8. Sex, Lies & Wiretaps
This is Sparta!
Kay Griggs, the wife of Colonel Griggs, a Marine Corps Chief of Staff, as well as head of NATO’s Psychological Operations, in an 8-hour interview conducted by Pastor Rick Strawcutter in 1998, which detailed the involvement of her husband, former U.S. Marines Chief of Staff Col. George Griggs, in military assassination squads, drug running, illegal weapons trading and sexual perversion deep within the highest levels of the U.S. government, stated that he was very close to Edwin Wilson, Iran-Contra operator and leading member of Ted Shackley’s Secret Team, and the JFK Operation 40 assassination team. According to his CIA partner Frank Terpil, as reported in Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA by Jim Hougan, the Washington editor of Harper’s magazine, Wilson ran a CIA-directed sexual blackmailing pedophile ring, of the kind which were intensive in Washington at about the time of the Watergate scandal.[1] According to John DeCamp, author of The Franklin Cover-Up, Wilson’s operation was merely a continuation of the one set up by Roy Cohn during the McCarthy era with Lewis Rosenstiel and J. Edgar Hoover.[2]
Cohn admitted to NYPD detective James Rothstein that he was part of an elaborate sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes, carried out as part of an anticommunist crusade. According to Rothstein, “Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.”[3] Rothstein also had an opportunity to speak to infamous Operation 40 Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis, who revealed that one of the reasons for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters was a hidden “Pedophile Book,” which was supposed to have a list of politicians.[4] From FOIA documents he obtained, Hougan proposed that accusations that the Nixon administration bugged the DNC was part of a coverup, and instead E. Howard Hunt remained in the employ of the CIA, and was part of an operation to tap prostitutes at the Columbia Plaza Apartments, designed to gather information about the sexual activities of prominent Washingtonians, perhaps for blackmail, or to develop psychological profiles.[5]
According to Griggs, homosexuality is a systemic aspect of the American military. In The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece by American military historian and member of the Philadelphia Society, Victor Davis Hanson, asserts that, “the Spartan tradition of military heroism has also been explained in light of strong emotional bonds resulting from homosexual relationships.”[6] Hanson is best known for his 2001 book Carnage and Culture, which became a bestseller in the wake of 9/11, for arguing that the military dominance of Western Civilization, beginning with the ancient Greeks, is the result of a specific set of policies and values. Hanson, who first supported the neoconservatives, before recently coming out in support of Donald Trump, has been a commentator on conservative media outlets such as National Review and The Washington Times.
According to Hanson, Western values such as political freedom, capitalism, individualism, democracy, scientific inquiry, rationalism, and open debate form an especially lethal combination when applied to warfare. Non-western societies can win the occasional battle when, writes Hanson, but the “Western way of war,” which he regards as unequalled in its devastation and decisiveness, will prevail in the long run.
Hanson, in “Oliver Stone perpetuates a classical myth” for the National Review, criticizes Oliver Stone’s movie about Alexander the Great for its exaggerated use of homosexual content. But Hanson is critical of the film not because he believes it was historically inaccurate, but because it failed to acknowledge the age-old dichotomy between effeminate homosexuality and the more masculine homosexuality that would have characterized the Greek armies.[7] According to Hanson, Stone falsely depicts the kind of homosexuals who are regarded as opting for a lifestyle choice in modern Western culture, and who would have been derided by the ancient Greeks as “pathics” and “catamites” as preferring passive relations, choosing not marry or have children, and manifesting open signs of femininity. Rather, Hanson offers a comparison to the type of homosexuality adopted in the US military:
Our closest modern American notion relative to the sex practices of either ancient sophisticates or ancient randy soldiers might be characterized not as omnivorous pedophilia per se, but as a subset of pederasty: the sexual attraction toward young boys of older men, often otherwise “heterosexual,” who seem both indifferent to men their own age and yet not interested in being a passive actor in sexual congress with youths.
Leonidas at Thermopylae by Jacques Louis David (1814)
Accordingly, a grossly styled and exaggerated version of Spartan martial prowess was depicted in the 2006 film 300, which recounts of the Battle of Thermopylae, where King Leonidas leads 300 Spartans into battle against the Persian Xerxes and his invading army of more than 300,000 soldiers, apparently saving Western democracy from Eastern barbarism. The movie has been criticized as covert propaganda to support the neoconservative agenda against Iran, the modern name for Persia. Roger Moore, a critic for the Orlando Sentinel, relates 300 to Susan Sontag’s definition of “fascist art.”[8] 300 was based on the 1998 comic series of the same name by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. Miller also wrote Holy Terror which follows a superhero named The Fixer as he battles Islamic terrorists after an attack on Empire City. The novel was originally proposed as Holy Terror, Batman!, which as Miller confessed, was to serve as a “piece of propaganda” in which Batman “kicks Al-Qaeda’s ass.”[9]
Despite the movie’s over-the-top machismo, the truth is the 300 Spartan warriors at Thermopylae were homosexual couples. This would explain the movie’s distorted portrayal of masculinity, and instead, is overtly homoerotic. According to Alexander Abad-Santos in “Why Gay Guys Love the ‘300’ Movies,” for The Atlantic, “300 and its sequel 300: Rise of an Empire have hit the sweet spot in American culture, occupying the coveted space where straight dude-bros, neocons, and flagrant homosexual men meet.” The movie, claims Abad-Santos, provides homosexual audiences “one of the guiltiest of pleasures.” Abad-Santos adds, “And there’s something funny in the thought that in theaters all throughout America, legions of straight men will be cramming into theaters to watch all of this homoeroticism — whether they’re aware or not.”[10]
Cherry Marines
Edwin Wilson, member of Shackley’s Secret Team
Also among Kay Grigg’s husband’s associates, in addition to Wilson, were James R. Joy US Marine Corps, and General John J. Sheehan Marine Corps, who were initiated “cherry marines,” and given the task of indoctrinating new recruits for a wide range of useful purposes. Claims of homosexual abuse have been corroborated by former Marines, who complained of being raped as a means of initiation into their squad, especially at the infamous Paris Island, which has been repeatedly reprimanded by for its brutal hazing practices.[11] Michael Scarce, a gay men’s health advocate, explains that, “Sometimes the culture of same-sex military rape is perpetuated under the institutionalized guise of combat training.”[12]
Through many drunken conversations with her husband, Griggs gained intimate knowledge of the true nature of leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide network that train professional assassins. The CIA she said, played a minor role. It was all run by NATO and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), who also run Gladio, in cooperation with the Mafia and Kabbalistic Zionists, who have been perpetuating the power of Nazi Germany within the US since Operation Paperclip. As a result, they have inherited what she refers to as the “German disease.”
Griggs has listed CIA director Allen Dulles, CIA director William Colby, CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci, Reagan’s secretary of state George Shultz and George H. Bush’s secretary of state James Baker among the civilian Princeton sex party associates of her husband, all key participants in the Iran-Contra Operation and the funding of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.[13] Kay Griggs’ husband had attended Princeton’s Hun School with Prince Turki al Faisal, who would later become head of Saudi intelligence, and closely involved in funding the Mujahideen in Afghanistan on behalf of the CIA. Alexander Robinson, who in the 1950s was the assistant headmaster of the school, and had a Marine Corps background, was responsible for bringing in the Saudis, and organized pedophile homosexual games with the children, including with Griggs and the Saudis.
According to Griggs, also involved in her husband’s “sexual perversion” network, along with generals Alfred M. Gray Jr. and John J. Sheehan, was General Carl Stiner, the commander of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) at Fort Bragg from 1984 to 1987, and the commander in chief of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). After his retirement, Stiner became chairman of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, whose board of advisers included Frank Carlucci, Senator John McCain, Sam Nunn and General Edward C. Meyer on the board of advisors.[14]
George Town Club
Robert Keith Gray (1921 – 2014) was a Republican activist and public relations executive who was CEO of Hill & Knowlton.
Tong Sun Park, founder of the George Town Club and agent of the Korean CIA
Frank Terpil explained to Hougan that “Historically, one of Wilson’s CIA jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary… Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasy in the flesh.”[15] In 1980, Colonel Cutolo wrote an affidavit claiming that Wilson ran large-scale surveillance operations in order to receive an advance warning of anyone trying to leak information about CIA drug trafficking operations. Electronic surveillance had been put in place against a number of Senators and Congressmen, numerous police officials, judicial figures and the Catholic cathedrals of New York and Boston. Wilson was also accused of selling the sensitive information he had acquired to companies that were part of the military-industrial complex, which they in turn used as leverage against Washington politicians to score contracts.[16]
Terpil also told Hougan that Wilson’s base of operations for arranging compromising situations was the George Town Club, founded by trained Korean CIA officer Tong Sun Park. According to Susan Trento, to pay the enormous costs of subsidizing the George Town Club, Park used money derived from his connections to the South Korean government and the KCIA, to bribe influential members of Congress.[17] Park, who had a reputation as the “Asian Great Gatsby,” was involved in two political money-related scandals: Koreagate in the 1970s, and the Oil-for-Food Program scandal of the 2000s.[18] In 1970, South Korean President Park Chung Hee—who was brought to power by Unification Church founder and head of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), Kim Chong Pil—and his aides set up a board in Seoul to coordinate US lobbying by Park and others, which included giving money to more than two dozen congressmen.[19] In 1976, Park was charged with bribing members of Congress, in a successful effort to convince the United States government to keep United States troops in South Korea. In 1977, he was indicted by a U.S. District Court on thirty-six counts, including bribery, illegal campaign contributions, mail fraud, racketeering, and failure to register as an agent of the KCIA.
Richard Viguerie, one of the founders of the Moral Majority, was also a member of the George Town Club. During Koreagate, Viguerie had been involved with Tong Sun Park and the Korean CIA. Viguerie was paid nearly a million dollars for a direct-mail campaign on behalf of the Koreans. In 1979, shortly after he retired from the CIA, Ted Schackley’s associate Tom Clines moved the offices of EATSCO to 7777 Leesburg Pike, as tenants of Viguerie. “The reality is that 7777 Leesburg Pike became the headquarters for the private CIA,” said former Cappucci employee Mike Pilgrim.[20] According to Joseph Trento, “The connection between the right-wing elements of the Republican Party and Shackley’s associates would be the hallmark of private intelligence operations throughout the Reagan and Bush administrations. Instead of working through CIA stations abroad, the spying and covert operations would be done through conservative political organizations around the world.”[21]
Park founded the George Town Club with high-powered Washington lobbyist, Robert Keith Gray, whom John DeCamp asserted was a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA and was reported to have collaborated with Roy Cohn.[22] Gray was the chairman and CEO of Hill & Knowlton, one of the two biggest public relations firms in the world, with such blue-chip clients such as AT&T, IBM, Xerox, and DuPont. CBS’s 60 Minutes has called Hill & Knowlton “by far, the biggest, most influential PR firm in Washington,” adding that “critics accuse them of being an unelected shadow government.” According to the Washington Post, Gray was “one of the most sought-after lobbyists in Washington” and a Post reporter once called him “a kind of legend in this town, …the man in the black tuxedo with snow-white hair and a smile like a diamond.”[23]
Gray’s book, 18 Acres Under Glass, which became number-four on The Times best-seller list, highlighted the demands on both his political and social life as the Secretary of the Cabinet under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, with tales of the visits with kings and queens. Gray was featured in cover stories in Time Magazine and U.S. News and World Report, named Marketer of the year by AdWeek Magazine, and was the subject of a fifteen-minute Monitor program on NBC. Gray played a role in his friend Ronald Reagan’s 1976 presidential campaign, and in 1980 he was deputy director of communications reporting directly to Bill Casey, contributing also to October Surprise. Gray described in Newsweek as often having “boasted of his close relationship with the CIA’s William Casey. Gray used to say that before taking on a foreign client, he would clear it with CIA direct Bill Casey.”[24]
Together with ASC strategy board member General Robert Richardson, Gray also served on the board of Consultants International, one of Wilson’s front companies.[25] Gray, according to Wilson, was already in possession of security clearances, making the appointment possible. Shackley had first gotten to know Gray through Anna Chennault, the widow of General Claire Chennault, the founder of Air America, and an associate of Tong Sun Park.[26] Though Gray attempted to distance himself from Wilson after he was caught illegally selling weapons to Libya in 1983, a Navy review of Wilson’s intelligence career, unearthed by journalist Peter Maas, reported that Gray described Wilson as a man of “unqualified trust” and that Gray and Wilson had been in professional contact “two or three times a month” as early as 1963.[27]
Gray, explained Joseph Trento, was typical of the powerful Washington lobbyists and public relations executives whom the CIA and Shackley had exploited for years. Gray’s personal secret that made them vulnerable to requests from the intelligence community, it was a secret history of homosexuality.[28] Gray was investigated in 1982 by a House Ethics Committee concerning allegations of “using drugs and sexual activity to lobby Congressman.”[29] Two members of the Committee were assigned to interview Carl Shuffler, a Washington police detective, who reported of a male-prostitution service on Capitol Hill, which he believed was linked to Gray, involving sex, drugs and the pages in the House of Representatives, and to organized-crime figure Joe Nesline.[30]
Notable clients of Gray & Company, which Gray established in 1981 after leaving Hill & Knowlton, included Saudi billionaire and Iran-Contra arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, the government of Haiti under Duvalier, American, the Teamsters Union, and Reverend Moon. Gray also joined the board of the board of BCCI after its acquisition of First American Bank. Another client included commodities trader and financier Marc Rich, who in 1983 was indicted for trading with Iran during the hostage crisis and a variety of other charges, fled the country, and was later granted a pardon by President Bill Clinton.[31]
According to an affidavit filed by Daniel Sheehan for the Christic Institute, when Edwin Meese, Vice President Bush, CIA director Bill Casey, national security adviser Robert McFarlane, and Oliver North were devising a strategy to circumvent Congress to arm the Contras, they turned to Gray & Company. In these meetings, this group also decided to have Robert Owen of the company offer cover to the CIA by setting up a private citizen-operated Contra support group to publicly solicit funds and assistance for the Contras. This public organization was set up by Owen by contacting Shackley associate General John K. Singlaub, who in turn set up the United States Council on World Freedom and began publicly raising funds for the Contras. Robert’s older brother Dwight served in MACV-SOG with Singlaub. Robert claimed to have served as the personal representative to the Contras for North, acting privately as a go-between since North was legally prevented from meeting the Contras himself.[32]
Meese Commission
President Ronald Reagan Sitting at Desk Meeting with Ed Meese in The Oval Office (1981)
Alfred S. Regnery, son of AFC and ASC member Henry Regnery
In her 1992 book, The Power House: Robert Keith Gray and the Selling of Access and Influence in Washington, Susan B. Trento, “tells how Mr. Gray, after unabashedly peddling access for decades, reached the apex of his influence.”[33] Susan Trento writes that Gray was hired by Playboy and Penthouse to discredit the Pornography Commission led by his friend Attorney General Edwin Meese. In 1983, Meese asked Alfred S. Regnery to informally head the administration’s anti-pornography campaign, when he was in the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Alfred S. Regnery, the son of ASC member Henry Regnery, founder of Regnery Publishing, had been a college director of YAF. Early in his career, Alfred served as a Senate aide under President Reagan. Regnery became president of Regnery Publishing from 1986 to 2003. Alfred has also served as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) and as trustee of the Philadelphia Society.
In 1976, Alfred’s wife, who was eight months pregnant at the time, told police that two men broke into her and forced her to have oral sex at knife-point, warning that her husband should drop out of the race for district attorney. The police investigation, though, concluded that she had fabricated the entire incident. Nevertheless, Regnery told a newspaper reporter, “that his wife had been raped by a white male and a black male and had been stabbed.” Shortly after the alleged assault, the police searched Regnery’s home and found a cache of pornography, including “several catalogues for various prophylactic devices and erotica.” The police also reported finding “a book with numerous color photos of various sexual gratification, including oral sex and placing of objects into the vagina,” a German sex magazine, and a copy of Penthouse. [34]
Judith Reisman, who has also extensively investigated the pernicious influence of Alfred Kinsey, was approved for a grant by the Department of Justice for a grant of $798,531, to undertake a “study at American University to determine whether Playboy, Hustler and other more explicit materials are linked to violence by juveniles.”[35] By 1986, Reisman concluded her investigation and found “2,016 cartoons that included children apparently under the age of 17 and 3,988 other pictures, photographs and drawings that depict infants or youths.”[36] The nature of Reisman’s work and the concurrent Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography, which would author the Meese Report in 1986, caused anxiety in the pornography industry. “Whatever the merits of her research,” As Trento concluded, when support from the OJJDP was needed most, its leadership backed away from Reisman, leaving her project to fail and leaving Reisman feeling “bitter” and “helpless” after “spending years developing an expertise and doing what she thought was an excellent job in the public interest.”[37]
Father Bruce Ritter with Governor Hugh Carey and Cardinal Cook in the garden of the newly opened Covenant House for homeless teenagers
Ritter and Christie Brinkley during Covenant House Christmas Party at Covenant House (1989)
Hill & Knowlton came out in support of scandalized Catholic priest Bruce Ritter, director of Covenant House.[38] Covenant House is the largest privately funded agency in the Americas providing shelter, food, immediate crisis care, and an array of other services to homeless and runaway youth. In 1984, Reagan praised Covenant House in his State of the Union address for their efforts in aiding homeless and runaway youth. In 1985, Ritter served on Meese’s Commission on Pornography. In 1990, Ritter was forced to resign from Covenant House after widespread reports that he had engaged in sexual relations with several young boys in the care of the charity, and had engaged in financial improprieties in the operations of the organization. A report prepared for Covenant House by Kroll and Associates and the law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore cited fifteen cases of reported sexual contacts between Ritter and youths sheltered at Covenant House or young adults working there as volunteer counselors in what was called the Faith Community.[39] It was one of the most widely publicized cases of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, which was revealed to be widespread over the next two decades. Ritter also left the Franciscans but retained his priestly faculties.
The flagship Guatemalan mission of Covenant House was launched by a former business partner of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, Roberto Alejos Arzu, whose plantation had served as a training ground for the CIA’s bungled Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. The Village Voice quoted Jean-Marie Simon, author of Guatemala: Eternal Spring, Eternal Tyranny: “It’s like having Idi Amin on the board of Amnesty International.”[40]
Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace and Reagan
Ritter sat on the board of AmeriCares, a service organization implicated in channeling funds to the Contras. AmeriCares was founded with the help of the chairman Knights of Malta, CNP member, close friend to Pat Robertson and associated with Western Goals founder J. Peter Grace. Reagan appointed Grace, a member of the CFR, to lead the Grace Commission on waste and inefficiency in the Federal government. Grace’s company, W.R. Grace & Company, stands out as the center of the SMOM in the United States, where no less than eight knights, including the chancellor of the order, John D. J. Moore, who was ambassador to Ireland under Nixon and Ford, have been its directors.[41] W.R. Grace was founded by Peter’s grandfather, William Grace, who was a close associate of George de Mohrenschildt. Grace had been a key figure in in Operation Paperclip.[42] W.R. Grace had been accused in a military report during the war of protecting Klaus Barbie.[43] J. Peter Grace had a long history of involvement with CIA-linked enterprises, such as Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, which was the brainchild of Reinhard Gehlen.[44]
Also on the board were Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lawrence Eagleburger, members of the Bush family, Colin Powell, Richard Stilwell of the ASC and Le Cercle, ASC chairman Robert W. Galvin, and Sol M. Linowitz, the chairman of Xerox Corp. Linowitz was also a representative to the Organization of American States and co-founder in 1964 with David Rockefeller of the International Executive Services Corp, an international business development organization for which Linowitz and Rockefeller received the Medal of Freedom Award in 1998. Linowitz was also an officer of the World Future Society, where Barbara Marx Hubbard was a president, and Maurice Strong a director.
Robert Macauley
According to its own website, “On the ground, AmeriCares works through government ministries and welfare agencies of long-standing effectiveness like the Order of Malta, Mother Theresa’s Sisters of Charity, Adventist Development and Relief Agency International, HOPE Worldwide, Project Mercy, Centres pour le Développement et la Santé and Help The Afghan Children.”[45] AmeriCares was founded and headed until 2002 by a college roommate of George H.W. Bush, Robert Macauley, the first non-Catholic to receive the coveted Cross of the Commander of the Order of Malta. In January 1990, AmeriCares and the German and Hungarian Knights of Malta funded the pro-Western factions immediately following the collapse of Romania’s communist regime. The partnership frequently worked with the infamous CIA front company Southern Air Transport, formerly Air America. In Guatemala, AmeriCares and Knights of Malta joint activities were handled by Roberto Alejos Arzu. And during the war in Afghanistan, AmeriCares evacuated wounded Mujahideen to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington DC. AmeriCares also provided medical aid to the CIA-backed Contras of Nicaragua, through a program controlled by Oliver North.[46]
In May 1985, a joint effort between AmeriCares and Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcast Network (CBN), which was considered one of the top private funders of the Contras, announced a $20 million relief campaign to send “humanitarian” supplies to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Some of the aid was to be distributed through Operation Blessing units in Central America, and also by the Knights of Malta. While en route to Honduras in a C-130 full of medical supplies, Robertson told a reporter in Miami that “some [of this aid] may get to the contras.”[47] CBN News Director James Whelan is a former editor of the Washington Times, which is owned by Reverend Moon’s Unification Church.
On January 13, 1988, seven days before he left the office of the President, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta presented its highest honor, the Collar of the Order of Merit, to Ronald Reagan at a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, where he congratulated the order for its charitable work through AmeriCares and its president Bob Macauley. This was the first time that an American President had been offered and accepted an award from the Knights of Malta. It was also the first visit to the United States of the Knights Grand Master, who holds the rank of Prince and Cardinal of the Catholic Church, in the 900 years of the Order’s history.
During his remarks, Reagan congratulated the members of the Order, which he said, “speaks to the entire ebb and flow of Western civilization, and its noble present, which is a monument to the highest values of free men and women.” And, he then provided a Christian guise to his neoliberal principles, calling on the audience to help America in the debate against those who argue that “taxes are too low and government is too small,” by advancing the cause of private charity, to avoid the pitfalls of the “welfare state” which has robbed the poor of “the moral strength that has always given the poor the determination to climb America’s ladder of opportunity.”[48]
Boys Town
Michael Aquino of the Temple of Set, author of MindWar paper with General Paul E. Vallely
Robert Keith Gray was said to be the “closest friend in Washington” to Omaha World-Herald publisher Harold Andersen, who was implicated in the pedophile ring of the Franklin Scandal of Omaha, Nebraska. The Franklin Scandal was only one aspect of a much larger “call boy” operation moving children and teenagers, picked up from Boys Town, Catholic orphanages and off the streets, and housed in Washington and New York primarily. Boys Town was founded in Omaha by Father Edward Flanagan of Ireland in 1917. Boys Town became so well regarded that Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney starred in the 1938 movie Boys Town, turning Father Flanagan into a living legend. Flanagan was internationally renowned as “the world’s most foremost expert on boys’ training and youth care.” When World War II ended in 1945, President and Freemason Harry S. Truman asked Flanagan to tour Asia and Europe in order to help homeless and neglected children.[49] In the ending of Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987), Superman places the villain Lex Luthor’s nephew Lenny in Boys Town, informing the priest that Lenny has been under a bad influence, and returns Lex to prison.
The Franklin Scandal implicated the Michael Aquino of the Temple of Set.[50] At the time of his membership in LaVey’s Church of Satan, Aquino was an Army specialist in intelligence and psychological warfare. Aquino became implicated in the abduction and ritual sexual abuse of children nationwide through pedophilia rings, grabbing headlines which persisted throughout the 1980s. Connected to the highest levels of American society, including the military, it particularly targeted daycare centers on such military bases as Fort Bragg and the Presidio. The New Religious Movements by Eugene V. Gallagher relates that Aquino became embroiled in several controversies starting in 1986. He and his wife Lilith were implicated in suspicions of child molestation at the day care center at the Presidio Army base in San Francisco, but were never charged.[51]
In 1994, Aquino sued Linda Blood, a former member of the Temple of Set, for libel in her book The New Satanist, which made claims that the temple was part of the nation-wide Satanic conspiracy that was molesting children and committing murders. The book depicted Aquino and his followers as “pedophiles, child abusers, murderers and the masterminds behind a nationwide satanic conspiracy.”[52] The case was settled out of court, with details of the settlement kept confidential.
Lawrence E. King Jr.
Paul Bonacci
The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations took place between 1988 and 1991 and involved an alleged child sex-ring serving prominent citizens of Nebraska, as well as high-level U.S. politicians. The allegations centered on the actions of Lawrence E. King Jr., who ran the now defunct Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (FCFCU) in Omaha, Nebraska, which catered to the local African-American community. King sang the National Anthem at the Republican convention in 1984 and described as the fastest rising African-American star in the Republican Party. He had a townhouse in Washington, DC, where he threw parties with many prominent guests. In August 1988, he threw a $100,000 party at the Republican convention, and appeared in a video in which he and Jack Kemp urged blacks to vote for George H.W. Bush.[53]
Court documents and the book by DeCamp, who served as an attorney of Paul Bonacci, one of the victims, state that King organized groups of children to sexually blackmail and compromise politicians and businessmen, and that King had political ties that reached the presidency of the United States. The allegations also claimed that the alleged sex ring was led by a cult of devil worshipers involved in the mutilation, sacrifice and cannibalism of numerous children.
Bonacci, who suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), stated that as a youth, he had been transported across the US, when he was forced to “scavenge” for children to be a part of the defendant King’s sexual abuse and pornography, to have sex with various people, to deliver drugs and participate in satanic snuff films, where Larry King was present. He identified the Bohemian Grove in Northern California as the location of a satanic murder, and he had inside-knowledge about many satanic ritual abuse cases around the country at which he claimed to have been present. Bonacci has stated that he was flown to Europe aboard planes at Omaha’s Offutt Air Force Base of the Strategic Air Command, which is tied to the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.[48]
Johnny Gosch
Noreen Gosch, mother of Johnny Gosch who was kidnapped when he was 12, testified at Bonacci’s hearing on his behalf on February 5, 1999, in the civil lawsuit against King. Gosch was responsible for the passage of legislation on behalf of missing children, and due to her efforts, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was created. She carried out her own investigation about her son’s disappearance over the years and observed at this hearing that if the FBI had actually done their job in her case, it would have “opened up the biggest scandal in the United States, bigger than the Iran-Contra story.”[55] Bonacci gave information to Gosch about the kidnapping of her son, and admitted to participating in his kidnapping.
Gosch claimed her son, Johnny, visited her in March of 1997 and told her the exact same story Bonacci had, and asked her to make these claims public. He said kidnapped children and others were being used by professional pedophiles and some of those children were victims of mind control. In Gosch’s book, Why Johnny Can’t Come Home, she wrote that he and three others claimed that Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, was involved in Johnny’s kidnapping. Gosch stated the following in the court hearing:
There was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearance. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He’s founded the Temple of Set. And he was also a very close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use this experimentation upon children… where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples so that when they’re questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence.
They use these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of… they were taken to be used by professional pedophiles. People that have the money to buy what they want, take the kids wherever they want… and by splitting the children’s personalities they could then train each one of the personalities to do a different function. And the rest of the personalities within that host personality would not be aware of it or remember it.[56]
Bonacci was also pimped by Roy Cohn’s good friend Craig Spence, a close associate of Larry King, who was hosting parties attended by, among others, journalists Eric Sevareid, Ted Koppel and William Safire; former CIA Director William Casey; the late John Mitchell, attorney general in the Nixon administration; conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly; Ambassador James Lilley; General Alfred Gray, the commandant of the Marine Corps; and Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor-in-chief of The Washingon Times.[57]
Spence, who often boasted of working for the CIA, bugged his parties and added a two-way mirror to compromise guests, provided cocaine, blackmailed some associates and spent up to $20,000 a month on male prostitutes, according to friends, acquaintances and records.[58] However, Spence’s name came to national attention following a June 28, 1989 article in the Washington Times, which discovered that he arranged at least four midnight tours of the White House, on which he took with him then fifteen-year-old foster child prostitute Paul Bonacci whom he falsely identified as his son. The Washington Times reported that “Mr. Spence hinted the tours were arranged by ‘top level’ persons,” including Donald Gregg, national security adviser to Vice President George H.W. Bush.[59] When pressed to identify who it was who got him inside the White House, Spence asked “Who was it who got Félix Rodríguez in to see Bush?” alluding to Gregg.[60]
A few months before his death, Spence hinted at being involved in still worse crimes. “All this stuff you’ve uncovered (involving call boys, bribery and the White House tours), to be honest with you, is insignificant compared to other things I’ve done. But I’m not going to tell you those things, and somehow the world will carry on.”[61] According to his business associate, Spence let him know in advance that the CIA might “doublecross him,” and kill him instead “and then to make it look like a suicide.” Within several months, Spence committed suicide while the records of the investigation were sealed.[62]
Omaha World-Herald publisher Harold Andersen
Bonacci named the same alleged abusers as other accusers, naming Larry King, then Omaha Police Chief Wadman, and Omaha World-Herald publisher Harold Andersen.[63] Bonacci also named seeing Alisha Owen at King’s parties, and to have personally witnessed Wadman abusing her. Owen claimed to have impregnated by Wadman. When several victims discussed being subjected to child pornography, Nebraska Senator Loran Schmit’s Franklin committee investigator Gary Caradori went looking for evidence. Bonacci suggested King’s photographer Rusty Nelson. Nelson also testified that he had met with Caradori in Chicago in mid-1990, and provided Caradori photographs and other documents which corroborated the testimonies of the child victims. Caradori called his boss, Nebraska State Senator Loran Schmit, to inform him that they now had the subjects of their investigation “by the short hairs.”[64] But, flying back to Nebraska from Chicago with that evidence a couple of days later in his private plane, Caradori and his 10-year-old son A.J. were blown out of the sky, in an explosion which has never been explained.
In February of 1989, the chief investigator of Senator Schmit’s subcommittee, Jerry Lowe, sent a memo to its members, stating, “What appears to be documented cases of child abuse and sexual abuse dating back several years with no enforcement action taken by the appropriate agencies is… mind boggling.” Lowe finally resigned. In the World Herald, Lowe related that Schmit informed him that there was “pressure to stop the investigation” which Schmit confirmed: “I have gotten phone calls threatening me. I’ve been told to leave it alone or my kids were going to be orphans.”[65]
Jeff Gannon (a.k.a. Johnny Gosch?)
In Jury 1990, chief prosecutor Judge Samuel VanPelt ignored the evidence of Schmit’s subcommittee, and determined that Caradori’s abuse allegations were baseless, describing them as a “carefully crafted hoax” and indicted two of the accusers on perjury charges. A federal grand jury in 1991 also suggested that the abuse stories originated from a vindictive employee terminated by Boys Town, the famed refuge for troubled youths.[66] However, on February 7, 1990, US Magistrate Richard Kopf ordered that King be sent to a federal medical facility in Springfield, Missouri for a mental health evaluation, after which King was diagnosed as a “probable delusional paranoid disorder,” and deemed unfit to stand trial.[67] Later, a federal grand jury concluded that the abuse allegations were unfounded and indicted 21-year-old Alisha Owen on eight counts of perjury. The same grand jury also indicted multiple officers of the credit union, including King, for crimes related to the embezzlement of funds from the credit union.[68]
Finally, on February 27, 1999, the U.S. District Court of the District of Nebraska awarded Bonacci $1 million in compensatory damages and punitive damages, related to the Franklin Cover-Up. Omaha’s Franklin Community Federal Credit Union handler, Larry King Jr., was held responsible for the damages done to Bonacci, due to King’s failure to respond to the lawsuit from jail.[69]
George W. Bush and Jeff Gannon
In 2005, the Internet was abuzz with rumors that Johnny Gosch had finally been identified, and was believed to be using the alias of Jeff Gannon. Gannon was the false name used by James Dale Guckert, who posed as a conservative columnist who was given rare press access to the White House between 2003 and 2005. Gannon first gained national notoriety during a presidential press conference on January 26, 2005, when he posed President George W. Bush a question that some in the press corps considered “so friendly it might have been planted.”[70] Gannon later came under public scrutiny for his lack of a journalistic background prior to his work with Talon and his involvement with various gay escort service websites using the professional name “Bulldog.” Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI agent who has been working on the Gosch case for more than a decade said, “I'm convinced 99 percent that he is Johnny Gosch.” His assertion is based on a confidential source from whom he claims to have videotape testimony that identified Gannon as Gosch.[71] Noreen Gosch, who has seen the videotape, believes the man is credible. Jim Rothstein, a retired New York Police Detective who spent years investigating child slavery, pedophile rings, including Roy Cohn, agrees that the evidence supports that Gannon is actually Johnny Gosch. “To me Gannon looks like Johnny,” says Rothstein. “Everything just fits - the profile, the M.O., everything.”[72]
[1] Jim Hougan. Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA (New York: Random House, 1984). p. 120.
[2] John DeCamp. The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (AWT, 1992), p. 179.
[3] John de Camp. “The Franklin Coverup,” (AWT, Inc, 1996) p. 179.
[4] Paul David Collins. “The Ghost of Roy Cohn.” Conspiracy Archive (August 24, 2014).
[5] J. Anthony Lukas. “A New Explanation of Watergate.” New York Times (November 11, 1984). Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/1984/11/11/books/a-new-explanation-of-watergate.html
[6] Victor Davis Hanson. The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece (University of California Press, 1994, 2009), p. 124.
[7] Victor David Hanson. “Oliver Stone perpetuates a classical myth.” National Review (December 16, 2004).
[8] Roger Moore. “300 as Fascist Art.” Orlando Sentinel (March 7, 2007).
[9] On Holy Terror. “Comic book hero takes on al-Qaeda,” BBC News (February 15, 2006).
[10] Alexander Abad-Santos. “Why Gay Guys Love the ‘300’ Movies,” The Atlantic (March 7, 2014).
[11] Sgt. Davis, jimbo-football, “US Marines Mostly Gay.” Topix (Oct 24, 2011 and Jun 1, 2014); Camilo Domonoske, “20 Marines Face Possible Punishment Over Hazing At Parris Island.” NPR (September 15, 2016).
[12] Michael Scarce. Male on Male Rape: The Hidden Toll of Stigma and Shame (Cambridge, Mass: Perseus Publishing, 1997), p. 48.
[13] Kay Griggs, Jeff Rense radio show (August 3, 2005).
[14] Joel V. Heijden. “Kay Griggs Investigated.” Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (November 5, 2001).
[15] Jim Hougan. Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA (Random House, 1984), p. 120.
[16] Affidavit of Colonel Edward Cutolo, signed March 11, 1980.
[17] Susan B. Trento. Power House: Robert Keith Gray and the Selling of Access and Influence in Washington (New York: St. Martin’s, 1992), p. 97-103.
[18] “Ex-Bush Aide Met With Noriega Sources: Visit Gave Him ‘Mixed Signals’” Newsday (Melville, NY), (January 17, 1988)
[19] “Moon’s Church Founded by Korean CIA Chief as Political Tool, Panel Says.” Washington Star (March 16, 1978).
[20] Trento. Prelude to Terror, p. 172.
[21] Ibid..
[22] DeCamp. The Franklin Coverup, p. 179.
[23] Emily Langer. “Bob Gray, influential Washington lobbyist and founder of Gray & Co., dies at 92.” Washington Post (April 22, 2014).
[24] Newsweek Staff. “The BCCI-CIA Connection: Just How Far Did it Go?” Newsweek (December 6, 1992). Retrieved from https://www.newsweek.com/bcci-cia-connection-just-how-far-did-it-go-195454
[25] “The Qaddafi connection.” New York Times (June 14, 1981).
[26] Trento. Prelude to Terror, p. 171.
[27] Peter Maas. Manhunt: The Incredible Pursuit of a CIA Agent Turned Terrorist (Random House, 1986).
[28] Trento. Prelude to Terror, p. 226.
[29] Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (University of California Press, 1996) p. 238.
[30] Ibid.
[31] Susan B. Trento. “Lord of the lies; how Hill and Knowlton’s Robert Gray pulls Washington’s strings.” Washington Monthly (September 1, 1992); Stephen Labaton. “Darth Vader of the Lobbyists.” The New York Times (August 23, 1992).
[32] Affidavit of Daniel P. Sheehan.
[33] Stephen Labaton. “Darth Vader of the Lobbyists.” The New York Times (August 23, 1992).
[34] Murray Waas. “Al Regnery’s Secret Life.” New Republic (June 22, 1986).
[35] Trento. The Power House.
[36] James J. Kilpatrick. “Nude Women, Mud Pies, And The Deficit.” The Blade (September 26, 1986).
[37] Trento. The Power House, pp. 193–200.
[38] Jeffrey Goodell. “What Hill & Knowlton Can Do for You, (And What It Couldn't Do for Itself).” New York Times (September 9, 1990).
[39] Charles Sennott. Broken Covenant (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992).
[40] Village Voice (Feb. 20, 1990).
[41] Martin A. Lee. “Their Will Be Done,” Mother Jones (July/August 1983).
[42] “Knights of Darkness: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta,” Covert Action Bulletin (Winter 1986) Number 25.
[43] Brussell. “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination.”
[44] Lee. “Their Will Be Done.”
[45] “AmeriCares” SourceWatch (accessed November 16, 2016)
[46] Matthew Phelan. “Seymour Hersh and the men who want him committed.” Salon.com (February 28, 2011).
[47] “Christian Broadcasting Network.” Southern Poverty Law Center (December 31, 1990).
[48] Ronald Reagan. “Remarks at the Annual Dinner of the Knights of Malta in New York, New York.” The American President Project (January 13, 1989).
[49] Adam Parfrey & Craig Heimbichner. Ritual America: Secret Brotherhoods and Their Influence on American Society: A Visual Guide (Feral House, Mar. 6, 2012).
[50] DeCamp. The Franklin Coverup, p. 328.
[51] Eugene V. Gallagher. The New Religious Movements Experience In America (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004) . p. 195.
[52] William H. Kennedy. Satanic Crime (2006), pp. 21-23.
[53] Nick Bryant. Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal (Waterville, OR: Trine Day, 2009).
[54] Allen Douglas. “Explosive New Edition of Book About Satanism in Nebraska.” New Federalist, (January 27, 1997).
[55] Ted Gunderson Report, www.johnnygosch.com (June 28, 2000).
[56] February 19, 1999, PAUL A. BONACCI vs. LAWRENCE E. KING, 4:CV91-3037, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA; $1 Million Default Judgment Awarded for Conspiracy, Emotional Abuse, Battery, False Imprisonment.
[57] “Power broker served drugs, sex at parties bugged for blackmail” Washington Times (June 30, 1989).
[58] John Mintz, Martha Sherrill & Elsa Walsh. “The Shadow World of Craig Spence.” The Washington Post (July 18, 1989).
[59] Michael Hedges & Jerry Seper. “Spence arrested in N.Y., released; Once-host to powerful reduced to begging, sleeping in park.” The Washington Times (August 9, 1989).
[60] “Spence Arrested in N.Y., Released.” Washington Post (Augus 9, 1989).
[61] Hedges & Seper. “Spence arrested in N.Y., released.”
[62] “Power broker served drugs, sex at parties bugged for blackmail” Washington Times (June 30, 1989).
[63] Vedat Sar, Warwick Middleton & Martin Dorahy. Global Perspectives on Dissociative Disorders: Individual and Societal Oppression (Routledge, 2016).
[64] Bryant. Franklin Scandal.
[65] Ibid.
[66] “Nebraska grand Jury protects child abuse.” EIR Volume 17, Number 31, (August 3, 1990); Williams Robbins. “Omaha Grand Jury Sees Hoax in Lurid Tales.” The New York Times (July 29, 1990).
[67] “Trial is Delayed in Omaha Scandal.” The New York Times (March 31, 1990).
[68] “Omaha Tales of Sexual Abuse Ruled False.” The New York Times (September 27, 1990).
[69] Judge Warren Urbom. “In the United States District Court For the District of Nebraska Paul A. Bonacci, Plaintiff 4:CV91-3037 vs Lawrence E. King, Defendant.” Memorandum of Decision Filed February 22, 1999. U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska (February 27, 1999).
[70] “Congresswoman Asks for Probe After 'Gannon' Quits WH Reporting Post.” Editor and Publisher. (February 9, 2005).
[71] Tim Schmitt. “Death of a Conspiracy.” Retrieved from http://www.ranprieur.com/readings/gosch.html
[72] Ibid.