5. Round TAble
Perfidious Albion
In 1902, the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb founded the Coefficients dining club as a forum for British socialist reformers and imperialists, which included Halford Mackinder, Richard Haldane, H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Lord Alfred Milner and Leo Amery. Milner and pro-Zionist Amery were the chief authors of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, issued by Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, granting the to the Zionists the right to possess the land of Israel. Milner also played a key role in the formulation of British foreign and domestic policy between the mid-1890s and early 1920s. For its numerous acts of deception, treachery and sabotage, Britain acquired the moniker of “Perfidious Albion,” from the Latin word perfidia for one who does not keep his faith or word, and Albion, an ancient name for Great Britain. Despite its association with Satanists and occult fascists like Aleister Crowley, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, one of the most influential investment banks in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, was chiefly involved—in league with members of the Round Table, the Skull and Bones Society, and the Warburgs, a Sabbatean family—in bringing about World War I, whose primary accomplishment was the liberation of Palestine from control of the Ottoman Empire, a primary goal of the Zionists.
Nathaniel “Natty” Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild (1840 – 1915)
The Round Table, which was founded by Cecil Rhodes (1853 – 1902), an ardent believer in British imperialism, was funded by Baron Nathan Rothschild, also known as “Natty” de Rothschild, who became head of NM Rothschild and Sons in 1879, who was connected in the Jack the Ripper murders, along with his friend and fellow Mason Lord Randolph Churchill, the father of Sir Winston Churchill.[1] Members of the Round Table were also often members of the Athenaeum Club, London, a private members’ club in London, founded in 1824 by members of the Royal Society. During the existence its existence, dinners of Thomas Huxley’s X Club would take place at the Athenaeum. The Clubhouse has a Doric portico, above which is a statue of the classical goddess of wisdom, Athena, from whom the Club derives its name. It has had many well-known members, including H. H. Asquith, Winston Churchill, Joseph Conrad, Lord Curzon, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, T.S. Eliot, Michael Faraday, Alec Guinness, Rudyard Kipling, Kim Philby, Lord Palmerston, Cecil Rhodes, Isaac D’Israeli, the father of British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Herbert Spencer, Arnold J. Toynbee and W. B. Yeats. Nathan Rothschild also funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company, and the De Beers diamond conglomerate. Rothschild administered Rhodes’ estate after his death in 1902, and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University.
While studying at Oxford, Rhodes became a member of the regular Apollo Lodge No. 357, Orient of Oxford, where he was elevated to Master Mason in 1877, at the age of 24. In that same year, Rhodes wrote down in a “Confession of Faith”:
I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. [...] the absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule simply means the end of all wars. [...] I look into history and read the story of the Jesuits. I see what they were able to do in a bad cause and I might say under bad leaders. In the present day I become the member of a Masonic Order. I see the wealth and power they possess, the influence they hold [...]. Why should we not form a secret society with but one object—the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire. [...] To forward such a scheme, what a splendid help a secret society would be, a society not openly acknowledged, but who [sic!] would work in secret for such an object. [...] Let us form the same kind of society which should have its members in every part of the British Empire working with one object, and one idea, who should have its members placed at our universities and our schools and should watch the English youth passing through their hands. [...] The Society should inspire and even own portions of the press, for the press rules the mind of other people.[2]
William T. Stead (1849 – 1912), founder of the Round Table, met with Papus, introduced Annie Besant to H.P. Blavatsky, associated with Juliette Adam, a close friend of Yuliana Glinka, who leaked the Protocols of Zion of Sergei Nilus
To that end, in 1891, Rhodes met with three other men to discuss his plans for the creation of a secret society to advance his goals. One was Reginald Baliol Brett, later known as Lord Esher, friend and confidant of Queen Victoria, and who would become the most influential adviser of kings Edward VII and George V. The other was the most famous journalist of the day, William T. Stead, who is considered a pioneer of investigative journalism, and to have influenced how the press could be used to influence public opinion and government policy, and advocated “Government by Journalism.”[3] Shortly after the meeting, Stead added Alfred Milner to the society. As Stead had explained to his wife in 1889:
Mr. Rhodes is my man! I have just had three hours talk with him. He is full of a far more gorgeous idea in connection with the paper than even I have had. I cannot tell you his scheme because it is too secret… His ideas are federation, expansion, and consolidation of the Empire... He took to me. Told me some things he has told no other man —save Lord Bothschild…[4]
Only a decade later, in 1899, Stead would become the driving force behind a one-world government scheme known as The Hague Convention, called by Tsar Nicholas II.[5] Through his relationship with Olga Alekseevna Novikova, Stead also developed a friendship with Blavatsky in 1888, and claimed responsibility for having introduced her to Annie Besant.[6] In the April 1896 issue of his spiritualist journal Borderland, Stead published an article by Tautriadelta, the “Hermetic” name of Jack the Ripper suspect Robert Donston Stephenson, describing him in a foreword as “one of the most remarkable persons I ever met.”[7] Stead was invited to speak at a Peace Congress at Carnegie Hall in 1912, having reputedly been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize that year, but he died with the sinking of the Titanic. He was last spotted alongside John Jacob Astor IV clinging to a raft and his body was never recovered. Even After his death, through the medium Mrs. Foster Turner, Stead purportedly predicted the horrors of World War I, six months before its outbreak. Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes murder mysteries, also heard from Stead, who told Doyle that he and Cecil Rhodes had looked into Christ’s eyes and that Christ had told Stead to tell Arthur his work was holy, and that Doyle’s message was His.[8]
Stead had been part of the occult circles of Papus and Juliette Adam, a close friend of another of Blavatsky’s associates, Yuliana Glinka, who leaked Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to Sergei Nilus. Papus’ articles of 1901 in Niet, which are considered to have inspired the Protocols, insinuated that there was a secret Anglo-German, but by reference to the House of Rothschild implicitly primarily “Jewish” conspiracy in Russia, in the form of an all-powerful financial cartel. “A few years ago, therefore, a financial syndicate was founded in Europe, which is now all-powerful, whose supreme aim is to monopolize all the markets of the world, and which, in order to facilitate its means of action, must fatally conquer political influence. [...] the center is in London, and ... the most important branches are in Vienna and Germany.” The most recent act of this cartel, he said, was the monopolization of gold mines with the help of the war in Transvaal. As noted by Markus Osterrieder, the naming of the Transvaal, annexed by the British Empire at the end of the Second Boer War, makes it clear whom Papus had in mind as organizers of the “cartel” in addition to Blavatsky’s cousin, Sergei Witte: the prime minister of the Cape Colony, Cecil Rhodes, his friend, the governor of the Cape Colony, Alfred Milner, and the banking complex of the Jewish Rothschild family associated with them.[9]
Cecil Rhodes’ mistress, Princess Catherine Radziwiłł (1858 – 1941), a cousin of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s wife Marie Victoire de Keller.
Through Novikova, Stead made the acquaintance of one of the purported sources in the forging of the Protocols, Catherine Radziwill, the cousin of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s wife Marie Victoire de Keller, who was a close friend of Princess Louise of Hesse-Kassel. In 1896, Stead arranged for Catherine to meet with Cecil Rhodes. Radziwill left her husband in 1899 for an adventurous life which led her successively to England, then to South Africa, where she asked Rhodes to marry her. They initially became friends, but Rhodes, who some historians have suggested was homosexual, turned her down.[10] Nevertheless, Rhodes paid her debts and sent her back to London. She took advantage of her trip to forge her signature on checks for 600,000 francs which she managed to cash.[11] Prosecuted for forgery, she was sentenced to two years in prison in Cape Town in 1902, but was released after sixteen months, before returning to London in August 1903.[12]
But in Milner’s eyes, Catherine was “the most repulsive animal imaginable” and warned in capital letters, “She is Dangerous!” On another occasion, he remarked: “Strange how sex enters into these great matters of State. It always has. It always will. It is never recorded, therefore history will never be intelligible...” Milner also accused Radziwill of sowing discord between him and Rhodes “by telling either party lies as to what the other had said about him.” She was a schemer in the service of hostile powers. As Markus Osterrieder remarked:
Whether Catherine Radziwill, who eventually stole confidential papers and forged Rhodes's signature on checks and bills of exchange in Cape Town, really passed on information to Paris before her imprisonment in November, which was then incorporated into Papus’ “Niet” pamphlet, or whether Papus had learned details of Rhodes’ far-flung plans through Stead, remains unclear.[13]
"The Rhodes Colossus" – cartoon by Edward Linley Sambourne, published in Punch after Rhodes announced plans for a telegraph line from Cape Town to Cairo in 1892.
Rhodes founded the Round Table inspired in his vision for the British Empire by John Ruskin, the leading English art critic, Freemason, occultist and pedophile. Ruskin’s inspiration and devotion to the creation of an elite of “race patriots” derived directly from Plato’s Republic, which called for “a ruling class with a powerful army to keep it in power and a society completely subordinate to the monolithic authority of the rulers.” Rhodes was inspired by Ruskin’s Social Darwinism, which taught that the strong should rule the weak. Imperialists felt that Social Darwinism explained why it was natural for white nations to control weaker countries. Ruskin also told his students it was their British duty to conquer faraway lands for Britain.[14] From the final part of Ruskin’s Inaugural Lecture as Slade Professor of Fine Art at Oxford in February 1870:
There is a destiny now possible to us—the highest ever set before a nation to be accepted or refused. We are still undegenerate in race; a race mingled of the best northern blood… And this is what she must either do, or perish: she must found colonies as fast and as far as she is able, formed of her most energetic and worthiest men; — seizing every piece of fruitful waste ground she can set her foot on, and there teaching these her colonists that their chief virtue is to be fidelity to their country, and that their first aim is to be to advance the power of England by land and sea… a sacred Circe, true Daughter of the Sun, she must guide the human arts, and gather the divine knowledge, of distant nations, transformed from savageness to manhood, and redeemed from despairing into peace.[15]
According to a Masonic history, British Freemasons led by Ruskin became concerned when French Grand Orient Freemasonry sent Karl Marx to England to agitate the lower classes against the British aristocracy. In 1870, Ruskin introduced a scheme at Oxford to both satiate the proletariat and project the Masonic oligarchy, who argued that the “magnificent tradition of education, beauty, rule of law, freedom, decency and self-discipline” must be extended to the lower classes. According to the Masonic history, “Ruskin’s rationale for proclaiming such ideas was to plant in the fertile minds of his Oxford students the theory that if they educated the working man and elevated him to the middle class, he would labor in behalf of the aristocracy to perpetuate the tradition of the upper-class Englishmen—which tradition was to control the finances of nations through ground rent, banking and trade.”[16]
In the first of seven wills, Cecil Rhodes called for the formation of a “secret society,” devoted to “the extension of British rule throughout the world.” The exact wording of his will was:
To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity.[17]
Field Marshal Lord Kitchener (1850 – 1916), at the Peace Conference that ended the Second Boer War in 1902
Alfred Milner (1854 – 1925), member of the Fabians and founder of Milner’s Kindegarten, also known as the Round Table
In his third will, Rhodes left his entire estate to Nathan Rothschild as trustee. Rothschild appointed Alfred Milner to head up the secret society for which Rhodes’ first will made provision. An ardent imperialist, Milner in 1897 became high commissioner in South Africa and governor of the Cape Colony and helped to bring about the South African War (1899–1902). When Britain annexed the Orange Free State and the Transvaal in 1901 during the war, Milner left his post as governor of the Cape and took over as administrator of those two Boer territories. Retaining the office of high commissioner, he and the military commander, Lord Kitchener, negotiated the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902 that ended both the war and the independence of the two Boer republics. Kitchener was also a member of the Palestine Exploration Fund (PFE) and a close friend of Natty de Rothschild’s younger brother, Alfred Charles de Rothschild, head of the Bank of England, who had been tutored by Karl Marx’s private secretary, Wilhelm Pieper (1826 – 1898).[18] Kitchener was a purported reader of the Ariosophist Lanz von Liebenfels’ Ostara, in which the young Adolf Hitler was also interested.[19]
For his services in Southern Africa, Milner was made a baron in 1901 and a viscount in 1902. According to Gerry Kearns, author of Geopolitics and Empire, “Milner became the political attraction around which many imperialists, including [Halford] Mackinder, circulated.”[20] Both Rhodes and Milner, “sought to unite the world, above all the English-speaking world, in a federal structure around Britain.”[21] Right until the end of his life, Milner would call himself a “British race patriot” with grand dreams of a global Imperial parliament, headquartered in London, seating delegates of British descent from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Milner wrote in his Credo, “… It is not the soil of England, dear as it is to me, which is essential to arose my patriotism, but the speech, the tradition, the principles, the aspirations of the British race.”[22] Likewise, Rhodes said of the British:
I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives.[23]
Upon his appointment by Baron Nathan Rothschild to chair Rhodes’ secret society, Milner recruited a group of young men from Oxford and Toynbee Hall to assist him in organizing his administration of the new society. All were well-known English Freemasons, among them being Rudyard Kipling, Lord Balfour, Nathan Rothschild and other Oxford College graduates known as Milner’s Kindergarten. In 1909, Milner’s Kindergarten, with some other English Masons, founded the Round Table, collectively known at various times as the Rhodes crowd, The Times crowd, the All Souls group, and the Cliveden set. The existence of the secret society was revealed by Carrol Quigley, a Harvard educated professor at Georgetown University, in The Anglo-American Establishment. No conspiracy theorist, Quigley stated that the objectives of the group, which was associated with Wall Street and the City of London, was “largely commendable.” Members of the group, in statements recorded by the New York Times in 1902, proclaimed that they formed their society for the purpose of “gradually absorbing the wealth of the world.”[24] Quigley credits the Round Tablers for several historical events: the Jameson Raid, the Second Boer War, the founding of the Union of South Africa, the replacement of the British Empire with the Commonwealth of Nations, and a number of Britain’s foreign policy decisions in the twentieth century.
Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Jacob Schiff (1847 – 1920)
Paul Warburg (1868 – 1932)
Although Aleister Crowley was associated with German occult fascism, he and his associates nevertheless held close personal ties with the activities of the leading promoters of Zionism. These included Wall Street banker and Lotus Club member Samuel Untermyer (1858 – 1940, who was also reportedly a member of the Golden Dawn of New York and a British newspaper called him a “satanist.”[25] Crowley’s wartime and postwar writing also lists several times as a friend the German-born American banker Otto Kahn (1867 – 1934), who became a leader of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.[26] Kuhn Loeb was an American multinational investment bank founded in 1867 by Abraham Kuhn and his brother-in-law Solomon Loeb. In 1875, Loeb’s son-in-law Jacob Schiff (1847 – 1920) joined the firm. Rabbi Eybeschütz’s mother was also a member of the Schiff family. For many years, the early Schiffs shared ownership of a two-family house with the Rothschilds. Jacob Schiff’s most famous ancestors included the eighteenth-century dayyan David Tevele Schiff—a close friend of Rabbi Samuel Falk, one of the mysterious “secret chiefs” of Illuminati Freemasonry—who became rabbi of the Great Synagogue in London.[27]
Shortly after he became a partner, Schiff married Loeb’s daughter Teresa. Felix Warburg (1871 – 1937), another famous partner in Kuhn Loeb, married Frieda, the daughter of Jacob Schiff. The Warburgs as well were a Sabbatean family.[28] The family had reached their financial influence during the years of the nineteenth century, with the growth of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, with whom they stood in close personal union and family relationship. Intermarriage among the German-Jewish elite was common. Consequently, the partners of Kuhn, Loeb were closely related by blood and marriage to the partners of J&W Seligman, Speyer & Co., Goldman, Sachs & Co., Lehman Brothers and other prominent German-Jewish firms.
“Daddy” Warbucks is a fictional character from the comic strip Little Orphan Annie modeled on Paul Warburg
Schiff eventually became the leader of Kuhn Loeb and grew the firm into the second most prestigious investment bank in the United States behind J.P. Morgan & Co. Following the American Civil War, Schiff had begun to finance the great operations of the Robber Barons, such as the Standard Oil Company for John D. Rockefeller (1839 – 1937), the railroad empire for Edward E. Harriman (1848 –1909), and the steel empire for Andrew Carnegie (1835 – 1919). Under Schiff’s leadership Kuhn Loeb grew to be one of the most influential investment banks in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, financing America’s expanding railways and growth companies, including Western Union and Westinghouse, and thereby becoming the principal rival of J.P. Morgan & Co. Schiff was the foremost Jewish leader from 1880 to 1920 in what later became known as the “Schiff era,” transforming the United States into the world’s foremost industrialized economy.[29] John D. Rockefeller was tasked by the Rothschilds, through their agents John Jacob Astor and Jacob Schiff, to gain control of the American oil industry.[30] Using highly aggressive tactics, later widely criticized, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil absorbed or destroyed most of its competition and achieved near monopoly throughout the United States. Also in 1890, Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, which forbade any scheme constituting a “restraint of trade,” which Schiff called the court’s ruling “destructive.”[31]
As a board member of National City Bank, the bank associated with the Rockefeller family, Schiff came to know the bank’s president, James Stillman, who played a major role in financing the Union Pacific and other railroads.[32] Under Schiff’s leadership in the 1890s, Kuhn Loeb marketed the bonds of every major American railroad, whose expanding infrastructure embodied the fulfillment of continental “Manifest Destiny.” In 1897, Schiff attained considerable prestige in banking circles when he provided the financial backing that enabled Harriman to purchase control of the bankrupt Union Pacific Railroad. Schiff’s banking firm also arranged numerous other transactions involving major railroads throughout the country, most notably the Pennsylvania Railroad.[33]
A practitioner of Reform Judaism, Schiff supported the cause of Zionism, despite not agreeing fully with the ideas of Theodore Herzl. Schiff grew to be one of America’s top Jewish philanthropists and leaders, donating to nearly every major Jewish cause, including the Sabbatean-influenced Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTSA), which was headed by Solomon Schechter, a Frankist and founder of the American Conservative Movement. Schiff also supported relief efforts for the victims of pogroms in Russia, and helped establish and develop Hebrew Union College, the Jewish Division in the New York Public Library, and the American Jewish Committee (AJC), which was founded in 1906.[34] The AJC is one of the oldest Jewish advocacy organizations and, according to The New York Times, is “widely regarded as the dean of American Jewish organizations.”[35] In 1914, when Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), he recruited for its board such Sabbatean Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise.[36]
Aleister Crowley’s friend Otto Kahn (1867 – 1934) of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Felix’s brother Paul Warburg (1868 – 1932), the inspiration behind “Daddy Warbucks” in the Annie cartoons, married Solomon Loeb’s daughter Nina and became a partner in Kuhn Loeb in 1902. Kuhn Loeb came to be led by Paul’s brother Felix and Otto Kahn. Born and raised in Mannheim, Germany, Kahn moved to London, where he became a British subject before going to the United States that led to permanent residence and eventual partnership in the Kuhn Loeb company in 1896, when his father-in-law Abraham Wolff was a partner. Kahn remained a transatlantic traveler his entire life, spending roughly one-third of each year abroad, not merely on company business but also on the promotion of the arts. By 1910 he had become a celebrity millionaire, widely recognized as the “Man of Steel and Velvet.” As his biographer Theresa M. Collins put it, by the time of World War I, his efforts “suggests the ultimate extent of transatlantic integration… Kahn had become a unique emissary of art, capital, and metropolitanism. He had come to represent the marketplace of world cities—an expansive metropolitan culture carried outward on the tracks of railway systems, the wires of news services, and the shipping lanes of the Atlantic.”[37]
RMS Lusitania
Sir William Wiseman (1885 – 1962), head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6) in Washington, DC.
As revealed in Colin Simpson’s The Lusitania, since Wilson had promised to keep America out of World War I, to provide the necessary pretext to justify America’s entry into the war, he, Round Table member Col. Edward Mandel House, J.P. Morgan and Winston Churchill conspired to perpetrate a false-flag operation, whereby a passenger ship named the Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat, killing 1,198 innocent people. The Germans knew the ship was also carrying munitions, and therefore regarded the sinking of the ship as a military act, but the British insisted it was merely carrying civilians and justified military retaliation.
According to Richard Spence, author of Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult, the sinking of the Lusitania, which provided the pretext for America’s entry into World War II, was orchestrated with Crowley’s important assistance, working with Sir William Wiseman, 10th Baronet (1885 – 1962), the head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6) in Washington, DC. During World War I, Wiseman acted as a liaison between Woodrow Wilson and the British government. Wiseman and his associate and fellow spy General Julius Klein were closely connected with Col. Mandel House.[38] After the war, Wiseman would become a participant in the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. He remained in the US as an employee of Kuhn Loeb, having been personally recruited by Crowley’s friend Otto Kahn, and served as a general partner from 1929 until 1960.[39] Although Wiseman cooperated closely with the United States, he confided to London that the Americans had never known “the details and extent of our organization” and never would.[40] According to Spence, “This doubtless was connected to Wiseman’s most confidential mission, as an agent of influence on the Wilson Administration with the aim of bringing the U.S. into the war.”[41]
Although Wiseman denied that Crowley worked for British intelligence, a US Military Intelligence report identified him as an “employee of the British Government” and showed that the Justice Department was aware of his status by 1918, through the “British Counsel [sic], New York City,” which had “full cognizance” of Crowley’s activities, and that “the British Government was fully aware of the fact that Crowley was connected with… German propaganda and had received money for writing anti-British articles.”[42]
Aleister Crowley
Under a cover of being a German propaganda agent and a supporter of Irish independence, Crowley’s mission was to gather intelligence about the German intelligence network and the Irish independent activists, and produce exaggerated propaganda aiming at compromising the German and Irish ideals. As his supposed cover, Crowley wrote for German fascist magazines The Fatherland and The International. Crowley, whose black propaganda, produced under the authority Admiral Hall, chief of British Naval Intelligence, had actively encouraged German aggressiveness. In a written defense of his actions, published in 1929, Crowley insisted that as soon as America entered the war in 1917, the U.S. Department of Justice had hired him as an agent-in-place at his Fatherland and International editorial offices.[43] In his Confessions, Crowley boasted of having “proved that the Lusitania was a man-of-war” in a black propaganda piece for the pro-German The Fatherland published after the sinking.[44]
George Sylvester Viereck (1884 – 1962)
The International and The Fatherland were founded by George Sylvester Viereck. Viereck was born in Germany in 1884, to a German father and a German-American mother. His father Louis Viereck joined the Socialist Workers’ Party. Both Marx and Engels claimed that Louis was an illegitimate child of Kaiser Wilhelm I and German actress Edwina Viereck, making George a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm II.[45] Wilhelm I was the son of Frederick William III, and grandson of Frederick William II, who was a member of the Golden and Rosy Cross. Another relative of the Hohenzollern family assumed legal paternity of the young Louis. In 1896, Louis Viereck emigrated to the United States, and his U.S.-born wife Laura and their twelve-year-old son George followed in 1897.
Viereck was also interested in the occult, and published a vampire novel, The House of the Vampire (1907), which is one of the first psychic vampire stories where a vampire feeds off more than just blood. Viereck also became famous as a poet. His Nineveh and Other Poems (1907) portrayed experiences of sin and salvation in sexual terms. In The Candle and the Flame: Poems (1912), he celebrated the three “gifts” of life: “the belly and the phallus and the grave.” Consciously imitating the “romantic decadent” style of Edgar Allan Poe and Oscar Wilde, he subsequently remarked, “I worked long and hard to acquire a bad reputation.”[46] Although Crowley described Viereck as capable of “awakening an intrusive repulsion in most people,” Crowley liked him.[47] Crowley was quite confident of his influence over Viereck. “I worked upon the mind of Viereck to such an extent,” he later boasted, “that from relatively reasonable attacks on England, he went to the most stupid extravagances, with the result that he published the most futile rubbish from my pen.”[48]
In 1914, Viereck asked Samuel Untermyer to finance The Fatherland. Untermyer, who identified himself as a German-American, represented a number of German-American brewing companies. After the outbreak of the war, Untermyer joined other German-Americans in regarding British and French propaganda with suspicion.[49] Untermyer consulted with German investors in the United States and even attempted to broker a deal to put the New York Sun into the hands of German propagandists. In these efforts, Untermyer left a record of interactions with Viereck. Although the Sun deal fell apart, it created suspicions about Untermyer’s loyalty after the United States entered the war. Insufficient evidence ultimately allowed him to avoid the accusations. Regardless, after April 1917, he enthusiastically supported the American cause. While it is unclear whether Untermyer provided monetary assistance to The Fatherland, he did periodically contribute articles denouncing anti-German attitudes after 1919.[50]
Viereck also corresponded with Felix Warburg. Before 1917, Felix also established himself within the German-American community. He became a member of the Chamber of German-American Commerce, the German Society of New York, and the Germanistic Society. Following American entry into the war in April 1917, Felix and Paul Warburg joined many other German-Americans in fully supporting the U.S. war effort. As a member of the Federal Reserve Board, Paul actively promoted Liberty Bonds. In 1918, however, both his opponents in Congress and populist newspapers tried to block his re-nomination by playing up his German ethnicity. When Paul reluctantly resigned from the Federal Reserve Board, Viereck publicized the case as the latest example of anti-German hysteria.[51]
Propaganda Kabinett
German General Headquarters, General Paul von Hindenburg, Kaiser Wilhelm II, General Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff (1865 – 1937), later a friend of Aleister Crowley
Viereck maintained personal friends such as Kaiser Wilhelm II and his top general, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff (1865 – 1937), who would also develop a relationship with Aleister Crowley, and who first achieved fame during World War I for his central role in the German Army’s victories at Liège and Tannenberg in 1914.[52] Already in the late autumn of 1914, Ludendorff, in his capacity as general Chief of Staff of the Eastern Command of the Imperial Armies, issued an appeal in the Yiddish language “to my dear Jews in Poland.”[53] Theodor Herzl’s associate Max Bodenheimer, who founded the Zionist Federation of Germany (ZVFD), along with several other Zionists, travelled to the Eastern Front, where they were received by Ludendorff and later also by Field-Marshal von Hindenburg. Bodenheimer wrote about the meeting that Ludendorff,
…showed lively interest in our endeavors. He welcomed our intention to inform the Jewish population of the political situation and of the prospect of an improvement in their position in the case of the axis powers achieving victory. To him we proposed sending our trustworthy men into the occupied territory so that understanding between the military and the Jews would be facilitated.[54]
Within a weeks of the war being declared between England and Germany, armed with Kaiser Wilhelm II’s blessing, Paul’s brother Max Warburg, head of the MM Warburg Bank of Hamburg, and Bernhard Dernburg, a prominent German banker, brought $175 million in treasury certificates to the US market. Jacob Schiff was open to assist but realized adequate funds required the cooperation from J.P. Morgan & Co.. However, pro-Allied Morgan declined. Disappointed with their banking mission, Max returned to Germany, but Dernburg remained in New York to supervise the German Information Bureau on Broadway and to front the Germans’ secretive “Propaganda Kabinett.”[55]
Max Warburg (1867 – 1946), head of the MM Warburg Bank of Hamburg
As recounted by Jacob Schiff’s biographer, Naomi W. Cohen, Viereck, Harvard Professor Hugo Muensterburg and Semitics scholar Morris Jastrow, turned to Schiff with ideas on how to arouse American sympathy. Dernburg, who in close cooperation with Berlin’s Ambassador Count Johann von Bernstorff, along with Dr. Isaac Straus, were in close contact with Schiff even while they were engaged in open propaganda efforts. Straus worked on the anti-Russian Jewish immigrant masses through a new periodical, the American Jewish Chronicle. Schiff secretly guarded these activities even from his friends. He was well aware of the purpose of the German mission in America, but he claimed, with respect to Straus, that he broke off connections when he learned that he was a German secret agent out to propagandize among the Jews. Overall, Schiff’s correspondence shows him to have been sympathetic toward to their efforts. In 1914, Schiff wrote a friend in Munich that American public opinion “is not as much in favor of Germany as we all would wish, but with a group of friends we are doing our best to spread the truth.”[56]
Bernhard Dernburg (1865 – 1937)
Hanns Heinz Ewers (1871 – 1943), friend of ariosophists Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels
Dernburg, in close cooperation with von Bernstorff, assumed control of the German Information Bureau on Broadway. The Bureau fronted for a secretive Propaganda Kabinett that counted Viereck, as well as the highly-respected German-Jewish-American academic and student of William James, Hugo Münsterberg, as well as horror fiction writer and dedicated student of Nietzsche, Hanns Heinz Ewers (1871 – 1943), among its members and resources, who were all intimately acquainted with Crowley.[57] Correspondence between Ewers and Otto Kahn showed Kahn to have been one of Ewers’ longtime backers.[58] This was despite the fact that Ewers was also an associate of Ariosophists Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels.[59] Students of the occult are also attracted to his works, due to his longtime friendship and correspondence with Aleister Crowley. Ewers was a dedicated student of Nietzche and a follower of the eugenics movement.[60] Ewers also travelled widely to the East, and developed a fascination with Indo-Aryan esotericism.[61] Ewers wrote numerous short stories, largely concerned with “pornography, blood sport, torture and execution.”[62] In 1913, Ewers wrote the screenplay for The Student of Prague, silent horror considered to be the first German art film.[63] Being loosely based on a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, and Faust, the film is about a man who sells his soul to the devil.
Ewers is now known mainly for his works of horror, particularly his trilogy of novels about the adventures of Frank Braun, a character modelled on himself. Ewers’ first book, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, concerns Braun’s attempts to manipulate a small cult of Evangelical Christians in a small Italian mountain village for his own financial gain, and the horrific results which ensue. Braun returned in 1911 in Alraune, in which he collaborates in creating a female homunculus or android by impregnating a prostitute in a lab with the semen from an executed murderer. The story was based on a Medieval superstition that the humanoid-shaped Mandrake root was produced by the semen of hanged men under the gallows. Alchemists claimed that hanged men ejaculated after their necks were broken and that the earth absorbed their final “strengths.” The root itself was used in love philtres and potions while its fruit was supposed to facilitate pregnancy. Witches who “made love” to the Mandrake root were said to produce offspring that had no feelings of real love and had no soul.[64] In the 1921 Vampyr, Braun where he is transformed into such as a blood-drinking creature.
From the 1910s and onwards, Ewers held wildly popular lectures with the title Die Religion des Satan (“The Religion of Satan”). Their content was based almost verbatim on Stanisław Przybyszewski’s 1897 German book Die Synagoge des Satan (“The Synagogue of Satan”), a title taken from Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, referring to a group persecuting the church “who say they are Jews and are not.” Przybyszewski became fascinated by the philosophy of Nietzsche, and began referring to himself as a Satanist. The God of the Bible, he says, wants to oppress human beings and limit their free will. By contract, Satan embodies lawlessness, and brought forth science, philosophy and art. He proposes “proud sinning in the name of Satan-instinct, Satan-nature, Satan-curosity, and Satan-passion.”[65]
Hugo Münsterberg, student of William James
The basic aim of the Kabinett was to counter Allied propaganda and champion Germany’s cause from within the United States, with a focus of keeping the U.S. out of the war. Münsterberg, was the man Crowley ultimately identified as “the mastermind with whom [he] was to work, the secret director of German propaganda.”[66] Ewers, Viereck and Münsterberg were all members of the Schlaraffia, a German-speaking secret society with numerous lodges in the U.S., which British and American intelligence identified as a “Secret German Propaganda Society.”[67] Founded in Prague in 1859, Schlaraffia is a “humoristic” order whose members poke fun at nobility, even inducting themselves into knighthood. Members, or “knights,” dress up in robes and silk helmets and meet in halls filled with medieval paraphernalia. Addressing one another with humorous titles, the members carry on all conversation in German. Gustav Mahler and Franz Lehar were members of the organization.[68] Schlaraffia shared membership with more esoteric groups such as Sat B’hai, one of the constituent orders of the OTO, and the Royal Order of Sikha. According to a British intelligence report, Ewers was one of its key “directors” both in Germany and the U.S.[69]
Franz Von Papen as the German Military Attaché for Washington, DC in 1915
Untermyer also met with Heinrich Albert, Privy Councilor of the German Government, who served as Handelsattaché (commercial attaché) at the German embassy at Washington DC, later in charge of administering the property of enemy aliens in Germany.[70] Albert established himself in the New York offices of the Hamburg America Line, a transatlantic shipping enterprise based in Hamburg, Germany. Albert used the two military attachés of the German embassy in Washington, Franz von Papen (1879 – 1969), future chancellor of Germany under Hitler, and the naval attaché Karl Boy-Ed (1872 – 1930). By the beginning of World War I, Boy-Ed and von Papen had built up a secret service espionage and sabotage network, operating in the US, Canada and Mexico, under cover of their diplomatic positions. Their network also included the former German diplomat and general representative of the Hamburg-America Line Carl Gottlieb Bünz (1843 – 1918), the consul Franz Bopp (1862 – 1929), and the employee of the German embassy Franz von Rintelen (1878 – 1949), the news officer Horst von der Goltz (b. 1884), the assistant of the military attaché Wolf Walter von Igel (1888 – 1970), the representative of the Krupp company in the US Hans Tauscher (1867 – 1941). They organized arms and material purchases through camouflaged companies and the establishment of regional news offices, collected information important to the war, committed passport and visa violations, violated US customs and foreign exchange laws with the aim of harming Britain’s German enemy.[71]
In 1915, two years before America entered the war, and about the time he encouraged Crowley to take over as editor of The Fatherland, Viereck became implicated in a $40,000,000 plot with Albert to sabotage American factories. Viereck was with Albert shortly before the latter’s briefcase was stolen from a New York City elevated car by an American secret service agent in 1915. The briefcase held “a gigantic plan for the military occupation of the United States.” German soldiers were to land in New Jersey and in Mexico, directed by the German Navy. Albert’s chief accomplice was Capt. Franz von Papen, the German military attaché who afterwards would become Vice Chancellor under Hitler.[72] The public exposure of this plot, which was followed by a few weeks the sinking of the Lusitania, brought an end to Viereck’s activities. The Times alleged that Viereck had known about German plans to sink the Lusitania. However, Viereck was never sent to jail for his role in the plot. After America entered the war, Viereck changed the title of The Fatherland to Viereck’s and then later to American Monthly and altered its tone to show loyalty to the American cause.[73]
Ewers had a close working relationship with von Bernstorff, and at times claimed him as a relative. The American authorities monitored Ewers throughout 1917 and early 1918 but held back, likely at the suggestion of the British. The Americans consulted Norman Thwaites, Wiseman’s right-hand man, who explained that Ewers had been on “the British Black List for some time,” but did not press for his arrest. Ewers was finally arrested in 1918, and his apartment was ransacked. The American officers’ subsequent report mentions two letters found among his papers. One, dated August 16, 1917, from Otto Kahn, pertaining to financing of Ewers’ plays, and revealed Kahn to have been one of his longtime supporters. The other letter was from Crowley. Crowley actively courted Ewers by asking him to translate his Gnostic Mass, the OTO’s “central ritual,” a job that finally fell to OTO founder Theodor Reuss. The same address as Crowley’s apartment was the New York bureau of The Continental Times, which the German Foreign Office appropriated as a propaganda tool in 1914. Theodor Reuss even listed the paper’s New York office as the American address for his Oriflamme, the “official” publication of the OTO. Reuss also had Continental Times reprint some of Crowley’s pieces from Fatherland and The International. Ewers, posing as a journalist, provided material to the paper.[74]
According to Crowley’s “Affidavit” prepared specifically to explain past activities to the US Department of Justice and uninformed Allied authorities in 1917, it was Otto Kahn who personally advised him how to approach British intelligence in New York. Crowley and Kahn also continued their association after the war. In 1923, when journalist Frank Harris and Crowley attempted purchase of the Paris Telegram newspaper, “my friend Otto Kahn” was willing to advance the funds for the deal. And, when Crowley was attacked by the British tabloids, his devotee Norman Mudd wrote to Kahn in 1924 asking for written confirmation of Crowley’s defense of his activities for the Americans, Kahn complied.[75]
Among his numerous contacts and personal acquaintances, Viereck was also a close friend of Sigmund Freud and the famous Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, who was a member of the Fabian Society. Sexologists Magnus Hirschfeld, Albert Moll and Benjamin were also friends with Viereck.[76] Viereck was particularly successful at interviews, some of which were with personal friends such as Kaiser Wilhelm II and George Bernard Shaw.[77] During the mid-1920s, Viereck also interviewed Oswald Spengler, Benito Mussolini, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein. Viereck is probably the same Viereck whom Freud mentions as a “journalist, politician, writer, quite a handsome fellow” who supplied him with food during the shortages in Vienna at the end of 1919. When Viereck interviewed Einstein, he confided to him, “When I met you, I knew I could talk to you freely without the inhibitions which make the contact with others so difficult. I looked upon you not as a German nor as an American, but as a Jew.”[78] He also interviewed his friend Adolf Hitler in early 1923 and published the interview in his own journal after several newspaper editors turned it down as not newsworthy. At that time, he concluded, “If he lives, Hitler for better or for worse, is sure to make history.”[79]
During the 1920s, Viereck helped popularize the views of his intimate friend Sigmund Freud. In 1923, Viereck published a popular-science book entitled Rejuvenation: How Steinach Makes People Young, discussing the “Steinach operation.” The book attracted the attention of Freud, who asked him if he would write a similar book about psychoanalysis.[80] In 1923 he interviewed the “Columbus of the Unconscious” for the first time, and reported that his was the first interview granted by Freud for the purpose of explaining psychoanalysis to the public.[81] Viereck interviewed Freud again years later, in 1926, on the subject of anti-Semitism and included the interview in a collection entitled Glimpses of the Great, that was published in 1930.[82]
Viereck, who published a popular book of his own about Freudian psychoanalysis in the 1920s, became close friends with Nikola Tesla, with whom he discussed his psychological breakdown.[83] Still fascinated by the erotic, Viereck joined poet Paul Eldridge in a trilogy exotic fantasy novels that used the theme of The Wandering Jew: My First Two Thousand Years: The Autobiography of the Wandering Jew (1929); Salome, The Wandering Jewess: My First Two Thousand Years of Love; (1930) and Invincible Adam (1932). The Wandering Jew is told by the mythical character of the title, who while under hypnosis in the care of a psychoanalyst, relives the past two thousand years. The book became a bestseller, and went on to twelve American editions and many translations. Thomas Mann thought the book was “audacious and magnificent.”[84] The Chicago Tribune lauded it for approaching “the beauty of the Greeks.” When it was censored in Ireland, the poet W.B. Yeats came to Viereck’s defense. An article in The World in 1930 celebrated “The Return of George S. Viereck,” proclaiming that “its enfranchisement in aesthetic freedom, American poetry has George Sylvester Viereck to thank more than anyone else, with the possible exception of Ezra Pound.”[85]
Warburg Institute
Warburg Institute in London, which houses one of the largest collections of Aleister Crowley’s writings in the world—the “Gerald York Collection.”
Paul and Max’s brother Abraham “Aby” Moritz Warburg would found the Warburg Institute in London, which would come to house one of the largest collections of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley’s writings in the world—the “Gerald York Collection.” Based originally in Hamburg, Germany, in 1933 the Warburg Institute was moved to London, where it became incorporated into the University of London in 1944. It is devoted to academic investigations of the influence classical antiquity on Western civilization. Scholars associated with the Warburg Institute include Ernst Cassirer, Rudolf Wittkower, Otto Kurz, Henri Frankfort, Arnaldo Momigliano, Ernst Gombrich, Erwin Panofsky, Edgar Wind, D.P. Walker, Michael Baxandall, Anthony Grafton, Elizabeth McGrath and Dame Frances Yates, the famed scholar of Rosicrucianism.
[1] Stephen Knight. Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution, (Harrap, 1976); Melvyn Fairclough. The Ripper and the Royals, (Duckworth, 1992).
[2] Cecil Rhodes: Confession of Faith (1877). Bodleian Library, Oxford.
[3] Joseph O. Baylen. “Stead, William Thomas (1849–1912),” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004).
[4] Carroll Quigley. The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (New York: Books in Focus, 1961), p. 37.
[5] Stewart J. Brown. W.T. Stead: Non-Conformist and Newspaper Prophet (Oxford University Press: 2019), p. 178.
[6] W. T. Stead, The M. P. for Russia: Reminiscences & Correspondence of Madame Olga Novikoff (London, A. Melrose, 1909) volume I, pp. 130-133; W. T. Stead. The Review of Reviews, vol. IV, (October, 1891), pp. 349-367.
[7] Tautriadelta. “A Modern Magician: An Autobiography. By a Pupil of Lord Lytton.” Borderland 3, no. 2 (April 1896).
[8] “Stead, William T.” Occult World. Retrieved from https://occult-world.com/stead-william-t/
[9] Markus Osterrieder. “Synarchie und Weltherrschaft,” in Die Fiktion von der jüdischen Weltverschwörung (Wallstein Verlag. 2012), p. 122.
[10] Robert Aldrich & Garry Wotherspoon. Who’s who in Gay and Lesbian History: From Antiquity to World War II, Volume 1 (Psychology Press, 2001), pp. 370–371.
[11] Jean Frollo. “Aventurières,” Le Petit Parisien, no 9342, (mai 27, 1902).
[12] Brian Roberts. Cecil Rhodes and the princess.
[13] Markus Osterrieder. “Synarchie und Weltherrschaft,” in Die Fiktion von der jüdischen Weltverschwörung (Wallstein Verlag. 2012), p. 128.
[14] Sandy Phan. Cecil Rhodes: The Man Who Expanded an Empire (Teacher Created Materials, 2012). p. 11.
[15] John Ruskin. Lectures on art. 1894 (Charles E. Merrill, 1893).
[16] Cited in “The Rhodes-Milner Round Table.” Watch Unto Prayer (Accessed April 15, 2018).
[17] Rotberg. The Founder, pp. 101, 102; Niall Ferguson. The House of Rothschild: The World’s Banker, 1848–1998, (Penguin Books, 2000).
[18] “The Knight of Noble Consciousness.” ine, Volume 12 (New York, 1854), p. 479
[19] Howard. Secret Societies; Goodrick-Clarke. The Occult Roots of Nazism, p. 113.
[20] Gerry Kearns. Geopolitics and Empire: The Legacy of Halford Mackinder, (Oxford University Press, 2009), p. 40.
[21] Carroll Quigley. The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (New York: Books in Focus, 1961), p. ix.
[22] Alfred Milner. “Credo.” The Times (July 27, 1925).
[23] Cecil Rhodes, William Thomas Stead, (ed.) The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes, with Elucidatory Notes, to which are Added Some Chapters Describing the Political and Religious Ideas of the Testator (London, 1902).
[24] “MR. RHODES’S IDEAL OF ANGLO-SAXON GREATNESS; Statement of His Aims, Written for W.T. Stead In 1890. He Believed a Wealthy Secret Society Should Work to Secure the World's Peace and a British-American Federation.” The New York Times. April 9, 1902.
[25] Levenda. Unholy Alliance, p. 255.
[26] Tobias Churton. Aleister Crowley in America: Art, Espionage, and Sex Magick in the New World (Simon and Schuster, 2017).
[27] Naomi Wiener Cohen. Jacob H. Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership, (Brandeis University Press, 1999), p. 2; Falk’s commonplace book: Jewish Museum, London: United Synagogue Beth HaMidrash Library, London, as summarized in Adler, Baal Shem, 149, 166–73.
[28] Barry Chamish. “Deutsch Devils” (December 31, 2003).
[29] Tom Yuz. “Jacob Schiff: The Right Hand of American Expansionism.” Journal of International Affairs (November 8, 2018).
[30] Barry Chamish. “Deutsch Devils.” (December 31, 2003). Retrieved from http://www.redmoonrising.com/chamish/Dec03.htm
[31] Cyrus Adler. Jacob H. Schiff: His Life and Letters, vol. 1 (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc., 1928).
[32] Adler. Jacob H. Schiff, vol. 1, pp. 185-94; cited in Bernice Heilbrunn. “Jacob H. Schiff.” Immigrant Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from https://www.immigrantentrepreneurship.org/entries/jacob-h-schiff
[33] Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Jacob H. Schiff.” Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jacob-Henry-Schiff.
[34] Murray Friedman. The neoconservative revolution: Jewish intellectuals and the shaping of public policy (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
[35] Ari Goldman. “Jewish Group Faces Reorganization.” New York Times (February 13, 1990).
[36] Howard Sachar. “Working to Extend America’s Freedoms: Jewish involvement in the Civil Rights movement.” Excerpt from A History of Jews in America, (Vintage Books). MyJewishLearning.com.
[37] Theresa M. Collins. Otto Kahn: Art, Money, and Modern Time (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press), 2002. p. 93.
[38] Keith Jeffery. The Secret History of MI6: 1909-1949 (Penguin, 2010), Kindle Edition location 2153.
[39] Spence. Secret Agent 666, Kindle Locations 4061-4062.
[40] WWP, 6/171, Memo sent to Col. Murray…, 6 Sept. 1918; cited in Spence. Secret Agent 666, Kindle Locations 2612-2614.
[41] Spence. Secret Agent 666. Kindle Locations 2615-2616.
[42] USNA, MID 10012-112/1, “General Summary,” 23 Sept. 1918, 4; cited in Richard B. Spence. Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (Feral House, 2008). Kindle Locations 2300-2303.
[43] Levenda. Unholy Alliance, p. 132.
[44] Simpson Colin. The Lusitania (Ballantine Books, 1974).
[45] Engels to Thomas Allsop. London, 14 December 1879, in Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Collected Works, Volume 45, p. 428.
[46] Justus D. Doenecke. “Viereck, George Sylvester.” American National Biography Online (February, 2000). Retrieved from http://www.anb.org/articles/06/06-00673.html;
[47] Gary Lachman. Aleister Crowley: Magick, Rock and Roll, and the Wickedest Man in the World (Penguin, 2014).
[48] Spence. Secret Agent 666. Kindle Locations 1496-1506.
[49] Richard Hawkins. “American Boomers and the Flotation of Shares in the City of London in the Late Nineteenth Century,” Business History 49, no. 6 (November 2007), p. 804; “Untermyer Points the War’s Lessons,” New York Times (23 August 1914), p. 9; cited in Gregory Kupsky. “Germanness and Jewishness: Samuel Untermyer, Felix Warburg, and National Socialism, 1914–1938.” American Jewish Archives Journal (Volume LXIII, Number 2).
[50] Gregory Kupsky. “Germanness and Jewishness: Samuel Untermyer, Felix Warburg, and National Socialism, 1914–1938.” American Jewish Archives Journal (Volume LXIII, Number 2).
[51] Ibid.
[52] George Sylvester Viereck. The Strangest Friendship in History, Woodrow Wilson and Col. House (New York: Liveright, 1932).
[53] Klaus Polkehn. “Zionism and Kaiser Wilhelm.” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Winter, 1975), pp. 88.
[54] Ibid., pp. 87.
[55] Spence. Secret Agent 666.
[56] Naomi W. Cohen. Jacob Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership (Brandeis University Press, 1999), p. 193.
[57] Spence. Secret Agent 666. Kindle Locations 1049.
[58] Ibid., Kindle Locations 3164-3166.
[59] Stephen E. Flowers. “Introduction.” Hanns Heinz Ewers. Strange Tales (Lodestar Books, Mar. 3, 2011).
[60] Bob Herzberg. The Third Reich on Screen, 1929-2015 (McFarland, 2016), p. 27.
[61] Eric Kurlander. Hitler’s Monsters, p. 75.
[62] Mary Ellen Snodgrass. Encyclopedia of Gothic Literature (New York, Facts on File, 2004), p.106-7.
[63] Heide Schlüpmann. “The first German art film: Rye’s The Student of Prague (1913),” German Film & Literature, ed. Eric Rentschler, (Methuen Inc., NY, NY, 1986), p. 9.
[64] Retrieved from http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18464748-alraune
[65] Per Faxneld. Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-century Culture (Oxford University Press, 2017), p. 319.
[66] Spence. Secret Agent 666, Kindle Locations 1547-1548.
[67] Ibid., Kindle Locations 1461-1468.
[68] Joyce Jones. “Modern Knights Meet for Culture, Fun and Ceremony.” New York Times (February 12, 1995), p. NJ13.
[69] Spence. Secret Agent 666. Kindle Locations 1530-1531.
[70] Gregory Kupsky. “Germanness and Jewishness: Samuel Untermyer, Felix Warburg, and National Socialism, 1914–1938.” American Jewish Archives Journal (Volume LXIII, Number 2).
[71] Johannes Reiling. Deutschland, safe for democracy? (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1997).
[72] James P. Duffy. Target America: Hitler's Plan to Attack the United States (Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004), p. 7.
[73] Niel M. Johnson. “George Sylvester Viereck: Poet and Propagandist.” Books at Iowa, no.9, 1968, p. 30. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.17077/0006-7474.1312
[74] Spence. Secret Agent 666, Kindle Locations 1537-1538.
[75] Churton. Aleister Crowley in America.
[76] Carlson. Under Cover, pp, 457-460.
[77] Justus D. Doenecke. “Viereck, George Sylvester.” American National Biography Online (February, 2000). Retrieved from http://www.anb.org/articles/06/06-00673.html
[78] Tom Reiss. “The First Conservative.” The New Yorker (October 17, 2005).
[79] George S. Viereck. “Hitler the German Explosive.” American Monthly (October, 1923), pp. 235-238.
[80] Elmer Gertz. The Odyssey of a Barbarian: The Biography of George Sylvester Viereck (Prometheus Books, 1978), p. 238.
[81] George S. Viereck. “Freud’s First Interview on Psychoanalysis . . .”, New York American (August 19, 1923), ME-3; cited in Johnson. “George Sylvester Viereck.”
[82] Levenda. Unholy Alliance, p. 130.
[83] W. Bernard Carlson. Tesla: Inventor of the Electrical Age (Princeton University Press, 2013) p. 365.
[84] Tom Reiss. The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous Life (Random House Publishing Group, 2005), p. 288.
[85] Ibid.
Volume Three
Eugenics & Sexology
The Round Table
The League of Nations
Black Gold
Secrets of Fatima
Polaires Brotherhood
Operation Trust
Aryan Christ
Brotherhood of Death
The Cliveden Set
Conservative Revolution
Eranos Conferences
Frankfurt School
Vichy Regime
The Final Solution
Cold War
European Union