The Genealogy of the order of the Fleur de lys
The Order of the Fleur de lys
Rene of Anjou founded the Order of the Fleur de Lys in 1439 as a continuation of the Templars. The avowed purpose of the Order was the re-establishment of the Judaic-Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem and, until the 1995 change to the constitution, this was still stated as the prime purpose of the Order. The Sovereign of the Order was in theory the Reigning King of Jerusalem of the Anjou dynasty. With the establishment of the State of Israel however, the order chose to amend this and merely put this in a preamble to the new constitution as the reason for the Order’s founding. The Order was given its first Document in 1439 by Rene d’Anjou, who was at that time King of Jerusalem, Naples and Hungary, Duc d’Anjou, de Bar et Lorraine, and a purported Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. His title as duke of Lorraine was confirmed by his suzerain, Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, founder of the Order of the Dragon. The marriage of Marie of Bourbon, niece of Philip the Good, founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece, with John, duke of Calabria, René’s eldest son, cemented peace between the two princes. In his fight to gain the Kingdom of Naples, Rene had been supported by Cosimo de Medici the elder, whose descendants became Dukes of Florence and later Grand Dukes of Tuscany as well as John de Montgomery (1394 – 1445).
In the 1420s, the Earls of Buchan, Douglas, Murray and Mar had led some 6,000 Scottish Knights and Men-at-Arms to France to help the King of France against the English, which became known as the Garde Écossaise, or Scots Guard. They were under the command of the Scottish Constable Sir John Stewart of Darnley, though some authorities dispute this and state that he was a different Sir John Stewart, and the later Constable of the King of France’s Scottish Division, Sir John de Montgomery, Laird of Giffen and Seigneur d’Azay-le-Rideau. Sir John Stewart of Darnley was the great-grandson of Sir Alan Stewart of Dreghorn, an adherent of Robert the Bruce. They participated at the siege of Orleans alongside Rene d’Anjou and Joan of Arc. The Garde Écossaise or Scottish guard was the elite royal bodyguard composed of Scottish men-at-arms and archers established by Charles VII in 1425. The three became the founders of the Order of the Fleur de Lys and the Sovereign Grand Commandership of the Order is restricted to their descendants of those of the Sforza family. The fleur de lys was the emblem of the Montgomerys in Scotland, René as a member of the French Royal House had the Fleur-de-Lys as part of his Coat of Arms, and another form of the Fleur-de-Lys was the emblem of Florence of the Medicis. In 1464, Cosimo de Medici died and in 1480 with the death of René d’Anjou, Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan became head of the Order.
In 1444 members of the Order and the Company, had fought in what today we call Bosnia-Herzegovina, but which at that time was part of the Serbian Byzantine Empire and which was in the forefront of the fight against Islam. The Order succeeded in returning George Brankovich to the throne of Serbia and this event is still marked today by the Fleur-de-Lys Monument (Called the Fleur-de-Lys Obelisk) at Blatsha. In 1448, the Order found itself once again fighting in Serbia. The Army consisted of Hungarians, Wallachians and Knights of the Orders of the Dragon, the Order of the Crescent and the Order of the Lys. A number of Jewish warriors also joined one or other of the Orders, certainly the Lys, and fought or acted as physicians, alongside their Christian brethren. According to the order’s website, the reasons for this date back to the foundation of the Jewish Princedom of Septimania in the Languedoc region of Southern France in the eight century, who were ruled by the Kalonymos family, who claimed descent from Rabbi Makhir, purported father of Guillaume de Gellone.
Although the battle was lost, Vlad Dracul, known to fiction as Dracula, grandson of the Wallachian Prince Dracul, a member of the Order of the Dragon, assumed the throne of Wallachia. As it was not possible to identify all the slain, they were buried with simple stones above them on which were inscribed a sword with either a circle (Order of the Dragon), a crescent (Order of the crescent) or a Fleur de Lys (Order of the Lys). Many of the members who fought in the Balkans were descendants of Jews brought out of Spain and later Byzantium by the Medicis. Somewhere during the period 1490-1492 the Order of the Lys becomes involved in moving large numbers of Jews out of Spain and Portugal and resettling them in the domains of Rene of Anjou’s grandson, Rene II de Lorraine, who became Grand Master of the Ordre du Lys, and those of the Medicis.
Married twice, René II of Lorraine’s first wife was Jeanne d’Harcourt de Montgomery, Countess of Tancarville, daughter of René de Montgomery, René of Anjou’s godson, and son of John Montgomery. After Jeanne’s death, he married Phillipa of Guelders, the niece of James II’s wife Mary of Guelders. René II was succeeded as Duke of Lorraine by his son, Antoine (1489 – 1544), who married Renee of Bourbon, the sister of Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, and so linked three families who at one time or another had members who became Sovereign Grand Commanders of the Order of the Fleur de Lys. René II succeeded Ludovico Sforza as Grand Master of the Order of the Lys. René, in turn, was succeeded by Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, the son of Federico I’s daughter Clara Gonzaga, and also a purported Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Clara’s brother, Francesco II Gonzaga married Beatrice d’Este’s sister Isabella, and fathered Federico II Gonzaga. Isabella and Francesco II’s son, Ferrante, a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece is listed as a purported Grand Master of the Priory of Sion after Da Vinci, and also succeeded his first cousin Charles III as Grand Master of the Order of the Fleur de Lys. Ferrante was succeeded as Grand Master of the Priory of Sion by his nephew Louis Gonzaga, Duke of Nevers.
Rene II of Lorraine’s second son, Claude, Duke of Guise (1496 – 1550), was the founder of a cadet branch of the House of Lorraine, the House of Guise. Claude entered French service and was made a duke by King Francis I, also a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and grandson of Philip II, Duke of Savoy, a claiming of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Francis I married Claude of France, whose father, Louis XII of France, was the son of Charles, Duke of Orléans, a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and Marie of Cleves, the sister of Catherine of Cleves. Claude of France’s sister Renée of France, was married to Ercole II d’Este, the eldest son of Alfonso I d’Este and the notorious Lucrezia Borgia, daughter of Pope Alexander VI. Claude of Guise’s brother was Jean, Cardinal of Lorraine (1498 – 1550), who was named Abbot Commendatory of the Abbey of Cluny by his friend Francis I. Jean was also a friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam and François Rabelais, author of Gargantua and Pantagruel. Jean was succeeded by Marie’s brother, Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine (1524 – 1574), who was Rabelais’ protector. Their brother, Francis, Duke of Guise (1519 – 1563) married Anna d’Este, daughter of the Ercole II d’Este and Renée.
The House of Guise claimed descent from Charlemagne and harbored pretensions to the French crown. According to Edward Gelles, “In the days of Charlemagne an ancient Davidic blood connection was clearly valued by the aristocracy.” In L’Auguste Maison de Lorraine, by J. de Pange, with introduction by Otto von Habsburg, whose ancient titles included Duke of Lorraine and King of Jerusalem, records that Francis’s and Anna d’Este’s son Henry I, Duke of Guise (1550 – 1588), was welcomed by cries of Hosanna filio David (“Hosanna the son of David”) on entering the town of Joinville in Champagne.
According to the order’s own history, an important event in the history of the Order of the Fleur de Lys was the marriage of Marie de Guise to James V of Scotland (1512 – 1542), a member of the Order of the Garter and knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece. James V was the son of King James IV of Scotland and his wife Margaret Tudor, a daughter of Henry VII of England, a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Margaret’s mother was Elizabeth of York, the daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, who was widely suspected of being a witch. Elizabeth of Woodville’s mother Jacquetta belonged to the House of Luxembourg and was a fourth cousin twice removed of Sigismund of Luxembourg, founder of the Order of the Dragon. As a consequence, the Order of the Fleur de Lys needed to protect this major branch of the House of Guise-Lorraine and it switched its main base from France to Scotland. From that point forward, nearly all the Grand Master were Scots with the only exceptions being members of the Guise Lorraine families themselves.
Francis I died in 1547 and was succeeded by Henry II, who was even more severe against the Protestants than his father had been. However, the accidental death of Henry II in 1559 created a political vacuum that encouraged the rise of factions eager to grasp power. Henry II, who was made a knight of the Order of the Garter, married Catherine de Medici, great-granddaughter of Lorenzo the Magnificent, grandson of Cosimo de Medici the Elder. Catherine, a leading sponsor of Nostradamus, was also a practitioner of the Black Mass, and taught the black arts to her son Henry III of France.
During the reign of Henry III’s brother, Francis II of France (1544 – 1560), the House of Guise attained supreme power, and sought to convert it to true kingship by eradicating the House of Bourbon, the legal successors to the throne of France. Although Francis II was then only fifteen years old, the House of Guise had an advantage in his marriage to Mary, Queen of Scots, who was their niece, as the daughter of James V and Marie Guise. Within days of the Francis II’s accession, the English ambassador reported that “the house of Guise ruleth and doth all about the French King.” In 1548, Mary had been brought to France under the escort of the Scots Guard, whose captain, Gabriel de Montgomery (1530 – 1574), a senior member of the Order of the Fleur de Lys, was a close friend of Henry II. Montgomery is remembered for mortally injuring Henry II in a jousting accident. In their final pass, Montgomery's lance splintered into two shards, with one going through the Henry II’s visor hitting his eye, while the other lodged in his temple. Henry II’s death was widely believed to have been foretold by Nostradamus, who wrote: “The young lion will overcome the older one, On the field of combat in a single battle; He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage, Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death.”
Catherine, who was initially lenient towards the Protestants, later hardened her stance and, at the time of the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre of 1572, sided with the Guises. Claude’s children and grandchildren were to lead the Catholic party in the French Wars of Religion, which saw the rise of the House of Guise, which became a dominant force in French politics and, by the time of the later years of Henri III of France’s reign, was on the verge of succeeding to the throne of France. The French Wars of Religion was a prolonged period of war and popular unrest between Catholics and Huguenots in the Kingdom of France between 1562 and 1598. It is considered the second deadliest religious war in European history, after the Thirty Years’ War. Foreign allies provided financing and other assistance to both sides, with Habsburg Spain and the Duchy of Savoy supporting the Guises. Much of the conflict took place during the long regency of Catherine de Medici, widow of Henry II, for her minor sons, the last Valois kings: Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III.
Theobald I, Count of Bar (see the Genealogy of the Princes’ Crusade) + Ermesinde (Isabella) of Bar-sur-Seine
Henry II of Bar (killed in Barons' Crusade) + Philippa of Dreux
Theobald II, Count of Bar + Jeanne de Toucy
Henry III, Count of Bar + Eleanor (d. of Edward I of England + Eleanor of Castile)
EDWARD I, COUNT OF BAR (4th Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION) + Mary of Burgundy
Henry IV of Bar + Yolande of Flanders
Robert I, Duke of Bar + Marie of Valois, Duchess of Bar
Eleanor + Rudolph, Duke of Lorraine (s. of Frederick IV, Duke of Lorraine)
Beatrice + Guido Gonzaga, Lord of Mantua
Ludovico II Gonzaga + lda (d. of Obizzo III d'Este, Marquis of Ferrara)
Francesco I Gonzaga + Margherita Malatesta
Gianfrancesco I Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua (first Gonzaga to bear the title of marquess, which he obtained from EMPEROR SIGISMUND, founder of the ORDER OF THE DRAGON) + Paola Malatesta
Ludovico III Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua + Barbara of Brandenburg (niece of EMPEROR SIGISMUND)
Federico I Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua + Margaret of Bavaria (d. of Albert III, Duke of Bavaria)
Clara Gonzaga + Gilbert, Count of Montpensier
Renée de Bourbon + Antoine, Duke of Lorraine (see below)
Louise de Bourbon + Louis, Prince of La Roche-sur-Yon
Louis, Duke of Montpensier + Jacqueline de Longwy
Countess Louise Juliana of Nassau + Frederick IV, Elector Palatine
FREDERICK V OF THE PALATINATE + Elizabeth Stuart (see below)
Francesco II Gonzaga + ISABELLA D’ESTE (patron of Leonardo da Vinci)
Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua + (see below)
Charles I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua + Catherine of Lorraine-Mayenne
Charles Gonzaga, Duke of Nevers + Maria Gonzaga (see below)
Guglielmo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua + (see below)
Margaret of Bar + Henry V, Count of Luxembourg (paid homage to King Theobald II of Navarre, Count of Champagne. Ermesinde, Countess of Luxembourg, who trace their descent to the female serpent-spirit, Melusina. Emperor Frederick Barbarossa decided that she was the heir to the County of Luxembourg) + Waleran III of Limburg
Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor (first emperor of the House of Luxembourg) + Margaret of Brabant
John the Blind, King of Bohemia + Elizabeth of Bohemia
Bonne of Luxembourg + John II, King of France (son of Philip VI of France, whose first wife was BLANCHE OF NAVARRE, Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION)
Charles V of France
Charles VI of France + Isabeau of Bavaria
Charles VII of France + Marie of Anjou (see below)
Louis I, Duke of Orléans + Valentina Visconti
Charles, Duke of Orléans (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Marie of Cleves
Louis XII of France + Anne of Brittany
Claude of France + Francis I of France (see below)
Renée of France + Ercole II d'Este (s. of Alfonso I d'Este + Lucrezia Borgia)
Anne d’Este + (see below)
John, Count of Angoulême + Marguerite de Rohan
Charles, Count of Angoulême + Louise of Savoy
Francis I of France + (see below)
Catherine of Valois
Louis I, Duke of Anjou + Marie of Blois
Louis II of Anjou (see below)
John, Duke of Berry (requested that Jean d’Arras write the Roman de Mélusine or the Chronique de Melusine part of Le Noble Hystoire de Lusignan) + Joanna of Armagnac
Bonne of Berry + Amadeus VII, Count of Savoy
Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy (antipope Felix V, elevated duke of Savoy by Emperor Sigismund) + Mary of Burgundy (see below)
Philip the Bold + Margaret III, Countess of Flanders
John the Fearless + Margaret of Bavaria
Philip the Good (founder of the ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE) + Isabella of Portugal (sister of Prince Henry the Navigator, Grand Master of the ORDER OF CHRIST)
Charles the Bold + Isabella of Portugal (d. of John I of Portugal + Philippa of Lancaster, daughter of John of Gaunt)
Mary, Duchess of Burgundy + Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (s. of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor + Eleanor of Portugal, d. of Edward, King of Portugal, brother of Prince Henry the Navigator, Grand Master of the Order of Christ, and brother of Joanna of Castile who married Philip the Good, founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Philip I of Castile + Joanna of Castile (daughter of Ferdinand, knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, and Queen Isabella)
Eleanor + Manuel I of Portugal (Order of the Golden Fleece, Grand Master of the Order of Christ)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Isabella of Portugal (d. of Manuel I, King of Portugal, Grand Master of the Order of Christ)
Philip II of Spain (Grand Master of the orders of Santiago, Montesa and Calatrava, and a member of the Order of the Garter. Philip II’s second wife was Mary I of England, “Bloody Mary”)
Maria of Austria, Holy Roman Empress + Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (see below)
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Anna Jagellonica (see below)
Agnes, Duchess of Bourbon + Margaret of Bavaria
Agnes, Duchess of Bourbon + Charles I, Duke of Bourbon
Margaret of Bourbon + Philip II, Duke of Savoy (see below)
Mary of Burgundy + Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy (see above)
Louis, Duke of Savoy + Anne of Cyprus (of the Poitiers-Lusignan dynasty)
Philip II, Duke of Savoy + Margaret of Bourbon (see above)
Philibert II + Yolande Louise of Savoy
Louise + Charles, Count of Angoulême
Francis I of France (sponsor of Guillaume Postel, who prophesied coming of Alias Artista) + Claude, Duchess of Brittany
Margaret of Valois + (see below)
Henry II of France + Catherine de Medici (sponsor of NOSTRADAMUS and creator of the Black Mass)
Claude of France + Charles III, Duke of Lorraine (see below)
Henry III of France (educated in Black Arts by his mother) + Louise of Lorraine
Margaret of Angoulême + Henry II of Navarre
Jeanne III of Navarre + Antoine of Navarre
Henry IV of France + Marie de Medici (see below)
Louis XIII of France + Anne of Austria (d. of Philip III of Spain, Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Louis XIV, King of France + MADAME DE MONTESPAN (practitioner of the Black Mass involved in the Affair of the Poisons)
Louise Françoise de Bourbon + Louis III, Prince of Condé (see below)
Françoise Marie de Bourbon + PHILIPPE II, DUKE OF ORLEANS (see below)
PHILIPPE I, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine
PHILIPPE I, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Henrietta of England
Elisabeth + Philip IV of Spain
Christine of France (built Palazzo Madama according advice of alchemists) + Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy (grandson of Emmanuel Philibert and Margaret of Valois who consulted Nostradamus for the birth of their son Charles Emmanuel I)
Charles Emmanuel II + Christine of France (s. Of Louis XIII)
Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia + (see below)
Gaston, Duke of Orléans + Marguerite of Lorraine (see below)
Henrietta Maria + Charles I of England (see below)
Philip II, Duke of Savoy + Claudine de Brosse of Brittany
Charles III, Duke of Savoy + Beatrice of Portugal (d. Manuel I of Portugal, Grand Master of the Order of Christ) + Maria of Aragon)
Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy + Margaret of Valois
Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy (birth prophesied by Nostradamus) + Catherina Micaela of Spain
Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy + Princess Christine Marie of France (daughter o
Charles Emmanuel II + Christine of France (s. Of Louis XIII)
Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia + Anne Marie d’Orléans (see below)
Isabella of Savoy + Alfonso III d'Este, Duke of Modena
Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena + Maria Caterina Farnese
Alfonso IV d'Este, Duke of Modena + Laura Martinozzi
Mary of Modena + James II of England (see below)
Philip II, Duke of Savoy + Libera Portoneri
René of Savoy + Anne Lascaris
Madeleine of Savoy + Anne de Montmorency (Order of the Garter)
Henri I de Montmorency + Louise de Budos
Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency + Henri II de Bourbon (see below)
Charlotte of Savoy + Louis XI of France (see below)
Bona + Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan (s. of Francesco I Sforza, Order of the Crescent founded by René of Anjou, with Yolande de Bar’s husband, Ferri de Vaudimont)
Gian Galeazzo Sforza + Isabella of Naples
Bona Sforza + Sigismund I the Old (missing)
Anna Sforza + Alfonso I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara
Joan, Queen of Navarre + Charles II of Navarre
Charles III of Navarre + Eleanor of Castile
Blanche I of Navarre + John II of Aragon (s. of son of Ferdinand I of Aragon)
Marie of Valois, Duchess of Bar + Robert I, Duke of Bar (see above)
Henry of Bar + Marie de Coucy, Countess of Soissons (d. of Enguerrand VII de Coucy, possible author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
Yolande of Bar + John I of Aragon (s. of Peter IV of Aragon + Eleanor of Sicily)
Yolande of Aragon + Louis II of Anjou (see above)
Louis III of Anjou
Marie of Anjou + Charles VII of France (see above)
Louis XI of France + Charlotte of Savoy (see above)
Charles VIII of France + Anne of Brittany
RENE OF ANJOU (Grand Master of PRIORY OF SION, founder of the ORDER OF THE FLEUR DE LYS, confirmed by Emperor Sigismund, founder of the ORDER OF THE DRAGON) + Isabella, Duchess of Lorraine
Margaret of Anjou + Henry VI of England (succeeded by Edward IV, s. of Richard Duke of York)
Edward, Prince of Wales
YOLANDE OF BAR (Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION, inherited the Duchy of Lorraine in 1473 after the death without a male heir of Nicholas I, Duke of Lorraine) + Ferri de Vaudemont (ORDERO OF THE CRESCENT, with FRANCESO I SFORZA)
Margaret of Lorraine + René, Duke of Alençon
Anne of Alençon + Casale to William IX of Montferrat
Margaret Paleologa + Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (see above)
Antoine, Duke of Lorraine + Renée de Bourbon (see above)
Francis I, Duke of Lorraine + Princess Christina of Denmark
Charles III, Duke of Lorraine + Claude of France (see above)
Henry II, Duke of Lorraine + Margherita Gonzaga
Nicole of Lorraine + Charles IV, Duke of Lorraine
Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (Order of the Golden Fleece)+ Eleanor of Mantua (d. of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor + Eleanor Gonzaga)
Christina of Lorraine (patron of Galileo) + Cardinal Ferdinando I de Medici (friend of Cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte, sponsor of Caravaggio)
Cosimo II de' Medici (sponsor of Galileo) + Maria Maddalena of Austria (d. of Charles II, Archduke of Austria, third son of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, and of Anne of Bohemia and Hungary, daughter of King Vladislaus II of Hungary)
Ferdinando II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany + Vittoria della Rovere (see below)
Catherine de Medici, Governor of Siena + Ferdinando I, Duke of Mantua
Claudia de' Medici + Federico Ubaldo della Rovere
Vittoria della Rovere + Ferdinando II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (see above)
Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany + Marguerite Louise d'Orléans (see below)
Francis II, Duke of Lorraine + Christina of Salm
Marguerite of Lorraine + Gaston, Duke of Orléans (see above)
Marguerite Louise d'Orléans + Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (see above)
Gian Gastone de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (educated Count of Saint Germain) + Anna Maria Franziska of Saxe-Lauenburg
Renata of Lorraine + William V, Duke of Bavaria
Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria + Maria Anna of Austria
Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria + Princess Henriette Adelaide of Savoy
Maria Anna of Bavaria + Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor + Maria Anna of Spain
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor + Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor + Wilhelmine Amalie of Brunswick
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor + Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (see below)
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor + Eleanora Gonzaga (see below)
Claude, Duke of Guise (founder of House of Guise, emade a duke by Francis I of France) + Antoinette de Bourbon
MARIE OF GUISE + James V, King of Scotland (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Mary, Queen of Scots + Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley
JAMES VI OF SCOTLAND (later King James I of England) + Anne of Denmark
Charles I of England + Henrietta Maria of France
Charles II of England + Catherine of Braganza
Lady Mary Tudor + Edward Radclyffe, 2nd Earl of Derwentwater
James Radclyffe, 3rd Earl of Derwentwater
CHARLES RADCLYFFE (founder of the Grand Lodge of England, Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION and ORDER OF THE FLEUR DE LYS)
Mary, Princess of Orange + William II, Prince of Orange
William III of England + Mary II of England (see below)
James II and VII of England, Scotland and Ireland + Anne Hyde
Mary II of England + William II, Prince of Orange (together known as William and Mary)
William III of England, King of England, Ireland, and Scotland
James II & VII + Mary of Modena
James Francis Edward Stuart (“The Old Pretender”) + Maria Clementina Sobieska
CHARLES EDWARD STUART (Bonnie Prince Charlie, "the Young Pretender")
HENRY BENEDICT STUART (Cardinal Duke of York)
Henrietta of England + PHILIPPE I, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Order of the Golden Fleece) - (see above)
Anne Marie d’Orléans + Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia
ALCHEMICAL WEDDING: Elizabeth Stuart + Frederick V of the Palatinate (see above)
Charles Louis, (1617 – 1680)
Charles II (1651 – 1685) + Princess Wilhelmine Ernestine of Denmark
Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine + PHILIPPE I, DUKE OF ORLEANS
PHILIPPE II, DUKE OF ORLEANS (friend of CHEVALIER MICHAEL RAMSAY) + Françoise Marie de Bourbon (see above)
Louis, Duke of Orléans (1703–1752)
Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans (1725 – 1785)
LOUIS PHILIPPE, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Philippe Égalité, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France)
Charlotte Aglaé d'Orléans + Francesco III d'Este, Duke of Modena
Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans + Leopold, Duke of Lorraine
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Empress Maria Theresa (supporter of Jacob Frank)
Charles Alexander (Order of the Golden Fleece, Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION)
Edward, Count Palatine of Simmern + Anna Gonzaga (see below)
Sophia of Hannover + Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover (1629 – 1698)
Sophia Charlotte + Frederick I of Prussia
Frederick William I of Prussia + Sophia Dorothea of Hanover
George I of England (1660 – 1727)
Francis, Duke of Guise + Anna d'Este (see above)
Henry I, Duke of Guise + Catherine of Cleves
CHARLES, DUKE OF GUISE (Grand Master of the ORDER OF THE FLEUR DE LYS. Sided with Marie de Medici)
Charles, Duke of Mayenne + Henriette of Savoy
Catherine of Lorraine-Mayenne + Charles I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua
Charles Gonzaga, Duke of Nevers + Maria Gonzaga
Eleanora Gonzaga + Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor
Eleonore of Austria + Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (Order of the Golden Fleece, see above)
Leopold, Duke of Lorraine + Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans (see below)
Charles II, Duke of Mantua and Monferrat
Marie Louise Gonzaga + Władysław IV Vasa and secondly John II Casimir of Poland
Anna Gonzaga + Edward, Count Palatine of Simmern (son of ALCHEMICAL WEDDING of Frederick V of the Palatinate + Elizabeth Stuart)
Princess Anne of the Palatinate + Henri Jules, Prince of Condé (see below)
Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine (protector of Rabelais)
Jean, Cardinal of Lorraine (named Abbot Commendatory of the Abbey of Cluny by his friend King Francis I, Order of the Golden Fleece. Also friend of Erasmus and Rebelais)
Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor + Elizabeth of Pomerania
Elizabeth of Luxembourg + Albert II of Germany
Elizabeth of Austria + Casimir IV, King of Poland
Vladislaus II of Hungary + Anne of Foix-Candale
Anna Jagellonica + Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Archduchess Anna of Austria + Albert V, Duke of Bavaria
William V, Duke of Bavaria + Renata of Lorraine (see below)
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Maria of Austria, Holy Roman Empress
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain + Philip II of Spain
Philip III of Spain (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Margaret of Austria
Philip IV of Spain (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Elisabeth of France (d. of King Henry IV of France and his second spouse Marie de' Medici.)
Maria Theresa of Spain + Louis XIV of France
Louis, Grand Dauphin + Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria
Philip V of Spain (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Elisabeth Farnese
Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain + Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia (see below)
Catherina Micaela of Spain + Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy (birth prophesied by Nostradamus)
Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy + Princess Christine Marie of France
Charles Emmanuel II + Christine of France (s. Of Louis XIII)
Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia + Anne Marie d’Orléans (see below)
Isabella of Savoy + Alfonso III d'Este, Duke of Modena
Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena + Maria Caterina Farnese
Alfonso IV d'Este, Duke of Modena + Laura Martinozzi
Mary of Modena + James II of England
James Francis Edward Stuart (“The Old Pretender”) + Maria Clementina Sobieska
Charles Edward Stuart, Bonnie Prince Charlie, "the Young Pretender"
Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York
Rinaldo, Duke of Modena + Charlotte of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Francesco III d'Este, Duke of Modena + Charlotte Aglaé d'Orléans (d. Philippe II, Duke of Orléans)
Ercole III d'Este, Duke of Modena (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Maria Teresa, Duchess of Massa
Maria Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Massa + Archduke Ferdinand of Austria (see above)
Maria Theresa of Austria-Este, Queen of Sardinia + Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia
Thomas Francis, Prince of Carignano + Marie de Bourbon
Emmanuel Philibert, Prince of Carignano + Maria Angela Caterina d'Este
Victor Amadeus I + Maria Vittoria (d. of Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia)
Louis Victor, Prince of Carignano
Victor Amadeus II, Prince of Carignano
Charles Emmanuel of Savoy + Maria Theresa of Austria
Charles Albert of Sardinia
Victor Emmanuel II of Italy (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Eleanor, Duchess of Mantua + Guglielmo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua
Margherita, Duchess consort of Ferrara + Alfonso II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio
Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Eleonora de' Medici (see below)
Barbara, Duchess of Ferrara + Alfonso II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio
Charles II, Archduke of Austria + Maria Anna of Bavaria
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor + Maria Anna of Bavaria (see above)
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor + Maria Anna of Spain
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor + Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor + Wilhelmine Amalie of Brunswick
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor + Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor + Eleanora Gonzaga
Eleonore of Austria + Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (see below)
Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain + Philip III of Spain
Maria Christina, Princess of Transylvania + Sigismund Báthory (nephew of Elizabeth Bathory)
Joanna of Austria + Francesco I de Medici
Marie de Medici + Henry IV of France
Louis XIII of France + Anne of Austria (d. of Philip III of Spain, Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Louis XIV, King of France + MADAME DE MONTESPAN (practitioner of the Black Mass involved in the Affair of the Poisons)
Louise Françoise de Bourbon + Louis III, Prince of Condé (see below)
Françoise Marie de Bourbon + PHILIPPE II, DUKE OF ORLEANS (see below)
PHILIPPE I, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine + (see above)
PHILIPPE II, DUKE OF ORLEANS (friend of CHEVALIER MICHAEL RAMSAY) + Françoise Marie de Bourbon (see above)
Louis, Duke of Orléans (1703–1752)
Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans (1725 – 1785)
LOUIS PHILIPPE, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Philippe Égalité, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France)
Charlotte Aglaé d'Orléans + (see below)
Élisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Lorraine + Leopold, Duke of Lorraine (see below)
PHILIPPE I, DUKE OF ORLEANS (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Henrietta of England (see above)
Anne Marie d’Orléans + Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia (see above)
Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia + Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg
Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia + Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain (see above)n
Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia
Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia (Order of the Golden Fleece) + (see below)
Charles Felix, King of Sardinia (Order of the Golden Fleece)
Eleanor de' Medici + Vincenzo I Gonzaga (see above)
Margherita Gonzaga + Henry II, Duke of Lorraine (see above)
Nicole of Lorraine + Charles IV, Duke of Lorraine
Charles V, Duke of Lorraine (Order of the Golden Fleece)+ Eleonore of Austria (see above)
Leopold, Duke of Lorraine + Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Empress Maria Theresa (supporter of Jacob Frank)
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, had affair with Eva, daughter of Jacob Frank)
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Maria Luisa of Spain (d. Charles III of Spain, Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Princess Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily
Archduke Franz Karl + Princess Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily
Franz Joseph I of Austria (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Maximilian I of Mexico
Archduke Karl Ludwig + Princess Maria Annunciata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies + Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony
Archduke Franz Ferdinand + Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg
Archduke Otto of Austria + Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony
Charles I of Austria + Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma
OTTO VON HABSBURG (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria + (see below)
Marie Antoinette + Louis XVI
Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine (ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE, Grand Master of the TEUTONIC KNIGHTS, PRIORY OF SION)
Claude of Lorraine + Nicholas II, Duke of Lorraine
Vincenzo II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua (in contact with Sendivogius)
Eleonora + Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Sigismund I the Old (Order of the Golden Fleece) + Bona Sforza (see above)
Sigismund II Augustus + Barbara Radziwiłł (accused of promiscuity and witchcraft)
Sigismund II Augustus
Anna Jagiellon + Stephen Báthory (sponsor of John Dee and uncle of Elizabeth Báthory, the “Blood Countess”)
Catherine Jagiellon + John III of Sweden
Sigismund III Vasa (from whom the Vasa kings of Poland were descended. Raised by Jesuits, sponsored alchemist Sendivogius)
Anne of Austria, Landgravine of Thuringia + William III, Duke of Luxemburg
Margaret of Thuringia + John II, Elector of Brandenburg
Joachim I Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg + Elizabeth of Denmark
Margaret of Brandenburg + John V, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst
Joachim Ernest, Prince of Anhalt + Eleonore of Württemberg
Rudolph, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst + Dorothea Hedwig
Dorothea of Anhalt-Zerbst + Augustus the Younger, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (friend of Johann Valentin Andreae, purported author of the Rosicrucian manifestos, and Rabbi Templo)
Anthony Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Princess Elisabeth Juliana of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Norburg
Louis Rudolph, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg + Princess Christine Louise of Oettingen-Oettingen
Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Empress Maria Theresa (supporter of Jacob Frank) + Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, had affair with Eva, daughter of Jacob Frank)
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Maria Luisa of Spain (d. Charles III of Spain, Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece) + Princess Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily
Archduke Franz Karl + Princess Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily
Franz Joseph I of Austria (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Maximilian I of Mexico
Archduke Karl Ludwig + Princess Maria Annunciata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies + Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony
Archduke Franz Ferdinand + Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg
Archduke Otto of Austria + Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony
Charles I of Austria + Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma
OTTO VON HABSBURG (Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria + (see below)
Marie Antoinette + Louis XVI
Archduke Maximilian Francis (Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION and ORDER OF THE FLEUR DE LYS)
Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich of Russia (son and heir of Peter the Great)
Peter II of Russia (the direct male line of the Romanov dynasty ended with this death)
Princess Antoinette of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Ferdinand Albert II, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Princess Sophie Antoinette of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Ernest Frederick, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (see above)
Francis, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld + Countess Augusta of Reuss-Ebersdorf
Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg + Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (granddaughter of ERNEST II, DUKE OF SAXE-GOTHA-ALTERNBURG, gave refuge to Adam Weishaupt - see below)
Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha + QUEEN VICTORIA (see below)
Leopold I of Belgium (first King of the Belgians, ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE, and Grand Master of the ORDER OF THE FLEUR DE LYS)
Ferdinand Albert I, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern + Christine of Hesse-Eschwege
Ferdinand Albert II, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Charles I, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Princess Philippine Charlotte of Prussia
Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Frederick the Great of Prussia, no issue.
Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (Strict Observance and Asiatic Brethren) +
Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel + Frederick V of Denmark
Engelbert, Count of Nevers + Charlotte of Bourbon-Vendôme
Charles II, Count of Nevers + Marie d'Albret, Countess of Rethel
Francis I, Duke of Nevers + Marguerite of Bourbon-La Marche
Henriette of Cleves (lady-in-waiting of CATHERINE DE MEDICI) + LUDOVICO GONZAGA, DUKE OF NEVERS (Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION, nephew of FERRANTE GONZAGA, Grand Master of the PRIORY OF SION)
Charles I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua + Catherine of Lorraine-Mayenne (daughter of Charles of Lorraine, Duke of Mayenne, see below)
James, Duke of Nevers + Diane de la Marck
Catherine of Cleves + Henry I, Duke of Guise
Charles, Duke of Guise (Grand Master of the Order of the Fleur de Lys)
Marie of Cleves + Henri I de Bourbon, prince de Condé (no issue)