The Chaldean Magi


Bardaisan (154 – 222 AD), known in Arabic as ibn Dayṣān and in Latin as Bardesanes, was a Syriac-speaking Assyrian Christian writer and teacher with a gnostic background, and founder of the Bardaisanites. A scientist, scholar, astrologer, philosopher, hymnwriter,[4] and poet, Bardaisan was also renowned for his knowledge of India, on which he wrote a book, now lost.[5] According to the early Christian historian Eusebius, Bardaisan was at one time a follower of the gnostic Valentinus, but later opposed Valentinian gnosticism and also wrote against Marcionism.

Quoted from Eusebius, Preparation for the Gospel

Book VI, Chap. X, p. 275c-d:

Among the Persians it was lawful to marry their daughters, and sisters, and mothers: and these unholy marriages the Persians practiced not only in that country and that clime, but also any of them who migrated from Persia, those who are called Magusaei continue to practice the same iniquity, handing down the same laws and customs to their children in succession.

Book VI, Chap. X, p. 279a:

...the Magusaei marry their daughters not only in Persia, but also in every nation where they may dwell, observing the laws of their forefathers, and the initiatory rites of their mysteries.