungary + Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Maria of Austria, Holy Roman Empress (see above)
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (sponsor of John Dee)
Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain + Philip II of Spain
Philip III of Spain (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Margaret of Austria
Catherina Micaela of Spain + CHARLES EMMANUEL I OF SAVOY (birth prophesied by Nostradamus, see below)
Eleanor, Duchess of Mantua + Guglielmo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua
Margherita, Duchess consort of Ferrara + Alfonso II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio (ally of Rudolf II)
Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Eleonora de' Medici (see below)
Barbara, Duchess of Ferrara + Alfonso II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio
Charles II, Archduke of Austria + Maria Anna of Bavaria
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor + Maria Anna of Bavaria
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor + Eleanor Gonzaga
Eleonora Maria of Austria + Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (see below)
Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain + Philip III of Spain
Anne of Austria + Louis XIII of France (see below)
Philip IV of Spain (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Elisabeth of France (see below)
Maria Christina, Princess of Transylvania + Sigismund Báthory (nephew of Elizabeth Bathory)
Joanna of Austria + Francesco I de Medici
MARIE DE MEDICI + Henry IV of France (see below)
Eleanor de' Medici + Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Margherita Gonzaga + Henry II, Duke of Lorraine (see below)
Barbara Jagiellon + George, Duke of Saxony
Christine of Saxony + Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse (supporter of Marin Luther, founded the Schmalkaldic League with John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony, who commissioned Luther Rose)
William IV, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel + Sabine of Württemberg
Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (leading sponsor of the Rosicrucian movement, friend of Frederick V of the Palatinate) + Agnes of Solms-Laubach
Sigismund I the Old + Bona Sforza (see above)
Sigismund II (employed jester Jan Stanczyk) + Barbara Radziwiłł (accused of promiscuity and witchcraft)
Sigismund II Augustus
Anna Jagiellon + Stephen Báthory (sponsor of John Dee and uncle of Elizabeth Báthory, the “Blood Countess”)
Catherine Jagiellon + John III of Sweden
Sigismund III Vasa (from whom the Vasa kings of Poland were descended. Raised by Jesuits, sponsored alchemist Sendivogius)
Theobald II, Count of Bar + Jeanne de Toucy
Henry III, Count of Bar + Eleanor of England
Edward I, Count of Bar (Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION) + Mary of Burgundy (see above)
Henry IV of Bar + Yolande of Flanders
Robert I, Duke of Bar + Marie of Valois, Duchess of Bar
Henry of Bar + Marie de Coucy, Countess of Soissons (d. of Enguerrand VII de Coucy, possible author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
Yolande of Bar + John I of Aragon (s. of Peter IV of Aragon + Eleanor of Sicily)
Yolande of Aragon + Louis II of Anjou (see above)
Louis III of Anjou
Marie of Anjou + Charles VII of France (see above)
Louis XI of France + Charlotte of Savoy (see above)
Charles VIII of France + Anne of Brittany
Magdalena of Valois + Gaston of Foix, Prince of Viana
RENE OF ANJOU (Grand Master of PRIORY OF SION) + Isabella, Duchess of Lorraine
Johanna of Bar + Theodore II of Montferrat
John Jacob, Marquis of Montferrat (received the investiture as Marquis by Emperor Sigismund) + Joanna of Savoy (daughter of Amadeus VII of Savoy)
Boniface III, Marquis of Montferrat + Maria of Serbia
William IX, Marquis of Montferrat + Anna of Alençon (see below)
Eleanor + Rudolph, Duke of Lorraine
John I, Duke of Lorraine (close to Philip the Good) + Sophie of Württemberg
Charles II, Duke of Lorraine + Margaret of the Palatinate
Isabella, Duchess of Lorraine + René of Anjou
Margaret of Anjou + Henry VI of England (succeeded by Edward IV, s. of Richard Duke of York)
Edward, Prince of Wales
YOLANDE OF BAR (Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION, inherited the Duchy of Lorraine in 1473 after the death without a male heir of Nicholas I, Duke of Lorraine) + Ferri de Vaudemont (Order of the Crescent, with FRANCESO I SFORZA)
Frederick of Lorraine, Count of Vaudémont
Frederick I, Count of Vaudémont + Margaret of Joinville
Antoine, Count of Vaudémont + Marie of Harcourt
Frederick II, Count of Vaudémont + Yolande of Anjou
Margaret of Lorraine + René, Duke of Alençon
Françoise d'Alençon + Charles, Duke of Vendôme (see above)
Antoine of Navarre + Jeanne III of Navarre (see above)
Henry IV of France + MARIE DE MEDICI
Louis XIII of France + Anne of Austria (see above)
Louis XIV “Sun King”, King of France
Philippe I, Duke of Orléans (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine
Elisabeth of France + Philip IV of Spain (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Maria Theresa of Spain + Louis XIV of France
Louis, Grand Dauphin + Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria
Philip V of Spain (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Elisabeth Farnese
Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain + Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia (see below)
Christine Marie of France (Built Palazzo Madama in Turin, according to the advice of alchemists) + Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy (see above)
Charles Emmanuel II + Christine of France (see above)
Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia + Anne Marie d’Orléans (see above)
Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia + Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg
Henrietta Maria + Charles I of England (s. of King James)
Henrietta of England + Philippe I, Duke of Orléans
Anne Marie d'Orléans + Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia (see above)
Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia + Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain (d. of Philip V of Spain, Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia
Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia (Order of the Golden Fleece) + (see below)
Charles Felix, King of Sardinia (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Louis, Prince of Condé + Eléanor de Roucy de Roye
Henri, Prince of Condé + Charlotte Catherine de La Tremoille
Éléonore de Bourbon + Philip William, Prince of Orange
Henri II, Prince of Condé + Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency (see above)
Louis, Grand Condé (in conspiracy with Menasseh ben Israel, Isaac La Peyrère and Queen Christina) + Claire Clémence de Maillé
Henri Jules de Bourbon + Anne Henriette of Bavaria
Louis, Prince of Condé + Louise Françoise de Bourbon
Louis, Count of Clermont (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France)
Louis, Prince of Condé + Francoise d'Orleans
Charles, Count of Soissons + Anne de Montafié
Marie, Princess of Carignan + Thomas Francis, Prince of Carignano (see above)
Emmanuel Philibert, Prince of Carignano + Maria Angela Caterina d’Este
Victor Amadeus I + Maria Vittoria (d. of Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia)
Louis Victor, Prince of Carignano
Victor Amadeus II, Prince of Carignano
Charles Emmanuel of Savoy + Maria Theresa of Austria
Charles Albert of Sardinia
Victor Emmanuel II of Italy (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Anne of Alençon + William IX of Montferrat
Margaret Paleologa + Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (see above)
RENE II, DUKE OF LORRAINE (Order of the Fleur de Lys) + Philippa of Guelders
Antoine, Duke of Lorraine + Renée de Bourbon (see above)
Francis I, Duke of Lorraine + Princess Christina of Denmark
Charles III, Duke of Lorraine + Claude of France (see above)
Henry II, Duke of Lorraine + Margherita Gonzaga (see below)
Christina of Lorraine (patron of Galileo)
Claude, Duke of Guise (founder of House of Guise, emade a duke by Francis I of France) + Antoinette de Bourbon
MARIE OF GUISE + James V, King of Scotland (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Mary, Queen of Scots + Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley
JAMES VI OF SCOTLAND (later King James I of England) + Anne of Denmark
Charles I of England + Henrietta Maria of France
Charles II of England + Catherine of Braganza
Lady Mary Tudor + Edward Radclyffe, 2nd Earl of Derwentwater
James Radclyffe, 3rd Earl of Derwentwater
CHARLES RADCLYFFE (founder of the Grand Lodge of England, officer in the Order of the Fleur de Lys, and Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION)
Mary, Princess of Orange + William II, Prince of Orange
William III of England + Mary II of England (see below)
James II and VII of England, Scotland and Ireland + Anne Hyde
Mary II of England + William II, Prince of Orange (together known as William and Mary)
William III of England, King of England, Ireland, and Scotland
James II & VII + Mary of Modena
James Francis Edward Stuart (“The Old Pretender”) + Maria Clementina Sobieska
CHARLES EDWARD STUART (Bonnie Prince Charlie, "the Young Pretender")
HENRY BENEDICT STUART (Cardinal Duke of York)
Henrietta of England + PHILIPPE I, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Order of the Golden Fleece) - (see below)
ALCHEMICAL WEDDING: Elizabeth Stuart + Frederick V of the Palatinate (see above)
Isabelle of Lorraine + Enguerrand VII, Lord of Coucy
Joan of Bar, Countess of Surrey (Grand Master of the Priory of Sion)
Bertha of Savoy + Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor
Agnes of Waiblingen + Frederick I, Duke of Swabia
Frederick II of Swabia + Judith of Bavaria
Frederick Barbarossa + Beatrice I, Countess of Burgundy
Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor + Constance (d. of Roger II of Sicily and Rethel)
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor + Bianca Lancia
Manfred, King of Sicily + Beatrice of Savoy (daughter of Amadeus IV, Count of Savoy)
Constance + Peter III of Aragon
Conrad III of Germany
Agnes of Waiblingen + Leopold III of Austria
Judith of Babenberg + William V, Marquis of Montferrat
Conrad of Montferrat + Isabella I of Jerusalem (d. of Amalric of Jerusalem + Maria Comnena)
Maria of Montferrat + John of Brienne
Isabella II of Jerusalem + Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Conrad II of Jerusalem + Elisabeth of Bavaria