18. Third Secret of Fatima
Eurasian Empire of the End Times
Inspired by his mentors Jean Parvulesco and Raymond Abellio, Dugin’s plan for accelerating the End Times expands on the Priory of Sion aspirations of the reign of Nostradamus’ Grand Monarch, to be fulfilled with the “Consecration of Russia” prophesied in the Third Secret of Fatima. Dugin is now the most prominent exponent of the renewed call for the establishment of a Third Rome as a pretext for reviving Russian hegemony in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, in a new imperial dream known as the Eurasian Union. As to the identity of the coming Katechon, Dugin has no doubts that it is the Roman Empire, the Third Rome, a role to be fulfilled by Russia. Ultimately, explains Dugin: “The meaning of Russia is that through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God, the thought of the End of the World… Death is the way to immortality. Love will begin when the world ends. We must long for it, like true Christians… We are uprooting the accursed Tree of Knowledge. With it will perish the Universe.”[1]
Throughout Europe, explains Parvulesco, geopolitical “groups” working underground for the cause of a new Eurasian Empire of the End Times, have been on the lookout for this imminent end, heralded by the appearance of this “man of providence,” the new “absolute concept.” This announced change can be found, according to Parvulesco, in a recent document from this vast underground political movement, titled “Eurasian Imperial Pact,” which stated:
It is from the confrontation of our imperial and catholic doctrines with the current political reality, which it directly challenges revolutionarily, from which will result dialectically, the final emergence of the Great Catholic Empire, constituting our ultimate objective, the Imperium Ultimum, of the Regnum Sanctum…[2]
And, according to Parvulesco, just as the occult mysteries of Divine Providence ordained the sudden collapse of communism, so the globalist conspiracy to impose its doctrine of the so-called democratic “political correctness” is due for its own destruction. Parvulesco declared, “now the democratic history of Europe is dead.”[3] In 1976, Parvulesco had published La ligne géopolitique de l’URSS et le ‘projet océanique fondamental’ de l’Amiral G.S. Gorchkov (“The geopolitical line of the USSR and the ‘fundamental ocean project’ of Admiral G.S. Gorchkov”), in which he predicted that the Soviet Union would eventually prevail over the other camp and end up changing the course of history. As Parvulesco predicted, the camp that would prevail would be, “The one who will reveal, within it, the will of destiny of the providential man, who will be, also, the man of the last battle. When will he come, that one? Ineluctably, at the scheduled time.”[4]
Vladimir Putin, according to Parvulesco, is first and foremost the direct emanation of the permanent revolutionary secret councils of the Red Army, represented by the GRU.[5] According to Parvulesco, Putin—as the new supreme ruler of the “New Russia”—is this “absolute concept,” the “providential man,” who will help bring about this Totale Weltrevolution which is being secretly expected as the “polaire affirmation of the end.”[6] According to Parvulesco, Putin is an heir to the revolutionary Eurasian Order within the GRU. It represents, explained Parvulesco:
The immediately operational thesis of total mobilization, of the “revolutionary mobilization” of Russia’s politico-administrative, social, cultural and even religious structures, towards a supra-historical “grand design,” constituting the central core of the immanent revolutionary doctrine of the Russian Armed Forces of yesteryear and today, thus rediscovering the superactivating principles of the original Russian Empire, according to its missionary identity, “Roman, imperial,” from its early beginnings in arms, following its “abyssal, occult,” “polaires” identity. [7]
Parvulesco wrote Putin and the Eurasian Empire, in which he states that “Vladimir Putin is a man of destiny.” In the last part of the book, where Dugin was interviewed, he stated: “The political battle for Putin is the battle for the meaning of history.”[8] Speaking to the Political Council of Evraziia in 2001, Dugin insisted that “true Eurasianism can only be achieved via Putin.”[9] Dugin declared in 2007, “There are no more opponents of Putin’s course and, if there are, they are mentally ill and need to be sent off for clinical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, and Putin is indispensable.”[10] When Putin had declared publicly, in November 2000, “Russia has always perceived of itself as a Eurasian country,”[11] Dugin termed this statement “an epochal, grandiose revolutionary admission, which, in general, changes everything. The prophecy of Jean Parvulesco has come to pass… There will be a Eurasian millennium.”[12] According to Dugin:
I think we underestimate the revolutionary potential of Vladimir Putin. Not as a personality, but as a historic figure, predetermined by time and place. He was appointed acting President of Russia on the day indicated by Nostradamus as the time of the coming of the ‘great King of Terror.’ Putin is a portent, and the extraction of his portent from out of his political and psychological particulars is a matter of the most sophisticated theurgical surgery.[13]
According to Parvulesco, “the great eschatological mission of the ‘New Russia’ must be, in the final analysis, a religious mission.”[14] For now, the efforts of the “geopolitical groups” must be exerted towards the establishment of a Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis. However, explained Parvulesco, if it is because of Russia that Greater Europe is now both Catholic and Orthodox, it will be necessary to hasten the reconciliation and reintegration of the two religions. Parvulesco added, “What now seems impossible, a transcendental will accomplish it, supported by certain occult centers at that task, and by its holiness.”[15]
Maximilian Kolbe (1894 – 1941) was a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar who volunteered to die in place of a stranger at Auschwitz. Canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II.
According to Parvulesco, “New Russia” owes the inconceivable miracle of its sudden liberation from communism, “as if by magic,” to the fact that, in communion with all the bishops of the world, Pope John Paul II had consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, fulfilling the promise made by the Virgin Mary to Sister Lucia in Fatima, in 1917, the same year that Russia succumbed to the Bolsheviks.[16] Parvulesco also adapted a prophecy of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, who during World War II, volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland. According to the prophecy, in order for the “New Russia” to achieve her destiny, it would be necessary that the Red Star on the top of the Kremlin by replaced by a votive statue of the Virgin Mary, heralding symbol of Regnum Mariae. “It is only a symbol,” explained Parvulesco, “but it is undoubtedly of this symbol that the future eschatology of Russia and the imperial ensemble of the Eurasian Great Continent depend entirely. That, I do not know if Vladimir Putin knows. But it will be necessary to let him know.”[17]
Stephan Chalandon and Philip Coppens, writing in the Occidental Quarterly, published by Henry Regnery’s nephew, William Regnery II, detail what connects Raymond Abellio and Parvulesco’s synarchism, the Three Secrets of Fatima, and their own vision for the future of Russia. Coppens is a Belgian author who focused on areas of fringe science and alternative history and connections between UFO cults and the extreme right. Coppens has been featured on Nexus, Atlantis Rising, and New Dawn magazines and appeared on many episodes of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series. He served as the primary researcher for The Stargate Conspiracy, by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, a book about the CIA’s remote-viewing program Project Stargate.[18] Picknett and Prince are also authors of The Turin Shroud, The Templar Revelation, and The Sion Revelation, the last of which explores the connections of the Priory of Sion mythos and synarchism.
According to Parvulesco, the New Europe is to be ruled by a priest-king, based on the synarchist belief that in ancient times such rulers were primarily mediators who gained guidance from the spirit world. Parvulesco asserts that “the beyond” is guiding Europe’s destiny, whereby the role of European leaders is first and foremost to correctly interpret the spirit messages. In Parvulesco’s Rendez-vous au manoir du Lac, the setting is a strange site where there is a gateway to Venus, from where, according to Parvulesco, some chosen ones have to transit. In En attendant la junction de Vénus, Parvulesco repeats this claim, but links it with Francois Mitterrand and specifically the Axe Majeur monument of Cergy-Pontoise, near Paris.[19]
Fernando Pessoa (1888 – 1935), a friend of Aleister Crowley, and one of the greatest poets in the Portuguese language.
According to Chalandon and Coppens, it is Abellio’s preface to The Fifth Empire, by Dominique de Roux, that reveals the true “key” to unlock their philosophy. De Roux’s grandfather, Marie de Roux, was the lawyer of Charles Maurras and the Action Française, and he himself served in the SDECE. The title The Fifth Empire is an allusion to a popular Portuguese myth related to that of the English millenarian Fifth Monarchists, whose origins lay with Antonio Vieira, an associate of Menasseh ben Israel, and which he dated to the year 1666, influencing thee Rosicrucians who orchestrated the mission of Sabbetai Zevi who announced himself the messiah in the same year. The myth was popularized by the Portuguese poet, Fernando Pessoa, who was a friend to Aleister Crowley. Pessoa, who linked the prophecies to Nostradamus, believed the Fifth Empire, led by “the hidden one,” would represent the ultimate form of fusion between material and spiritual knowledge: the occult, mystical speculation and Kabbalah.[20]
Abellio and Parvulesco also believed that the coincidences between historical outcomes and the messages of the Marian apparitions pointed to the promise that a New Europe was slowly emerging. As Chalandon and Coppens summarize:
For esotericists who saw our dimension as being infiltrated by the other plane of existence, the coincidences of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Fatima and her clearly political messages, to do with the future of Russia and how it should embrace the Virgin Mary, are part and parcel of how this Great Europe was not merely a political ambition, but part of their vision as to how “real politicians” worked together in league with the “denizens of the otherworld,” so as to accomplish the Assumption. Hence why Parvulesco held Putin’s Russia to be so important. Hence why, no doubt, Abellio tried to make contact with the Soviets to enable this New Europe, which indeed has come about largely under Putin’s presidency.[21]
Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949)
Alice Bailey as well, who described Shambhala as “the vital centre in the planetary consciousness” and related it to the Second Coming of the Christ, also prophesied Russia’s special role in ushering in the New Era:
Out of Russia… will emerge that new and magical religion about which I have so often told you. It will be the product of the great and imminent Approach which will take place between Humanity and the Hierarchy. From these two centres of spiritual force, in which the light which ever shineth in and from the East will irradiate the West; the whole world will be flooded with the radiance of the Sun of Righteousness. I am not here referring, in connection with Russia, to the imposition of any political ideology, but to the appearance of a great and spiritual religion, which will justify the crucifixion of a great nation and which will demonstrate itself and be focused in a great and spiritual Light which will be held aloft by a vital Russian exponent of true religion – that man for whom many Russians have been looking, and who will be the justification of a most ancient prophecy.[22]
According to Christian Bouchet, “Eurasia would be the natural evolution from a successful European federation, the stage after the Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis. But it is also—and we should keep it to ourselves—an essential component of our esotericism: Third Rome, the union of the East and the West, and so on.”[23] As Kerry Bolton remarked, Putin has embraced “Eurasianism” as the alternative to a “new world order” to counter American plans headed by globalist organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the CIA to turn Russia into a puppet state. Bolton notes that “There are those both on the ‘fringes’ of politics and in influential positions who see Russia as an ally rather than as a threat to Europe, a united Europe.”[24] Bolton endorses the opinion of French historian Marc Rousset who was quoted as seeing the emergence of an axis of Paris, Berlin and Moscow as being the answer to the present crisis in the Eurozone and the means to restore Europe’s position as a major player in the international system.
Bolton extolled Dugin’s prescription for a “multipolar” world in an article for New Dawn magazine, titled “Putin, Russia, & the Rise of a New Era.” New Dawn, which hails itself as “The World’s Most Unusual Magazine,” focuses on New Age topics, alternative medicines, extraterrestrials, and “alternative news and views on global trends and world affairs.” Their “About” page features endorsements from Philip K. Dick, Jose Argüelles, and Dugin himself who described the magazine as: “one of the best sources of realistic information on the state of things in our world as it nears its inevitable and predicted end.”[25] Referring to the prophecy of Nostradamus, Bolton notes that a commentator in New Dawn magazine wrote, “the rise of Putin had mystical implications that could impact on the world in an epochal way: Putin’s inauguration as Prime Minister on 9 August 1999 occurred during the week of the solar eclipse and the planetary alignment of the Grand Cross, ‘a highly auspicious astrological event… traditionally held to be the end of an epoch.’”[26]
Saint John Paul II
Pope John Paul II (1920 – 2005)
In October 1943, when Sister Lucia—who had first witnessed the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima—was seriously ill and there were fears for her life, Dom José pressed her once again, ordering her to finally put the Third Secret of Fatima into writing. Sister Lucia complied, but sealed her statement into an envelope and insisted it not be opened until 1960 or until after her death, if earlier. As the Cuban Missile Crisis took place in 1962, bringing the world for the first time to the brink of a nuclear showdown, and under John F. Kennedy, a Catholic president, many who believed the promises of Fatima believed that the threat of nuclear war might perhaps be the Third Secret.[27]
Others suspected the Third Secret pertained specifically to the Catholic Church itself. And, according to some, the prophecy was linked to the predictions of Nostradamus.[28] In Century V, Quatrain 92, Nostradamus foretold: “After the seat is held seventeen years, five will change in the same length of years. Then will one be elected in similar times, to whom the Romans will not much conform.” Pope Pius XI, the one prophesied in the Second Secret of Fatima, held the Holy Seat for exactly seventeen years. And, it was during his pontificate that World War II broke out, as was predicted in the secret. Many believe that Pope John Paul II was the one prophesied in the second part of Nostradamus quatrain, as he was the fifth pope after Pius XI.[29]
Pope John Paul I and Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow, who became Pope John Paul II.
John Paul I was succeeded by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow, named John Paul II, the second longest-serving pope in modern history after Pope Pius IX, who served for nearly thirty-two years, and the first non-Italian Pope since the Dutch Pope Adrian VI in 1523. A key goal of John Paul’s papacy was to transform and reposition the Catholic Church. His wish was “to place his Church at the heart of a new religious alliance that would bring together Jews, Muslims and Christians in a great religious armada.”[30] He upheld the Church’s teachings on such matters as artificial contraception and the ordination of women, but also supported the Church’s Second Vatican Council and its reforms. As part of his special emphasis on the universal call to holiness, he beatified 1,340 people and canonized 483 saints—more than the combined tally of his predecessors during the preceding five centuries. By the time of his death, he had named most of the College of Cardinals, consecrated or co-consecrated a large number of the world’s bishops, and ordained many priests.[31]
Pope John Paul II was present and very influential at Vatican II, affirming the teachings of that Council and did much to implement them, including contributions to two of its most historic and influential outputs, the “Decree on Religious Freedom” (in Latin, Dignitatis humanae) and the “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World” (Gaudium et spes).[32] John Paul II called the “universal call to holiness,” a central message of Josemaria Escriva the founder of Opus Dei, “an intrinsic and essential aspect of [the Council Fathers’] teaching on the Church.”[33] According to John Paul II, with Escriva’s teaching that God comes close to us and we can cooperate with his plan of salvation, “it is easier to understand what the Second Vatican Council affirmed: ‘there is no question, then, of the Christian message inhibiting men from building up the world… on the contrary it is an incentive to do these very things’.”[34] John Paul II canonized Escriva in 2002, declaring him to be “counted among the great witnesses of Christianity.”[35]
John Paul’s mother Emilia Kaczorowski (“Emily Katz” in English)
The possible Frankist heritage of John Paul II may be indicated by his very strong Marian emphasis, which due to his influence dominated the direction of the Catholic Church during his papacy.[36] According to Athol Bloomer, Pope John Paul II’s phenomenological “Theology of the Body” draws from Polish Frankist sources.[37] Yaakov Wise, a researcher in Orthodox Jewish history and philosophy, has asserted that although the Pope’s father was an ethnic Pole, John Paul’s mother Emilia Kaczorowski—Emily Katz in English—was Jewish and the daughter of Feliks Kaczowski, a businessman from Biala-Bielsko in Poland. Katz is a common surname amongst East European Jewish families. Emilia’s mother, the Pope’s grandmother, was Maria Anna Scholz. Scholz, or Schulze, is also a common surname among Jews, as is Rybicka, or Ryback, which is the surname of the Pope’s great-grandmother Zuzanna. All the names or their variations appear on gravestones in the old Biala Jewish cemetery, as does the surname of Felik’s mother Urszula Maklinowska.[38]
The B’nai B’rith and other institutions have acknowledged that Wojtyla helped protect many Polish Jews from the Nazis. Wojtyla saved the life of a 14-year-old Jewish refugee girl named Edith Zierer, who had escaped from a Nazi labor camp in Czestochowa.[39] After Stanley Berger, a Jewish boy whose parents died in the Holocaust, was adopted by Christian parents, Wojtyla refused their request to baptize the boy, claiming that the child should be raised in the Jewish faith. In September 2003, Emmanuelle Pacifici, the head of Italy’s Jewish community, proposed that John Paul II receive the medal and honorific of Righteous Among the Nations for saving a two-year-old Jewish boy by giving him to a gentile Polish family to be hidden in 1942. After the war, this boy’s Christian adopted parents asked the future Pope John Paul II to baptize the boy, yet once again he refused. Karol Wojtyla also did everything he could to ensure that the Jewish boy he saved leave Poland to be raised by his Jewish relatives in the United States.[40] Also, what was possibly his only love affair was with a Jewish girl, Ginka Beer.[41]
Max Scheler (1874 – 1928)
In 1954, Wojtyla earned a Doctorate in Sacred Theology, evaluating the feasibility of a Catholic ethic based on the ethical system of the phenomenology of Max Scheler, which was popular among Catholic intellectuals in Kraków.[42] Scheler was born in Munich, in 1874 to a Lutheran father and an Orthodox Jewish mother. As an adolescent, he turned to Catholicism although he became increasingly non-committal around 1921. After 1921 he disassociated himself in public from Catholicism and the Judeo-Christian God, committing himself to the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Thereafter, Scheler moved to Berlin and grew close to Walther Rathenau and Werner Sombart. After his death in 1928, Martin Heidegger affirmed that all philosophers of the century were indebted to Scheler and praised him as “the strongest philosophical force in modern Germany, nay, in contemporary Europe and in contemporary philosophy as such.”[43]
Hendrik S. Houthakker (1924 – 2008)
In 1973 Cardinal Wojtyla collaborated on a number of works with philosopher Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, the wife of Hendrik S. Houthakker, Professor of Economics at Stanford University and Harvard University, and member of President Nixon’s Council of Economic Advisers. Tymieniecka, was a Polish-born philosopher and founder of the World Phenomenology Institute. The initiative to establish this institute was supported by other fellow students of Edmund Husserl: Roman Ingarden, Emmanuel Levinas, Paul Ricoeur, and Hans-Georg Gadamer as well as by the Director of the Husserl-Archives in Leuven, Herman Leo Van Breda. Emmanuel Levinas was a French philosopher of Lithuanian Jewish ancestry who is known for his work related to Jewish philosophy, existentialism, ethics, phenomenology and ontology. Ricoeur was a French philosopher best known for combining phenomenological description with hermeneutics. His assistant during the early 1960s was postmodernist philosopher Jacques Derrida.[44] Gadamer studied with Martin Heidegger, and when Heidegger received a position at Marburg, Gadamer followed him there, where he became one of a group of students such as Leo Strauss, Karl Löwith, and Hannah Arendt.[45]
Edith Stein (1891 – 1942) was a German Jewish philosopher who converted to Catholicism and became a Discalced Carmelite nun.
Ingarden was a Polish philosopher who was a close friend of Edith Stein.[47] Stein was a German Jewish philosopher who was influenced by Teresa of Avila, converted to Roman Catholicism and became a Discalced Carmelite nun. She was Husserl’s assistant and met Heidegger in 1929. She tried to bridge Husserl’s phenomenology to Thomism. She was executed at Auschwitz and eventually canonized as a martyr and saint of the Catholic Church. She was beatified in 1987 by Pope John Paul II as St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
On 30 December 1993, John Paul II established formal diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the State of Israel, acknowledging its centrality in Jewish life and faith.[48] In March 2000, John Paul II visited Yad Vashem, the national Holocaust memorial in Israel, and later made history by touching one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Western Wall in Jerusalem, placing a letter inside it, in which he prayed for forgiveness for “the behaviour of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer.”[49] In October 2003, the ADL congratulated John Paul II on his 25th year in the papacy. In January 2005, John Paul II became the first pope known to receive a priestly blessing from a rabbi, when Rabbis Benjamin Blech, Barry Dov Schwartz, and Jack Bemporad visited the pontiff at Clementine Hall in the Apostolic Palace.[50] In an interview with the Polish Press Agency, Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland, said that never in history did anyone do as much for Christian-Jewish dialogue as Pope John Paul II, adding that many Jews had a greater respect for the late pope than for some rabbis. Schudrich praised John Paul II for condemning anti-Semitism as a sin, which no previous pope had done.[51]
Juan Diego by Miguel Cabrera, 1752
Pope John Paul II had also written his theological dissertation on the mystical theology of Teresa’s associate, Saint John of the Cross. The direction of the Catholic Church during the last part of the twentieth century was dominated by the views of Pope John Paul II, whose perspective had a very strong Marian emphasis.[51] John Paul II advocated “Total Consecration to Mary” more than any of his predecessors.[52] He issued a number of Marian encyclicals that shaped the Catholic views on Mary during the twentieth century.[53] In 1987, John Paul II repeated the title of Mary as “Mother of the Church” in his encyclical Redemptoris Mater and at a general audience on September 17, 1997. His apostolic motto, Totus Tuus, is a Latin phrase meaning “totally thine” and expressed his personal Consecration to Mary. He deliberately reflected his Marian views within the design of his coat of arms by using a Marian Cross. According to the L’Osservatore Romano, the use of the Marian Cross on his coat of arms was a departure from traditional heraldry models and was intended to emphasize the presence of the Virgin Mary under the Cross in Calvary and her special participation in the process of redemption.[54] A Santero image of the Immaculate Conception of El Viejo, said to have been sent with one of Teresa of Avila’s brothers to Peru, was canonically crowned by John Paul II in 1989 at the Shrine of El Viejo.
In 1990, John Paul II beatified Juan Diego, a native Mexican peasant who is said to have been granted an apparition in 1531 of the Virgin Mary—whose venerated image is enshrined in Mexico City, where it is known as Our Lady of Guadalupe—which was a turning point in the conversion of Latin America to Catholicism. The image has the appearance of a Indigenous Central American, rather than a European woman, and her clothing has been identified as that of an Aztec princess.[55] John Paul II reinforced the icon’s native heritage by permitting local Aztec dances during the ceremony in which he declared Juan Diego a saint, spoke in Nahuatl, the Aztec language, as part of the ceremony, called Juan Diego “the talking eagle” and asked him to show “the way that leads to the Dark Virgin of Tepeyac,” outside Mexico City, where the Spanish destroyed a temple of the Aztec mother goddess Tonantzin[56]
Bulgarian Connection
The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II took place on Wednesday, 13 May 1981, in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City.
As reported by Martin E. Lee, with Polish Communists embracing Catholicism and Latin American Catholics embracing communism, the American government and particularly the CIA began to take a much greater interest in Vatican foreign policy.[57] As Pope Paul VI grew older, intelligence circles in the United States became concerned over who would succeed him. CIA analysts developed profiles on leading papal candidates, identifying those who were likely to be sympathetic to American interests. In 1977, Terence Cardinal Cooke, the current Grand Protector and Spiritual Advisor of the Knights of Malta, traveled to Eastern Europe to discuss the matter of choosing a candidate to succeed Pope Paul, and met personally with Cardinal Wojtyla, who was noted for his anti-Communist leanings. Cooke’s efforts showed results the following year when Wojtyla was elected pontiff as John Paul II, following the sudden death of Pope John Paul I.[58]
The message of Fatima has strongly interested three Popes: Pius XII, Paul VI and recently John Paul II.[59] In 1960, the Vatican issued a press release stating that it was “most probable the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal.”[60] John Paul II explained the justification for the postponement of the secret: “Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the worldwide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication.”[61] According to one source, when Sister Lucia was asked about the Third Secret, she said it was “in the Gospels and in Revelation,” and even specified Revelation 8 to 13, a range that includes 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily at Fatima on May 13, 2000.[62] The verse states, “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” This was believed to refer to the spread of communism, which before the collapse of the Soviet Union, was a system adopted by nearly a third of the world’s population.[63]
Mehmet Ali Agca
The text of the Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima was officially released by Pope John Paul II in 2000, although some claim that it was not the entire secret revealed by Lucia, despite repeated assertions from the Vatican to the contrary. It was announced by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, who implied that the secret was about the twentieth century persecution of Christians that culminated in the failed Pope John Paul II assassination attempt. Traditionalist Catholics were opposed to the Vatican’s refusal to reveal the so-called Third Secret of Fatima. Fatimists themselves estimate that only about two percent of all Catholics are involved with their movement. A week earlier, on May 2, 1981, Laurence James Downey hijacked an airplane and demanded that Pope John Paul II make public the Third Secret.
May 13, 1981, the date of the assassination attempt, was the anniversary of the first apparition of the Virgin Mary to the three children of Fatima, something the Pope has always regarded as significant, attributing his survival on that day to her protection. Some doubt the Church’s full disclosure of the contents of this Secret, believing that it actually predicted the Apocalypse. While in prison on remand, the assassin Mehmet Ali Agca was widely reported to have developed an obsession with Fatima, and during the trial claimed that he was the Second Coming of Jesus and called on the Vatican to release the Third Secret. Several theories exist concerning Agca’s assassination attempt. Among them, by the early 1980s was the “Bulgarian Connection” proposed by Michael Ledeen, among others, which asserts that the assassination attempt had originated from Moscow and that the KGB had instructed the Bulgarian and East German secret services to carry out the mission. The Bulgarian Secret Service was allegedly instructed by the KGB to assassinate the Pope because of his support for Poland’s Solidarity movement, seeing it as one of the most significant threats to Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe. Ledeen was one of the most vocal proponents of this theory, promoting it on TV and in newspapers all over the world.[64]
Colonel Alparslan Türks (1917 – 1997)
As related by investigative reporter Lucy Komisar, the assassination attempt by Agca, a member of the Turkish neo-fascist Grey Wolves, may have been related to Gladio.[65] The Grey Wolves are a neo-fascist group established in the 1960s by Colonel Alparslan Türks, who during World War II had been the contact person of the Nazis in Turkey. Convinced of the theories of Turkish racial superiority, Colonel Türks in many of his speeches during his career quoted from Hitler’s book Mein Kampf. After the war, he made contacts with the CIA in 1948 and set up a secret anti-Communist stay-behind army in Turkey. When Turkey joined NATO in 1952, Türks had already set up a Turkish secret army. Türks’ unit was eventually renamed the Special Forces Command, which operated Counter-Guerrilla.[66]
After the discovery of NATO’s involvement in Gladio in 1990, it was revealed in Turkey that Colonel Türks had recruited heavily among the Grey Wolves to staff the Counter-Guerrilla. Based explicitly on the Pan-Turkism movement, the Grey Wolves derived their name and flag from the Turkish founding myth of the grey wolf that led the Turkic peoples out of Ergenekon valley (related to Agartha) to their homeland in Anatolia. The Grey Wolves’ dream is to create the “Turan,” or the “Great Turkish Empire,” to include all Turkic peoples of the Central Asian countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as the Caucasus, and the Uighurs’ homeland of East Turkestan in the Xinjiang, China. According to Turkish authorities, the Grey Wolves carried out 694 murders between 1974 and 1980.[67]
Michael Ledeen
Ledeen’s theory has since been attacked more recently by a number of journalists. These include Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs, who initially believed the story. As Craig Unger remarked, “With Ronald Reagan newly installed in the White House, the so-called Bulgarian Connection made perfect Cold War propaganda.”[68] According to Kill the Pope: The Truth about the Assassination Attempt on Pope John Paul II, written by Marco Insaldo and Yasemin Taskin, who based their claims on twenty years of research, the Bulgarian Connection theory was the creation of the CIA. Then secretary of state Alexander Haig had asked the CIA to pin the blame on the communists, who exploited the fact of the Grey Wolves’ connections with Bulgarian organized crime and that Agca had visited the country. The authors also alleged that Italian secret services, in co-operation with the CIA, forced Agca to confess to a Bulgarian connection, which he later retracted.[69]
Count Alexandre de Marenches (1921 – 1995) former director of the SDECE
As reported by Richard Cotrell, it was Le Cercle founder Alexandre de Marenches, the chief of French Intelligence, through his Knights of Malta connections, who instigated the 1981 assassination plot against John Paul II and attempted to frame the Soviet Union, in collaboration with Ted Shackley and Thomas Clines.[70] According to Paul L. Williams, author of Operation Gladio: The Untold Story of the Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia, Ted Shackley coordinated with Giuseppe Santovito, a P2 member and head of the Italian military intelligence agency, SISMI. The plan would involve Ledeen and a multitude of CIA associates, including journalist Claire Sterling; Paul Henze, the Station Chief in Ankara; Fr. Felix Morlion of the right-wing Pro-Deo movement; Francesco Pazienza, a CIA informant and SISMI official who helped engineer the Bologna bombing; and Frank Terpil, the agent who had been assigned to work with the Gladio-connected Grey Wolves, who were ultimately blamed for the attempt.[71] P2 member Stefano Delle Chiaie is said to have come from South America to Miami in 1982, with a leader of the Grey Wolves who was a friend of Agca.[72]
Juan María Fernández Krohn
On May 12, 1982, Pope John Paul II survived a second assassination attempt on the occasion of his pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal. Juan María Fernández Krohn, a Traditionalist Catholic priest from Spain of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), rushed the pope with a bayonet in an attempt to kill him. According to a story in the May 21, 1982 edition of The Catholic Telegraph, Krohn reportedly shouted “down with the pope” and “down with the Second Vatican Council.”[73] A day after the attack, Pope John Paul II visited a shrine to Our Lady of Fatima in Fatima, where he prayed in Thanksgiving for surviving the attempt on his life in 1981. Soon after this second assassination attempt, John Paul II decided it was time to properly consecrate Russia. He wrote a letter to all the bishops, including the Orthodox Bishops, inviting them to join him in the consecration of the world, including Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On March 25, 1984, the Vatican granted consecration to Russia. This is believed to have led not only to the collapse of the Soviet Union, but also to the resurgence of Christianity in Russia.
Maximilian Maria Kolbe was canonized in 1982 by John Paul II, and declared a martyr of charity. On October 16, 1992, on the 75th anniversary of Kolbe’s founding of the Knights of the Immaculata, many of the pilgrims flew to Moscow, and on the night of October 18, they gathered outside Red Square with the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which had been sculpted in 1947 by Jose Thedim, based on the description of Sr. Lucia. During the occasion, Bishop Hnilica, a friend of Pope John Paul II, suggested that the pilgrims’ Rosary prayers be interrupted so that Our Lady could be crowned as Queen of Russia.[74]
Lech Walesa
In the Europe of the 1980s, Ronald Reagan presented the vision.” In light of the ascendancy of the Solidarity movement in Poland, the pope’s homeland, the Bulgarian Connection theory played a role in the demise of communism in 1989.[75] According to Lech Walesa, who headed Solidarity (Solidarnosc), and who became the first democratically elected President of Poland, “The 1980s were a curious time—a time of realization that a new age was upon us. Now, from the perspective of our time, it is obvious that like the pieces of a global chain of events, Ronald Reagan, John Paul II, Margaret Thatcher and even Mikhail Gorbachev helped bring about this new age in Europe. We at Solidarity like to claim more than a little credit, too, for bringing about the end of the Cold War.
Shortly after John Paul II was elected pope in 1978, Yuri Andropov, who was then the head of the KGB, called the Station Chief in Warsaw and asked furiously, “How could you have allowed a citizen of a Socialist country to be elected Pope?”[76] According to the pope’s biographer George Weigel, Andropov ordered the First Chief Directorate of the KGB to analyze the potential threat that John Paul II posed. The analysis by Soviet intelligence determined that Wojtyla’s election had been backed by a German-American conspiracy led by, among others, Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s National Security Adviser. Their goal, the document said, was nothing less than the undermining of the Communist regime in Poland and the ultimate disintegration of the Soviet Union and its satellites.[77]
President Ronald Reagan and John Paul II met in the Vatican Library on June 7, 1982, where they agreed to undertake a covert campaign to assist in the fall of the Soviet Union.
President Ronald Reagan and John Paul II met in the Vatican Library on June 7, 1982, where they agreed to undertake a covert campaign to assist in the fall of the Soviet Union. According to Richard Allen, Reagan’s first National Security Adviser: “This was one of the great secret alliances of all time.”[78] Both the pope and Reagan were convinced that Poland could be broken out of the Soviet influence by destabilizing the Polish government through support to Lech Walesa’s Solidarność, after the declaration of martial law in 1981. Solidarność flourished underground via channels established by priests and American agents and representatives of the AFL-CIO and European labor movements. Money came from CIA funds, the National Endowment for Democracy, secret accounts in the Vatican and Western trade unions. With John Paul II’s approval, the Vatican quietly funneled $40 million to Solidarność.[79] Among the key agents were Knights of Malta Alexander Haig and William Casey, who regularly stopped in Rome to meet with the pope.[80]
The pope had also asked leaders of Opus Dei, which had till then kept out of Communist countries, to begin operating in Poland. Throughout the 1980s, the CIA also made use of Opus Dei’s milites Christi (“soldiers of Christ”) as a primary force in Poland.[81] Opus Dei have gained enormous influence inside the Vatican since they helped install John Paul II.[82] Their courting of John Paul II began when he was still the Archbishop of Krakow. He was asked to speak at Opus Dei colleges and at the group’s international headquarters in Rome. In an effort to enhance Wojtyla’s image as “papabile,” an Italian term for a Roman Catholic man, his speeches were printed by Opus Dei in book form and circulated among members of the Vatican hierarchy. When Wojtyla became pope, he returned the favor by elevating Opus Dei to the unique status of a “personal prelature.”
John Paul II has been widely credited with being instrumental in bringing down Communism in Central and Eastern Europe, by being the spiritual inspiration behind its downfall. Walesa, who became the first post-Communist President of Poland, credited John Paul II with giving Poles the courage to demand change.[83] Gorbachev once said, “The collapse of the Iron Curtain would have been impossible without John Paul II.”[84] In 2004, US President George W. Bush presented him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian honor, for his “principled stand for peace and freedom [which] has inspired millions and helped to topple communism and tyranny.”[85]
Fritjof Schuon
Dr. Rama P. Coomaraswamy, son of Ananda Coomaraswamym a friend of Aleister Crowley.
AJC (American Jewish Congress) agent Malachi Martin believed the Catholic Church had failed to act on the Third Secret. Martin shared a close friend with Society of Saint Pius X founder Marcel Lefebvre, in Dr. Rama P. Coomaraswamy, the son of Ananda Coomaraswamy, who was one of the founders of the Traditionalist School, following René Guénon. Coomaraswamy was also connected with a pseudo-Sufi sect called the Maryamiyya, founded by a disciple of Rene Guenon, Fritjof Schuon. Schuon was initiated into the Shadhili Sufi Order by Ahmad al-Alawi (1869 – 1934), who had been recommended to him by Guénon.[86] Al-Alawi had founded the Alawiyya branch of Shadhili (which has no relation with the Alawis of Turkey and Syria), after being instructed to adopt the name for the order and himself in a personal vision of Ali, the Prophet Muhammed’s son-in-law.
The Maryamiyya, a schismatic offshoot of the Shadhili, was renamed the Maryamiyya as a consequence of a series of visions during the 1960s in which Schuon believed the Virgin Mary appeared to him and gave him a universal mission. Although ostensibly a Sufi Muslim, Schuon held a Kabbalistic view of the universe where everything in it, from the heights of the Absolute Reality to the lowest depths of the material world, is based on a hierarchical order. Therefore, Schuon posited, so to is the authentic human society, a subject to which he devoted an entire book: Castes and Races. To Schuon, it is the rejection of this natural order that leads to the present crisis in modern Western society. The modern West is nothing less than “Luciferian,” “rotten to the core,” and a “monstrosity,” because of its turn away from the true “primordial tradition.” He believed that we are now fast approaching the end of the Kali Yuga, when the world will be consumed in the final conflagration, and the Messiah will return for the final judgment. According to his disciples that Messiah is Schuon.[87]
Schuon and Titus Burckhardt
Schuon hoped to realize nothing short of a New World Order, what Schuon often referred to as a “New Civilization,” within his own group in Bloomington, Indiana. However, in October 1991, a former close disciple, Mark Koslow, made public a series of personal testimonies, photographs, and other documents demonstrating that Schuon had organized an unusual religious cult community at his home in Bloomington. Although ostensibly a traditional Sufi order, Schuon’s community was an eccentric religious synthesis, combining a variety of Eastern religions, apocalyptic imagery, esoteric sexual practices, and a great deal of symbolism drawn from Native American traditions. The group was disbanded on October 15, 1991, after Schuon (then eighty-four years old) was indicted on charges of sexual battery and child molestation in connection with the group’s ritual dances. Because of certain legal technicalities, however, the case was dropped and the charges were never actually proven.[88] Some of Schuon’s most eminent students include several supposed converts to Islam, such as Traditionalist writer Titus Burckhardt and Martin Lings—the author of a famous biography of the Prophet Mohammed. Burckhardt expressed concerns about Schuon and episodes “involving women,” but reminded other Maryamis that the followers of a Sheikh [Sufi master] should judge him by his teachings, not his actions![89]
An important student of Schuon was Martin Lings (1909 –2005), an authority on the work of William Shakespeare, best known as the author of Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, first published in 1983. Lings went to Magdalen College, Oxford, where he was a close friend of C. S. Lewis (1898 – 1963), who was active in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings, along with his close friend J.R.R. Tolkien, autor of the Lord of the Rings. Lewis is best known for his works of fiction, especially The Chronicles of Narnia. The most important event for Lings while he was at Oxford was his discovery of the writings of René Guénon and those of Frithjof Schuon. Lings met Schuon in 1938, prompting him to embracing Islam and the branch of the Alawiyya tariqa led by Schuon. From that point on, Lings remained Schuon’s disciple and expositor for the remainder of his life. [90]
Martin Lings, René Guénon, Najm-oud-Dine Bammate and Michel Valsan
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
The current leader of the Maryamiyya is Iranian professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr, a personal friend of Alexander Dugin.[91] Despite Dugin’s opposition to “Atlanticism,” Nasr was also close to Henry Kissinger and CIA Director Richard Helms.[92] Nasr offered Peter Lamborn Wilson—also known as Hakim Bey, who founded the Moorish Orthodox Church of America (MOCA)—the position of editorship of the journal, which he edited from 1975 until 1978. According to Nasr:
[Sophia] has often manifested herself as a woman of celestial beauty and was identified by many sages and saints with the Virgin Mary in the same way that among some of the Muslim sages wisdom appeared as a beautiful celestial figure identified with Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet, and a “second Mary” within the more specific context of the Islamic tradition.[93]
Huson Smith (1919 – 2016)
Also a member of the Maryamiyya was Nasr’s friend, Huston Smith, a professor of Philosophy and Religion at Syracuse University, who introduced the Dalai Lama to the West.[94] Smith was appointed professor of philosophy at the MIT between 1958 and 1973, when he participated in experiments with psychedelics conducted by Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert at Harvard. Smith was also a close friend Joseph Campbell, and also a regular at the Esalen Insitute. In 1996, Bill Moyers devoted a 5-part PBS special to Smith’s life and work, The Wisdom of Faith with Huston Smith. Smith has produced three series for public television: The Religions of Man, The Search for America, and Science and Human Responsibility.
In 1976, the Traditionalist views of the Maryamiyya featured prominently in the World of Islam Festival in London. It involved Queen Elizabeth II, who opened the festival, as well as the archbishop of Canterbury who received Guénon’s protégé, Abdel Halim Mahmoud, Grand Imam of Al Azhar, and who became an important source of inspiration for members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The festival was financed by the newly-rich United Arab Emirates and was administered by a trust dominated by Englishmen, including Harold Beely who had been British ambassador to Egypt under Nasser. Seyyed Hossein Nasr organized the exhibition of the Islamic science and technology at the Science Museum. Lings oversaw the exhibition of Islamic manuscripts and calligraphy at the British Library. Though books by Traditionalists and Maryamiyya featured throughout, the festival generated much favorable publicity for “traditional” Islam.
Burckhardt is read by Prince Charles, and according to Sedgwick, “Traditionalist influences are increasingly visible in some of his speeches,” which explains rumors of his supposed conversion to Islam.[95] Prince Charles has also written a foreword to Lings’ book on the esoteric meanings in Shakespeare’s plays. Charles’ close friend and spiritual mentor, Sir Laurens van der Post, a friend and follower of Carl Jung, introduced him to Temenos, a publication of Schuon’s followers. One of these was English poet and literary critic Katherine Raine, who studied spiritual magic with a group she identified as descended from the Golden Dawn. Prince Charles the encouraged Raine to establish the Temenos Academy, within his own Prince’s Foundation.
The Exorcists
Martin and Rama P. Coomaraswamy had both been involved in exorcisms. Martin’s decades of work with the paranormal inspired the cult classic 1973 movie “The Exorcist.”[96] Martin had received his first Guggenheim Fellowship in 1967 and a second in 1969, enabling him to write his first of four bestsellers, Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Living Americans, where he references his experiences as an exorcist. According to the book he assisted in several exorcisms. In 1996, he spoke of having performed thousands of minor exorcisms, and participated in a few hundred major exorcisms during his lifetime.
According to Rachel Lysaght, who produced Hostage to the Devil, a Netflix documentary about him, Martin had “became this iconic person within the paranormal world.”[97] He worked with Lorraine Warren, a self-professed clairvoyant. Working closely with her husband, the Warrens’ stories of ghost hauntings have inspired dozens of films, television series and documentaries, including the Amityville Horror, as well as The Conjuring, Annabelle, and The Nun, which is scheduled for release in 2018. Lorraine also runs The Warrens’ Occult Museum in the back of her house in Monroe, Connecticut. The Warrens were responsible for training several demonologists including Dave Considine, who also worked with Martin and Coomaraswamy. Considine has been a guest for CNN, BBC, The Devil Inside, A Haunting In New York, The Demonologists, Jane Goldman Investigates Poltergeists, Discovery Channel’s documentary TV series A Haunting and the History Channel’s MysteryQuest.
Lorraine Warren, a self-professed clairvoyant, who runs The Warrens’ Occult Museum.
Bishop Robert McKenna
Considine founded Phantasm Psychic Research in 1994, and also became the assistant to the Dominican Bishop Robert McKenna, who began collaborating in exorcism with Coomaraswamy in 1999. McKenna was a member of the Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement, also known as the ORCM, founded by Father Francis Fenton, who was also a founding member of the John Birch Society, and was on its American Opinion Speakers Bureau. Many of the traditionalist priests in the United States were originally members of the ORCM.[98] Bishop McKenna continued to say Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, Monroe, Connecticut, before retiring in 2011. McKenna is also known from the Fox TV-movie The Haunted, which is about the Smurl haunting, where McKenna conducted two exorcisms.
As reported in Hostage to the Devil, according to former CIA agent Robert Marrow, one of Martin’s “very close friends,” Coomaraswamy invited Martin to exorcise a four-year-old girl, after which Martin died mysteriously soon afterwards on July 27, 1999. When Marrow and Martin had arrived at the girl’s home, she greeted Martin saying, “So you’re Malachi Martin - and you think you can help her?” Once the session was over, the little girl blew Martin a kiss, and according to Marrow, “it was disgusting, it was lascivious… the kind of way you would imagine a whore blowing a kiss to a john who just paid her a hundred bucks.” The following day, Martin died mysteriously from head trauma resulting from a fall when he was supposedly pushed by an invisible force.[99] In the final year of Martin’s life, Coomaraswamy produced a videotaped memorial titled Malachi Martin Weeps For His Church, published by Catholic Counterpoint, a radical Traditionalist publisher of anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denial material run by John Maffei, who worships at an SSPX chapel.[100]
Consecration of Russia
Russian priest and pilgrims in the Sanctuary of Fátima, in Portugal.
Martin said, concerning the Three Secrets of Fatima, that the Virgin Mary mandated the Pope of 1960 to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. The Russian Orthodox Church would then convert to Roman Catholicism. If the mandate were not followed, devastating war in the world and destruction inside the church (The Great Apostasy) would follow. Martin claimed to have stood outside the papal living quarters in 1960 while Pope John XXIII, Cardinal Bea and others were reading the document containing the Third Secret, and that, in order to assure Russian cooperation at the approaching Second Vatican Council, the pope decided against the mandate. Later Paul VI and John Paul II decided against it for various reasons.[101]
In Martin’s The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West, before he dies, a pope leaves a secret account of the situation on his desk for the next occupant of the Throne of Peter, a thinly-veiled reference to John Paul II. Martin describes a global New World Order conspiracy among Vatican insiders and world powers both East and West, fueled by satanic influence and by the failure of John XXIII to act upon the Third Prophecy of Fatima Letter in 1960. Referred to as the “Slavic pope,” John Paul II is being maneuvered into resigning so that a successor may be chosen that will fundamentally change orthodox faith and establish a New World Order.
Martin’s The Keys of This Blood was published in 1990, and was followed in 1996 by Windswept House: A Vatican Novel, which alluded to pedophile Satanists inside the Vatican. Martin describes Windswept House as containing “real events and real people masked in the form of a novel,” a device he refers to as “faction.” According to Martin, 95 percent of events in the book are real, and 85 percent of the characters are real people.[102] The essential message is that Satanists at the heart of the Vatican, down to the local parishes, who are bent on subverting the Roman Catholic Church, manipulate those duped by the false doctrines of Vatican II.
In The Keys of This Blood, Martin described a ceremony called “The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer” supposedly held in St. Paul’s Chapel in the Vatican, on June 29, 1963, barely a week after the election of Paul VI. The ceremony was supposedly linked with concurrent satanic rites in South Carolina, in evident reference to Albert Pike’s Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction. The novel depicts high-ranking churchmen, cardinals, archbishops and prelates of the Roman curia taking oaths signed with their own blood, plotting to destroy the Church from within.
Msgr. Emmanuel Milingo
Msgr. Emmanuel Milingo, a former Roman Catholic archbishop from Zambia, became well known in the late 1990s in traditionalist and sedevacantist circles for a speech he gave at the Our Lady of Fatima 2000 International Conference on World Peace, in which he supposedly corroborated Martin’s claims. The largest Rome daily, Il Messaggero gave front page headlines to Milingo’s assertions. According to Milingo, the Vatican was subject to an international satanic network headed by “Anthony Levy” (Anton LaVey, head of the Church of Satan in California), and homosexuality, pedophilia and illicit sex have riddled the priesthood.[103] When Martin was questioned about Milingo’s speech at Fatima 2000, he said, “Archbishop Milingo is a good Bishop and his contention that there are satanists in Rome is completely correct. Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome.”[104] In 1983, Milingo had stepped down from his position as Archbishop of Lusaka after criticism for exorcism and faith healing practices unapproved by church authorities. In 2001, when Milingo was 71, he received a marriage blessing from Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Milingo also announced that he wants to bring Moon’s Unification Church closer to the Vatican.[105]
Fr. Nicholas Gruner
Fatima 2000 was organized by Fr. Nicholas Gruner, who was ardently supported by Martin. Gruner founded the Fatima Center, which was also the source of The Fatima Movement of Priests. The Southern Poverty Law Center listed Gruner’s Fatima Crusader as a periodical which has published anti-Semitic articles. The Anti-Defamation League identified Gruner as a Holocaust denier and the Fatima Center as a radical Catholic organization that espoused anti-Semitic views.[106] According to Martin, “Father Gruner is fulfilling a desperately needed function in the ongoing perception of Mary’s role in the salvation of our imperiled world. Father Gruner is absolutely correct that the consecration of Russia as—Our Lady desired, has not been executed.”[107]
Martin reported that, “There’s some unfinished chapter or paragraph in John Paul II’s life before he dies, in connection with Russia. His destiny is tied with Kiev in Ukraine, and with Moscow. Why, I don’t know. But I know this much, that’s what he has told me.” Referring to the third secret, he says “Russia is within the plan. That would take me too far afield into papal secrets, why Russia and Kiev are involved in the final solution of this problem, but they are.” It is God’s plan that “salvation shall come from the East for us all.”[108]
[1] Heiser. “The American Empire Should Be Destroyed.”
[2] Ibid.
[3] Jean Parvulesco. “Vladimir Poutine et l’Empire eurasiatique de la Fin, par Jean Parvulesco.” La confirmation boréale (Alexipharmaque, 2012).
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Alexander Dugin. Putin vs Putin: Vladimir Putin Viewed from the Right (Arktos, 2014), p. 140.
[9] Aleksandr Dugin. “My boremsia za vliianie na vlast’,” http://www.evrazia.org/
modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=88 (as of 11 October 2001).
[10] “Who will praise him better than the rest.” Kommersant (in Russian), (2007).
[11] Dunlop. “Aleksandr Dugin’s Foundations of Geopolitics.”
[12] Ibid.
[13] Dugin. Putin vs Putin, p. 140.
[14] Jean Parvulesco. “Vladimir Poutine et l’Empire eurasiatique de la Fin, par Jean Parvulesco.”
[15] Ibid.
[16] Ibid.
[17] Ibid.
[18] Brian Allan, et al. Ancient Code: Are You Ready for the Real 2012? (Reality Press, 2009), p. 46.
[19] Chalandon & Coppens. “French Visions for a New Europe.”
[20] Fernando Pessoa. A interpretação inicial dos cinco impérios - Bandarra, Arquivo Pessoa (in Portuguese)
[21] Chalandon & Coppens. “French Visions for a New Europe.” Retrieved from https://counter-currents.com/2011/01/french-visions-for-a-new-europe/
[22] Mehmet Sabeheddin. “The Secret of Eurasia.”.
[23] “Cahiers de Formation – Ecole des Cadres Jean Thiriart,” Radical Network, internal document (September 2004)
[24] Kerry Bolton. “Putin, Russia, & the Rise of a New Era.” New Dawn Special Issue, 7(6).
[25] “About.” New Dawn. Retrived from https://www.newdawnmagazine.com/about-us
[26] Kerry Bolton. “Putin, Russia, & the Rise of a New Era.”
[27] “Episode 8: Fatima’s Secret Prophecy.” Nostradamus Effect (History Channel, 2009).
[28] Ibid.
[29] Ibid.
[30] Nathaniel I. Ndiokwere. Rochas Revolution: Leadership by Example (Trafford Publishing, 2012), p. 65.
[31] David M. Cheney. “Pope John Paul II (St. Karol Józef Wojtyła).” Catholic-Hierarchy.org. [Retrieved 31 October 2014].
[32] “His Holiness John Paul II, Biography, Pre-Pontificate.” Holy See. [Retrieved 1 January 2008].
[33] John Paul II. “Novo Millenio Ineunte.”
[34] Vatican II, Gaudium et spes, n. 34.
[35] Kenneth L. Woodward. “Opus Dei Prepares to Stand By Its Man.” Newsweek (January 13, 1992).
[36] Gerard Mannion. The Vision of John Paul II: Assessing His Thought and Influence (Liturgical Press, 2008) pp. 1 & 62.
[37] Athol Bloomer. “Jacob Frank and the Zoharist Catholic Khasidim: A Hebrew Catholic Perspective.” A Catholic Jew Pontifications. aronbengilad.blogspot.ca (September 13, 2006).
[38] “The Pope was Jewish says historian.” Manchester Evening News (August 29, 2017). Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20060220130716/http://www.metronews.co.uk/news/article/0/346_the_pope_was_jewish_says_historian.html
[39] “Profile of Edith Zierier (1946).” Voices of the Holocaust (Paul V. Galvin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2000).
[40] “Jan Paweł II Sprawiedliwym wśród Narodów Świata?” [John Paul II Righteous Among the Nations?] (in Polish). Ekai.pl. 5 April 2005.
[41] Alan Shaw. “John Paul II was the Pope who set records and changed history.” Sunday Post (April 14, 2016).
[42] Michael Walsh. John Paul II: A Biography (London: HarperCollins, 1994). pp. 20–21.
[43] Heidegger, The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic, “In memoriam Max Scheler,” trans. Michael Heim (Indiana University Press, 1984), pp. 50-52.
[44] Geoffrey Bennington. Jacques Derrida (University of Chicago Press, 1991), p. 330.
[45] Donatella Di Cesare. Gadamer: A Philosophical Portrait. Niall Keane (trans.) (Indiana University Press, 2007), p. 7-8.
[46] Edith Stein. Life in a Jewish Family: Her Unfinished Autobiographical Account (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 1) (ICS Publications, 1986), p. 497 n. 149.
[47] “AIJAC expresses sorrow at Pope’s passing.” Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (April 4, 2005).
[48] “2000: Pope Prays for Holocaust Forgiveness.” BBC News (March 26, 2000).
[49] “Largest Gathering of Jewish Leaders to Ever Meet With a Sitting Pope.” PTWF. 2004–2009 Pave the Way Foundation, Inc (April 8, 2009).
[50] “Żydzi szanowali JPII bardziej niż rabinów” [Jews respect John Paul II more than the rabbis] (in Polish). Fakt (April 21, 2011).
[51] Antoine Nachef. Mary’s pope: John Paul II, Mary, and the church since Vatican II (Franklin, Wisconsin: Sheed & Ward, 2000) p. 2; Gerard Mannion. The Vision of John Paul II: Assessing His Thought and Influence (Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2008), pp 1, 62
[52] Mark Miravalle. Introduction to Mary: The Heart of Marian Doctrine and Devotion (Queenship, 1993), pp. 164–167
[53] Ibid.
[54] L’Osservatore Romano, (November 9, 1978).
[55] Angel Vigil. Mujer del maiz (1994) p. 16–19.
[56] Barbara A. Somervill. Empire of the Aztecs (2009), p. 132.
[57] Martin A. Lee. “Their Will Be Done,” Mother Jones (July/August 1983).
[58] Ibid.
[59] Walter Sampson. “Fatima.” Covert Action Information Bulletin (Number 27, Spring 1987), p. 47.
[60] Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite. The Whole Truth About Fatima, Volume III (Buffalo, New York, 1990), pp. 578–579.
[61] English translation from Daniel J. Lynch. The Call to Total Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (St. Albans, Vermont: Missions of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pub., 1991), pp. 50–51.
[62] Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite. The Whole Truth About Fatima, Volume III (Buffalo, New York City, 1990). p. 533.
[63] “Episode 8: Fatima’s Secret Prophecy.” Nostradamus Effect (History Channel, 2009).
[64] “The War They Wanted, The Lies They Needed.” Craig Unger, Vanity Fair (July 2006).
[65] Lucy Komisar. “The Assassins of a Pope.” Albion Monitor (June 4, 1997).
[66] Ganser. Nato’s Secret Armies.
[67] Albert J. Jongman. Political Terrorism: A New Guide to Actors, Authors, Concepts, Data Bases, Theories, & Literature (Routledge, 2017), pp. 674.
[68] Craig Unger. The Fall of the House of Bush: The Untold Story of How a Band of True Believers Seized the Executive Branch, Started the Iraq War, and Still Imperils America’s Future (New York: Scribner, 2007), p. 408.
[69] Matthew Day. “CIA ‘tried to frame Bulgaria for John Paul II assassination attempt’.” Telegraph (April 21, 2011).
[70] Richard Cottrell. Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe (Palm Desert, Cambridge Analytica: Progressive Press, 2012).
[71] Paul. L. Williams. Operation Gladio: The Untold Story of the Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia (Prometheus Books, 2015).
[72] Marshall, Dale Scott & Hunter. The Iran-Contra Connection, p. 70.
[73] “Throwback Thursday: Pope John Paul II survives second assassination attempt.” The Catholic Telegraph (May 12, 2016).
[74] Dan Lynch. “24th Anniversary of Crowning Our Lady as Queen of Russia.” Our Lady of Guadalupe. Retrieved from http://www.jkmi.com/24th-anniversary-of-crowning-our-lady-as-queen-of-russia
[75] Unger. The Fall of the House of Bush, p. 408.
[76] David Remnick. “John Paul II.” The New Yorker (April 11, 2004).
[77] Ibid.
[78] Carl Bernstein. “The Holy Alliance.” Time Magazine (June 24, 2001).
[79] Martin A. Lee. “Their Will Be Done,” Mother Jones (July/August 1983).
[80] Carl Bernstein. “The Holy Alliance.”
[81] Williams. Operation Gladio.
[82] Lee. “Their Will Be Done.”
[83] “John Paul II: A Strong Moral Vision.” CNN (February 11, 2005).
[84] Joseph Bottum. “John Paul the Great.” The Weekly Standard (April 18, 2005). pp. 1–2.
[85] “Poles worried, proud of Pope John Paul II 10/13/03.” The Topeka Capital-Journal. Associated Press (April 3, 2012).
[86] Martin Lings. A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century: Shaikh Ahmad al-Alawi (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1973).
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[90] Martin Lings. A Return to the Spirit (Kentucky: Fons Vitae 2005), pp. 4–5.
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[95] Sedgwick. Against the Modern World, p. 214.
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